Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Like a widowmaker shot where it shows a bullet trace animation, I see what your getting at now.

Hmm? You’ve been in this thread for so long and you only think Titanium is the only one who wants mass Resurrect. Someone hasn’t been paying attention :stuck_out_tongue:

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She can be considered trash all she wants, I want her fun and not broken, thanks

EDIT: As long as res is being put anywhere but on her ult, she will remain mandatory/must pick/ broken. Even if you cut down her wings, Remove valk, lower her heal to 5hps, lower her dmg to 2 per bullet instead of 20 and her dmgB from 30% to 3%. As long as she has resurrect on a cooldown she will remain needed.

Bringing mass res fixes that issue. Adding the nerf the OP suggested fix the “hide and res” and “no counterplay” issues. The last issue people had with mercy 1.0 was lack of E ability. OP suggested one of the most polished out E abilities there is on the internet, its powerful, yet not as much as res to define a meta for 1+ year.
These are the 3 main issues that stand, having them terminated means blizz has to implement the upper changes.

Thank for your understanding, but if you are here just to continue screaming “I dont want mass res back” I’m just go on and flag it for spamming <3


Sorry if this is unrelated, but I absolutely LOVE the GIF included in this post!

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Never tell me how my odds are!

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This may be inrelevant but I wasn’t in junker town and Pharah died to widow and she was at the side building to the left on attack.so I ga with my gun and I shot her and meleed and then rezzed cause it was close battle.then the voice chat started bringing it up lol

Your wrong.
Sure mass res would be less powerful, but she get’s a good E ability to balance that out.
Mercy was considered bad because of to less utility, that gives her more, with more midfight potential.
It fixes and improves the issues 1.x Mercy had.
Saying that this would just be like 1.x were players assumed that Mercy is bad, tells me only two things.

You didn’t thought about the idea and you just had “mimimi revert” in your head.
I don’t mean that offensive, but you really should think about it or read it again.
As stated… This idea is not made by just one player, but by many. Of which some even preferred Valkyrie to stay in her kit.


Another great thread, bravo!

Absolutely in love with your solution section Titanium. Fingers crossed for something from Blizzard, as always.

That gif is unrealistic. There’s never been a Widowmaker that got near a payload let alone on it.


I have but in all honesty I was play with a tank mindset

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Mercy when she had Mass Rez - Had an Ult that made her slightly above troll pick…

Mercy when she had Valkyrie - Had an Ult that made her a must pick for 5 months straight…

Hmm… Yeah not sure if you’re right on that one. Mass res was overall the better ultimate. It’s all documented (Titanium literally gave you proof), so… Not sure what to tell ya.

You’re fine to like one more than the other, but I’m sorry… Saying Valkyrie is better than Mass Res is completely subjective, and borderline false. :man_shrugging:


That isn’t what I said at all

For quite a while now I have noticed the most enjoyable matches I have are when both teams decide to not use Mercy…

The main reason is obvious, her current res, but that’s not the only thing that bothers me about her kit.

I’m sorry to be pointing this out, but… you did say literally that.

No wonder people reacted the way they did.


You know it’s bad when that gif makes more sense than the other one!

But I am not talking about current live Valk

I am talking about a reworked Valk in that context.

To clarify, I do not think current Valk is better than Mass Res (which has been a problem since day 1 of the rework…because they essentially gave her a worse ult)

However, I do think that Valk is better than Mass Res if it was reworked in such a way that provided very strong healing and other benefits.

Nice save there… :wink:

But, i must disagree.


Haha. I know you do. Dont worry. Most people in this thread do :stuck_out_tongue:

For good reason.

I want my healing angel back. -.-

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To be honest, I just want a good version of Mercy that we can all be happy with.