Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

That would be extremely inconsistent. No other ultimate gives you the ability to cancel it.

yes you did say about the super jump then maybe give her movement and the rein just has to play smart

Deadeye does. Mercy could possibly be allowed to cancel rez… but I’d still want the AoE heal burst to go through, for cocky plays.


also mercy mains are constantly saying how their play is always super cerebral so why not give this to them and have them prove it

it would separate bad mercys from good mercys

Yeah if Mercy does the superjump, she could rez the allies Rein was trying to block. He could point his shield straight up to block it anyways, but that leaves him vulnerable to Mercy’s living allies.

P.S. I think Mercy should be allowed to use Angelic Decent while rezzing. Imagine the stylish rezzes :kissing_heart:

Yeah but he gets his ult charge cut in half or something.

yes please… :angel:

Why not do the same for Rez?

not anymore but rez that could work

Idk? I just don’t think it would fit mass Resurrect.

yeah like how widow shouldn’t have a grapple becasue she is a sniper but she has one anyway and it is fun to use

Maybe. (shrug)

Any thoughts on cancelling rez still sending out the heal pulse?

I don’t think that is true.

A pacifist is one thing. A doormat is another. Even combat medics today and from previous wars carry/carried sidearms with them.


yes the healing pulse still goes out that could work

mercy is pacifist
looks at neptuno
i beg to differ

ima just delete this one then
will that fix

does deleting posts decrease the post number?

what is the cap

and why does one exist

i mean bastion reached 11k

thx chibi trying to save posts

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Nova, I know you mean well but could you tone it down on the double posting? We don’t want this thread to hit its post limit early.

You could edit the quote and response into your last post, when you see another thing to respond to after you’ve already posted.

Wow, this thread really took off.

I knew it had reached crazy heights, But just reading through… the weight of this logical conversation rivals some major companies disagreements. O-o

And i mean… the like counter alone shows a Clearly defined opinion among the majority of the community. (Those vocal of us, that is…)

Yes it does.
The Bastion mains fought over a couple of the milestones like the 10,000th post by deleting old ones… X3

I believe the post cap is 20,000 due to past experience (The Mercy Void) And due to the forums actual limitations.

The OP Of a thread actually seems to have a cap on the total number of characters you can fill it with, as Ivan over at the Overmoji Cafe reached it.


Not sure if this idea is already put out there but here goes:
Life Saver (new ult)
After a 1-sec casting time, Mercy will buff her allies such that they cannot receive lethal damage for 5 seconds. They can still get damaged, and it’s Mercy’s job to heal the team continuously. Then at the last 1 second of the ult, the team’s health will be instantly healed to max health.

It would bring back mass rez in a way and it can be more noticed by the enemy in the hopes of countering the ult. Valkyrie can be an E ability but instead of chain healing (because that negates the single-target philosophy) it will give a boost to her healing and damage boost

Can you list any counters for this?

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