Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I look at support in the broadest way possible – supports are not supposed to focus on helping a single carry hero achieve his/her goal, a support is supposed to help the whole team, and in the process of helping the team, the support can build themselves up to an ult that swings a team fight.

I have seen so many games by streamers where they want a Mercy to pocket them because they are DPS masters that can carry a game solely through their superior DPS mechanics, and this idea is wrong (a game by Seagull a long time ago playing S76 comes to mind – Mercy was pocketing him exclusively to defend 2nd point Hanamura). The idea that a single DPS hero is capable of carrying the whole team solely because of a healing/rez pocket is unfair to the rest of the team who isn’t part of the DPS-Mercy pair.

I loathe the idea that Mercy should be played as solely as a pocket support, it just doesn’t promote good team play strategies, and I detest the streamers who promoted this idea to Blizzard in the first place.

In my view, the meta Mercy belongs to is supposed to encourage their team mates to take prudent risks (aka chip damage) that does not one-shot them, and the resulting heals are supposed to build up to a team-fight advantage once Mercy’s ult is achieved. Where, in the greater scheme of things, do you think Pacify belongs to in this sort of meta?

I agree that a single target Pacify would not address my concerns. The scenarios where I see Pacify used: a.) an ability meant to provide a DPS pocketed by Mercy a decisive advantage in a DPS vs. DPS duel, b.) another escape ability for Mercy being targeted by a flanker, and c.) if the Pacify debuff goes on for a long time, an ability to counter an enemy DPS ult. There could be more, but these three are the immediate ones that come to mind.

One scenario where I think Pacify is useful against – an annoying Doomfist and his uppercut-shotgun combo.

Pacify, as originally proposed, feels a lot like an Ana sleep dart.

That’s why I prefer an area-effect sort of debuff that is short to mid range, something more akin to an Ana bio-nade that tells the enemy team, “Back off from my tanks!”. My favorite hero is Reinhardt, and the most annoying tactic by the enemy team is a Brig-shield bash combo followed by damage dogpiled by every short and mid ranged DPS in the enemy team – MCree FTH, S76 rockets, etc.etc.

As soon as shields are down, I want Mercy to have an ability that stops the free-for-all that follows – multiple debuffed enemies would just back off and let Mercy continue healing her team. And if the cooldown is long enough, it can be timed to coincide with Mercy’s ult so that the decrease in enemy overall damage would incentivize Mercy to damage boost on Valk for a decisive team fight advantage.


Pretty bold of you to assume something like that.

That sounds more like a you problem. I literally said that’s an off healers job, not mercy’s and you went on to explain why it wasn’t mercys job, for what ever reason.

Can we dial down the sass, Kaz? Please? It’s not exactly encouraging a civil tone for discussion.


I don’t know, can we?

Yes, we can. Akira and MrPls are trying to say that your posts could be worded more clearly (I feel the same way), so there’s less misunderstandings.


It doesn’t get much clearer.

What’s the context for that first quote? (what’s it replying to?) Including context is very important, and not having enough is part of why Akira/MrPls/me called your posts confusing.


Can be achieved two ways:

  • you buff that unlucky teammate being focus fired, so you still have time to use damage boost and not risking their death;
  • you debuff multiple enemies, so they are easier to handle;

Second option, however, requires offensive kind of debuff, that makes enemies easier to kill, otherwise they can survive until debuff expires.

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Press the arrow and see for yourself. If you really don’t know the conversation yet you’re going to claim you know what the conversation was about enough to not understand it, you really have no place to speak on the matter objectively, and probably shouldn’t have, as by all accounts you don’t know the context.

In shameless defense of Pacify:

An extra effect could be added could be making the target’s cc less effective (stuns don’t last as long, boops don’t move as far). This would add a much needed counter to cc that dodges the concern of “unstoppable dragonblade” situations.

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Brigitte isn’t only hero with CC, returning us to same problem: you have to buff one teammate that is about to get hit with CC, or debuff multiple enemies at once, otherwise that effect becomes limited to 1v1 scenarios.

Here is idea, that scales depending on enemies present, and designed for team fights:
Weapons down!
Mercy unleashes energy wave, that reduces enemy damage, depending on amount of enemies in the area. Base effect is -10% damage, with additional -10% for each enemy in the area.

If you manage to get whole enemy team caught in the AoE, you get strong -50% damage dealt by all of them.

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All I asked for is that extra quote. No need to be rude…

I didn’t know the context because you didn’t provide it in the original quote chain.


I personally find it rude you single me out personally for returning what was given to begin with.

and yet you took it upon yourself to speak on the matter as if you had. My point exactly.

Uhh… what?

All I said was “more context, please.” That’s it.


Sure that’s all you said, if we ignore the reason why you and me are even having this discussion to begin with.


How is wanting to have a civil discussion without miscommunications a bad thing?


I don’t know if you’re being willfully ignorant or not so i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here.

I made the comment you replied to initially in the exact same tone that was given to me on two occasions.

You completely ignored the comments I was replying to and took it upon yourself to single me out, without knowing the context of why that comment was made to begin with.

And then you’re asking me to provide you the context because you were to ignorant to read the conversation to begin with, yet felt justified in commenting on the conversation like you did know the context to begin with.

Does that about sum it up for you? And are you going to continue to excuse that type of behavior when it’s your friends doing it? No bad tactics only bad targets and all that.

Nah. It doesn’t sum it up for me at all.

If see a post that has wording that doesn’t make sense, or a quote chain that’s missing the first quote, I’ll ask for clarification. That’s not bad, it’s wanting to join in on the conversation (but not having all the info about what’s going on).


It’s one thing to join in the conversation. It’s another to address the conversation midway without actually knowing what the conversation was even about. To the point you literally took away from the conversation completely. From mercy’s ult not being a team saving defensive ult like the off healers tend to have, to what ever you call this.

If you were at all genuine, you would have taken it upon yourself to be informed if you truly wanted to join the conversation and not just defend your friends from having the same tactics used on them as they use on others.

You’re still more than welcome to join though. What do you think about Mercy’s ult. Is it supposed to be a team saving defensive ult like Lucio or Zen? Should Valk heal through a Genji blade? Both me and Akira seem to agree it doesn’t, as odd as it is for akira to say they disagree with that.

It’s not single teammate saving ult either, which still would be acceptable.