Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

What stun lasts more than a second?

If teammate isn’t out of reach by the time Pacify expires, they are done for. That’s what I mean. CC really helps to neutralize it’s effect: can’t kill enemy right now, then stun them so you can continue afterwards. Especially with hack: disabling Genji’s mobility lasts quite a while.

If Pacify is supposed to be rescue ability, it needs either to help teammate get out faster, or to reduce enemy’s capabilities to slow their escape.

Precisely another issue lol which brings to debate, does Mercy have to be a debuffer as well when she suppose to be the living definition of a Healer and Healing/the embodiment of a healer should be her overall strength… example the ability to deny death by healing should be her main focus in terms of design

For her to have pacify, you either keep the strong healing and make pacify weak or you make pacify strong but completely change her character and abandon the idea of her being a strong healer.

Mercy is still capable of solo healing and being able to solo heal is something that requires skill.

It is too difficult to adjust Titanium’s proposal and have everything as it is, implemented into the game. It is still better to buff something than to constantly hit something with nerf.

Everyone though 2.0 was going to be balance that Mercy would decline slightly in pick rates and that other supports would have a chance of being played more. Everything on paper made Mercy sound brilliant and balance heck besides myself, only a few other people were purely against the idea. It wasn’t until after implementation that people actually joined me in the protest and admited that 2.0 was the step in the wrong direction.

Why are we repeating history and trying to blindside people with a glorified idea that is going to be a one way ticket to nerf city again.

Sleep Dart, Shield Bash and Flash Bang would be something I would consider a disabling effect… Pacify would be a hindrance like Ana’s nade, Discord and Venom Mine… hack would be a hybrid of both.

Still a debuff is a debuff, it will still create an opening.

Which is should be, we shouldn’t be saying stuff like it must be this idea, this idea has to be pushed through there is no way to improve this idea and no idea will be as good as this one.

Because it just means people are pushing a stagnated idea and if this doesn’t work and nerfing is just going to ruin her again… does that mean Mercy is up for deletion?

Because apparently this ‘Perfect’ idea is going to be the be all and end all of the current Mercy drama.

Hope I am getting my point across… like this idea cannot just end here and there has to be alternatives. Also… at the end of the day if Pre 1.0 and 1.0 is still the better Mercy, then it means no matter what we alter/add on to her… she will just go OP status then straight into a nerf cycle.

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And that’s a bad thing? Pacify is not supposed to be a be all, end all ability. It’s just an extra option for the Mercy player.

And it does. Say Genji pulls out DragonBlade. You Pacify him, reducing his damage by 33%, from 120 to 80. You are now able to almost completely negate his damage with your 60 HP/s healing beam. And even if that beam healed only 50 HP/s, you’d still almost guarantee your team mate(s) survived the ult.

Until there is a clensing ability to cure or purify Debuff or status effects or negate them… there isn’t a lot we can do. We are already in a state where CC is dominating some matches.

That’s what could really help Mercy then: ability, that reduces damage by 30% and makes teammate immune to CC for short time. Sombra still will be able to hack teammate. Obviously, CC immunity will be fairly short, close to one Zarya’s bubble provides.

Opens many opportunities for clutch saves.

Shield bash lasts a full second, Sleep Dart lasts 5.5 seconds, and Mei doesn’t even need to burn a cooldown to stun an enemy with her spray.

Still, that’s only a handful of options, with Ana’s sleep dart being the only one that can outright prevent you from getting value out of Pacify. A 1 second stun won’t do all that much against Pacify’s 4 seconds. Not to mention, none of this happens in a vacuum. There are a lot of external factors that decide the net value for Pacify (and other abilities).

And that concerns me: Pacify works great for interrupting 1v1 duels, but loses most of it’s value in team fights;even if you know exact enemy that has their ult and will use it, and hit that enemy, other ults will get your teammates.

Doesn’t the same apply to Sleep Dart?

Yes, and that’s why imitating it for Mercy doesn’t sound that good. Ana often uses it to stop that flanker coming for her, which Mercy rarely has troubles with.

Still, it can be put to better use by having decent team mates that know to not disturb the slept target, so you’ve removed someone from the team fight for 5.5 seconds. In that sense, it’s easier to get value out of Passify, as there are less mitigating factors in the game.

Hey, interesting fact, someone around here suggested we send letters and emails to blizzard as they read them. We should probably try.

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Would rather prefer Mercy to have her own bio nade ability, with it’s own unique effects. Or, and that would be quite annoying, Pacify should slow down enemy’s actions, like sleep dart with too small dose(remember, safety first, we don’t want to kill someone that way :smile:).

That means reduced fire rate, movement, and longer cooldown for any abilities that enemy player has.

We need to be careful to not make Pacify too frustrating to play against. A 4 second perceived drunkenness may not go down all that well.

Then why not make it projectile, rather than hitscan, as first step to that? If enemy gets hit, Mercy has good aim or that enemy is bad at dodging.

Won’t call it drunkenness, just like hero is half-asleep. Probably any player will prefer to get hit by that, rather than sleep dart or most other CC.

The Animation, of which i made the concept for, would still work and i originally even thought about it as a projectile. But than again, for Mercy as an entry level hero, it might be to hard to land, especially considering that the Mercy player would probably spent way to much time aiming for a target. The miss rate would be way higher and the ability might be close to useless.

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That’s another reason it’s better be fired at teammates instead :woman_shrugging:

And if someone will call it no skill, let them try to hit that jumping Genji you heal at the moment.

Btw, why not combine both ideas in one? Hitting enemy reduces damage they deal, and hitting teammate reduces damage they take, by same amount. All you need to do is hit someone, at least :grin:

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I would say that this is too much use again. She still has her DmgB, we can’t forget that and a DmgB synergises to well with a defense buff in the same kit.

Pre-rework Mercy was D-tier. Nerfing Resurrect and then introducing a decent E ability won’t shoot her up into must-pick status, especially not when the other healers have been buffed repeatedly since then.

There doesn’t need to be a compromise for something that isn’t problematic.

Ana has a higher basic heal rate and a much more powerful version of Pacify with a longer duration.

Suppose we were to take the proposed build and add it to the game, but without Pacify.

How viable would this Mercy be?

Again, pre-rework Mercy was D-tier, other healers have been buffed repeatedly, and this build nerfs Resurrect.

She would be F-tier without something else to make her worth playing.

Hence Pacify.

If I’m going to be honest, I think the proposed build might actually need a buff to keep up with the other supports given their current state.

This build was balanced around the state of healers before the latest patch.

Nobody is saying that Pacify will define good Mercy players from the bad ones. That will be defined not only by pacify, but by the player’s ability to keep the team healed, how they use Damage Boost, how they use their pistol, how they use GA, and how they use Resurrect. Pacify does increase Mercy’s skill ceiling by a lot, as it prompts the player to exercise more mechanical skill, even if only a little bit.

Quite frankly, a little bit of mechanical skill is a lot in contrast to Mercy’s current requirement. Adding a little bit to it can increase her skill ceiling by a deceptively large amount, and it makes the skills refined from playing Mercy more transferable.

That said, as I have said before, it does not violate Mercy’s skill ceiling. Her kit is necessarily reliant upon it to generate value, it it mechanically forgiving for a hitscan weapon, and -33% damage from a single target means much less at lower ranks than it does at higher ranks.

Offensive assists, most likely, but that doesn’t need to be final.