Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Look up the definition of CC. Pacify is not CC.

Yes. Not quite sure how I feel about how it would interact with hack or if secondary fire should be affected but overall that’s the idea; an ability like this should be very powerful. I was thinking more of a short range chemical spray like a Reaper/Torb shotgun where over half the pellets hit; something that would hit quite reliably at short range, but sleep dart mechanics might work better depending on the direction that people want to take with this.

Like I envisioned it to buy time for a GA cooldown during a backline duel or to allow someone to GA toward a teammate and keep a threat down until their teammate can recover and respond. The best GA users could probably boost over a shield and spray down at a target right as the engage happens.

Technically you’re not wrong but if balanced such that it actually has sufficient impact, I’d believe it would fall under disarm/silence. Playing the long term numbers game as one would in some MMO would happen too slowly in OW.

Omg I can’t stop giggling at the mental image I got when you described it as a spray.

Mercy with a can of mace… :joy:


Lol that’s kinda what inspired it. Nonlethal weapons would totally fit her pacifist nature.

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As it’s currently drawn out, I think it’s sufficiently powerful, given that it’s able to negate Nanoboost or Zenyatta’s personal 50% damage bonus to Discorded enemies. For the lower boosts (like Mercy’s 30% Damage boost) and unboosted enemies, Pacify will lower their damage output, but never to a point where it’d feel like a Disarm CC.

I’d prefer it to have some long-range capability, so Mercy can use it like a chessmaster and hit people she sees are Up To No Good.

Flanking Mcree? High Nope.


Can’t say I like the idea of balancing around the assumption that discord or damage boost will always be available, and think it would feel like a disarm CC for characters without high burst, which already struggle in the current/previous meta and had difficulties with pre-nerf rally armor. Like I’d prefer a disarm ability over damage mitigation, it avoids a lot of the potential issues.

Also discord was nerfed to 30% a long time ago, I think it was the patch where he was buffed to 200hp.

Given her kit I don’t see Mercy as a long range hero overall, which imo is Ana/Zen territory, but screwing over ults from across the map is quite fun. I’d be worried about consistency and practicality but maybe add a mechanic where GA usage somehow boosts the range?

It is, for Zenyatta’s team mates. Zenyatta himself still retains the 50% boost. I called it his ‘personal’ boost for a reason.

They boosted the base damage of his primary/secondary fire to match; it does higher damage on targets without discord than it used to.

I stand corrected. Doesn’t really change my point on Pacify, though.

Neither will Pacify, given the fact that it’s a cooldown ability. Or do you mean they (Blizzard) might remove those abilities at some point? That’d be plain weird.

As proposed, it would feel like a disarm CC for many(but not all) characters unless there was a Zen or Mercy on the team.

I’m thinking about something that has long range capabilty, but gets less accurate over longer distances.

It’s why I originally made the comparison to a Symmetra orb when describing Pacify. It takes a moment to charge up, and it’s far from the fastest projectile in the game, but it’s pretty reliable in close-quarters-combat. The farther you get from that, the more mechanical skill and reflexes it takes to land the shot.

Imagine Mercy firing something that looks like a half-sized golden Symmetra orb from the end of her staff, and you have a pretty good image of my ideal visual for Pacify.

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Upping this

20 characters


We need our angel back. Shameless bump.

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Repost the thread in social medias/discord, we need to get it to N1 all time


Let’s not bump this thread too many times. It’s supposed to be a discussion about the rework suggested in the OP, not the forum equivalent of bumper cars, after all.


I agree, but if we let it sink too far it might not come back.

I’d hate for this thread to be lost to the depths of the forums.


I think people in this topic might be interested in current support statistics

Here’s Grandmaster statistics of Healing and Damage in competitive:
Moira: H/13,408 - D/6,351
Mercy: 11,786 - 316
Ana: 10,663 - 4,506
Brigitte: 8,238 - 6,929
Lucio: 8,061 - 7,180
Zenyatta: 7,530 - 10,413

And here’s the same list in Master:
Moira: H/12,902 - D/6,628
Mercy: 11,642 - 353
Ana: 10,171 - 4,365
Lucio: 8,360 - 6,850
Brigitte: 7,882 - 6,476
Zenyatta: 7,300 - 9,848

(Change settings to This Week, PC, Competitive, Support, Mast/GM, Primary)


I always wished someone would make a 8bit Overwatch like they did Gang Garrison 2 for TF2.

I really really really hope someone from the dev team sees this, that’s why it needs to be kept on fp as long as possible. I know they’re probably super busy because of blizzcon coming up, so we gotta make sure it doesn’t get lost!
Maybe our angel will get some more lore soon <3

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