Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Didnt they also say she should be a great solo target healer?
Why does she even have chain beams and they even nerfed her healing?

looks at the devs Oh Blizz

audience laugh track plays in the background
devs shrug with a smile and looks in the camera


And to ensure, that she can’t avoid using her rez - let’s nerf her healing! It’s fun, isn’t it?


You mean the exact reason she was played even before he rework?

Yes, Rez is the other part of the great utility your first argument intentionally omitted. And yes, strong abilities usually do have catches to them. Mercy’s new res depends on the coordination of her team to get off incredibly risky res’, or incredibly smart game sense so mercy herself can get off that res. That’s called good balancing. If you could get off rez anytime anywhere without a problem, we would be back to Moth Meta.

That was totally not the argument made. The actual argument was along the lines of Mercy’s rework gave her great utility, therefore she needs to be nerfed in another thing she clearly excels at in order to balance the power behind her new found utility.

Pretty big difference in arguments there.

Mercy is having an identity crisis, just like Dva did for forever.


Personally I miss tank d.va. She’s more like a 600hp dps at this point.


Off tanks are usually like that.

Yes, I preferred protecting my team. I know people hated DM, but I loved it. I saved my squishies. :heart:


I honestly wanted armor back because I actually felt tanky


Even that alone would put her in a much better spot tank wise. Now she just gets shredded.

I agree. The health increase at the time was not needed, but you can’t win with the people who said she was too hard to kill, or whatever it is they complained about. They don’t want the armor either because of it.

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thats a problem was (obviously) referring to “People can’t come up with an idea together that they think is the best solution for what we are facing?” Spammed and cross linked isn’t part of that

She has one of the largest hitboxes in the game, has limited defense (DM) and a large cribox thats hard to miss. But for some reason, D.va was immortal and hard to take down.

I literally eat D.vas for breakfast when I play Mei.


Valk is what it is because of rez. Her healing has nothing to do with it.

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They nerfed her healing, because you could avoid using rez, and just keep teammates alive.
Just like they nerfed Valkyrie earlier, because players could avoid all nerfs they added to rez, and still resurrect someone in contested area, without becoming sniper bait in the process. They keep pushing Mercy to use suicide button more often.

Not going to happen, Blizzard: if healer requires protection just to use their utility, it won’t be used.

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tomato, tomato.

That actually looks really weird typing it rather than saying it out loud.

I agree, though i didn’t say her healing had anything to do with that. I did also talk about this specifically in the post I made to titanium

it does look weird its why I dont type it out but he clearly wasnt saying thats a problem in response to spammed and cross linked so its not tomato tomahto


Well that’s the part I quoted specifically as being the problem, intentionally ignoring the attempt to move the goalpost, though that was probably unintentional by them.

From what I understand, you said that her healing was nerfed to balance her rez. Her ult was nerfed to balance rez, which is stupid because her power should be in her ult.

Her most recent healing nerf was to bring her down to the level of the other supports. But let’s just buff the other ones anyway!

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But her ult was used exclusively to dodge cast time/slowdown on rez back there.