Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I’m going to actually cry


she used to be more fun no? i could swear she could revive the whole team at some point. now it’s a single player revive. talk about ruining winning conditions :slight_smile:

Watching your teammates getting erased with your pathetic 60 hps trying to outheal ults, while you can’t do anything about it, isn’t fun.


Case in point, just ran back from Spawn an my team had just died. I pulled Mass Rez (one of the few 5 man’s I ever preformed) thinking I had accounted for all enemies Ults. Leave it to a Tracer to still have her Ult, she threw it into our midst an right when Invulnerability (for team, pre Mercy Invulnerability) ended it went off turning a 5 man Rez into a 6 man team kill. That Tracer got a 10 vote card for pulling that, an yeah one of the votes was mine.


YEAH, just keep going “Play a new (different) hero”. Like we haven’t heard “choose another Healer (Hero, new hero, etc.)” a ton of times. For your information, I do play other Heroes, and healers. But what was done to Mercy just because of toxic streamers (Pros) who admit they hate Mercy, the streamer’s followers, sayings like “Mercy is a no aim/no brain hero” and “Mercy is ALWAYS Hiding”, Mass Rez being “unfun to play against” when any Ult that kills or saves enemy teammates is unfun to play against, and only 1 legitimate reasoning behind the Rework (“Hide and Rez” SR Exploit) Mercy was changed.
Fix the problem, don’t brush it under the rug with a FAILED rework that required 15 Nerfs just to make it ‘Balanced’, an many of the Nerfs were not needed in the first place.


Stop using “Anti-Mercy” to refer to people asking for changes to Mercy. It’s utterly nonsensical. You don’t see anyone calling people who want changes to Junkrat “anti-Junkrat”. You didn’t see anyone calling people asking for buffs to Mcree, “anti-Mcree”. Either use better wording, or don’t bother talking about it as all you’re doing is adding terminology that doesn’t apply to the situation and causing a mess.




That is the best image, thank you!



There is no decision-making skill needed when one of the possible answers is “All of the above.”

We’re talking about Valkyrie, remember?

Actually, just about every hero in the game can carry a team of potatoes if the player is good enough.

A GM Mercy isn’t going to carry a team of Platinum players against a team of Diamond players. That’s not to say she has no influence in the fight ever, but she has virtually no carry potential due to having no sudden impact abilities. A GM Ana on the other hand… she could single-handedly carry that game.

The fact that you feel and useless to the team. You know; the polar opposite of what a player should feel in a competitive team game.

Ironically, it’s during Valkyrie when this feeling hits, because that’s when you’re idle in the skybox hitting maximum capacity without doing anything. Mercy feels more impactful in her base kit of GA/beams than she does in Valkyrie, because your decisions outside of Valkyrie actually matter.


EMP doesn’t rely upon teammates to get value out of it. Sombra can pop in, EMP, and kill both supports (who are now crippled because they cannot use their abilities) before Translocating away.

Suggesting that EMP relies upon teammates to get any value out of it is like saying that Earthshatter relies upon teammates to get any value out of it. Sure, teammates might help, but the hero can still secure a couple kills by themselves without breaking a sweat.


I know you’re trying to be crafty here, but Mercy is the one on the hero selection screen. If you’re trying to make some point, it’s completely lost on me.

EMP can also shut down some enemy ults, which also doesn’t require her team to do.


Expanding on this point and relating it to why pros hate Mercy – I saw a video of Elk where he explained why he didn’t use Mercy in a quad-DPS comp on Route 66 first point during NA Contenders, and he gave 3 reasons: “I hate playing Mercy, first of all”, “second of all, I hate playing Mercy”, and – “third of all, I really don’t enjoy playing Mercy”. This despite the fact that this composition is first played by Stormquake in Korean Contenders, and they preferred Mercy because she has the mobility to keep up with a fast quad-DPS setup as compared to Ana.

I like Elk, and to be honest, if I was a pro in OW Contenders trying to make it in OWL, I would not like Mercy either. Mercy as a hero does not have “outplay” potential, meaning she isn’t an ideal hero for OW pros to demonstrate “pro” skills.

TO BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I have nothing against pros not wanting to play Mercy – their game is not the casual game that I want to play, I don’t do it for fame or megabucks, I just play it to de-stress and have fun. And I actually admire Elk for being forthright and candid about his views. But the point stands – Mercy has to be impactful, she has to have carry and outplay potential, and that impact has to flow with her mobility, not work against it the way e-rez does.


I’m a bit late to reply (Vacation™), but I submitted a rework proposal to her through Twitter.


Is this the grand post in which you supposedly dismantled the OP of this thread? :thinking:


It’s a compelling argument. I don’t see how you’ll make it out of this one!

Also, nearly four months and 8300 posts later, still no recognition from the devs… They’re listening!


Welcome back “Cult Leader”. Sure missed your style of answers :grinning:


Maybe 150 health 350 armor?
I would be too reluctant to go further than that because people started making BS claims of D.va 1 v 6 when she went from 200h300a to 300h300a.

I never knew that :wink: