Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Oh good. It wasn’t for me , but I think market competition keeps things positive

Well idk about shutting down, but I am pro variety. If a game makes all the old ow fans happy including mass rez players…I think that’s a net win

I say yes. You’ll figure out money …or won’t and will fail. And that’s okay! You don’t have disney money supporting you. And that’s a good thing imo

I like mercy right now, pacify is interesting, but I mean- don’t fix what’s not broken(at least she doesn’t feel bad right now) Can’t say I enjoy the amount of people arguing that she needs more agency, but yeah, these are significantly better changes than what i’ve heard suggested.

Love the fact that you don’t suggest “remove DB up healing” which is just said too often.

third theory: Blizzard will be so impressed with Titaniums airplane game that they decide to make it the basis of OW2, and in 30 days Blizzard will announce that Titanium will be replacing Papa Jeff as the customer facing face of OW to the world

That would be flattering, but otherwise I wouldn’t care.

I would decline the job offer.


I can’t support this. Big daddy Jeff already lost his beard to the war. Idk titanium’s face but nothing is better than big daddy Jeff and his magnificent locks

This is totally unrelated to anything whatsoever, but scrolling through the Overwatch Forums at 120 FPS is so much smoother than scrolling through with 60 FPS. I wonder how this looks in-game. :thinking:


Fourth theory on the ominous thing that will happen in 30 days: sales of Titaniums airplane game earned him enough money to buy a controlling interest in Blizzard; and he intends to use that power to delete all game accounts of anyone who ever naysayed the three leaders (AR, RM, and T) of the Mercy forum raid

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I’m actually a pleb who can’t really tell the difference. I recently started playing the switch and the frames difference apparently is huge for some people from xbox but … I play fine :woman_shrugging:t5:

Who dis?

Edit: Oh wait, nevermind.

Memories I would rather bury, since it reminds me of time, when I weren’t automatically doomed to fail in certain circumstances.

So, resurrecting this thread (pun intended) after my thread about E-Rez received some heat.

I’ve concluded that I like Pacify and I also like my idea of Preemptive Rez (though I can see this being problematic). But I’d also keep Valkyrie and give her a single Rez during Valkyrie and only during Valkyrie.

some times i need to valk

some times i need to rez

the two dont tend to occur at the same time

so no, i would not want such a change

Does it even matter anymore?

They more or less nerfed all supports in the ground in favour of DPS, it’s so horribly DPS watch now, it is unreal!

Overwatch demonstrated me, what is definition of insanity. It’s when you are trying to save your teammates, already knowing, that they are destined to die.

Think it’s only game, where not only my efforts are often for nothing, but where I am expected to keep trying, despite my efforts being futile. And despite knowing, that I can just switch to DPS and get exact same rewards for less efforts.


Why is this so ominous

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Because I’m very patient and very persistent.

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[the imperial march from star wars plays]

I can tell lmao.

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Balancing and reworks dont matter for Overwatch 1 people, it means jack. The only hope for anything now is in Overwatch 2 where all the brains and development went.

Listen to what your saying 1.0 rez can rez 1 person or 5 people, assuming mercy is being cheeky to rez 5 people thats 5 rezes, current rez assuming one person dies every 30 sec and mercy is on it that is 2 mins and 30 sec to get the same equivalent benefit. That rez is the one reason no one minds blowing there ult for a mercy kill. Not to mention there are several things you can do to stop rez like a boop or killing her.

Tell ya right now adding a resource mechanic with a CD mechanic will make her boring, not to mention a useless head ache cause how the game goes right now i would always have the resource by time i want to rez.

I don’t know why people want something they can’t gauge. Right now you see mercy rez you know she is on a 30 sec CD it will always be 30 sec CD it makes it a static ability. You add a resource to it then your talking plus or minus 30 sec in simple terms.