Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Yep, not even a “We’re aware of your concerns” just complete radio silence


No because it was never at 40…

Are we talking about consoles or PC?

That doesn’t matter, all balance changes for Ana have been the same across both platforms aside from the one change to her aim assist on console.

It’s like saying that Bastion never had 35% damage resistance in tank/turret form. He did, and was nerfed to 20%, because it was too broken.

??? What does that have to do with anything? You are trying to pass something off as fact that never actually happened. Ana has never had 40 damage.

Except she did, and people went mad, so Blizzard had to rise it to 60.

You’re gonna have to provide some sources cause I went over the patch notes and there is no mention of this anywhere.

Then sorry, my bad.:woman_shrugging:
Change logs are incomplete at times, so I checked old threads instead.

P.S. It was PTR change, apparently. Luckily it didn’t reach public.

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Ah, the famous PTR change that never hit live due to the unprecedented outrage.
Too bad Mercy didn’t get more than just complaints.

So, any word, yet, from a-certain-developer-who-has-been-invited-to-this-thread?

If I were on the balance team, I’d be scrambling to do something about Mercy’s sorry state. Next OWL season will start soon, and Mercy won’t have any part in it this time, by the looks of things.

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The problem is… They can’t improve mercy and make her dynamically entertaining without breaking her.

I mean… look at this way… when have you seen a raid where the center of attention and excitement is place solely on the cleric/Saladin just spamming heal, heal, heal

Mercy was balanced, but not dynamically entertaining.

Ironically, they instead brought hell with them to the OWL because of their own stupidity…


Hope they will realize, that with exception of OWL, no one cares about Mercy being “fun to watch”.

It never dropped to 40. I was there when the nerf happened. Not once in Ana’s history has her damage ever dropped below 60/shot.

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Listen to this genius here, they know what’s up.

Can confirm that the SC2 balance team is competent.


Fix Mercy already.


You mean Jeff Kaplan and Geoff Goodman? They arent around much it seems. I hope they at least were able to take a look at the suggested solutions for Mercy. At this point the dev team should be aware about the concerns we have the only question that remains is will they act upon them?


i know theres been plenty of mercy posts but i made a suggestion that i think would work out well for her if y’all wanna take a look, idk if this idea’s been suggested already or not but i personally havent seen so yeah