Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I thought that this implied that you would require LoS to even begin the activation. It’d be nice if it were clarified but I can see your concern.

so you can activate it outside of Los and it will still work when the cast time is over

true thus giving it even more value

Much better. Thank you.

so we’re clear here right i want mass rez over this version of mercy that we have now but i feel it needs tweaks to make mass rez less exploitable

I’m pretty sure that this response was under the implication that one of her still alive allies would walk into the area of effect, as seen in this quote.

he said it’s like sound barrier

you can activate sound barrier behind a wall and come out by jumping

Yep, though I’m of the opinion that the version presented in this thread has tweaks enough to prevent it being truly exploitable.

ok so we’re clear good

It’s not really more value in my opinion. A 150 burst heal isn’t enough to fully heal any hero other than Tracer. Plus, with old Res, Mercy could just pop in at any time to Res because she’d become invulnerable the instant they used it. In my eyes, it’s overall a weaker version of Resurrect.

now i need to ask titanium if rez can be blocked by barriers if it is like sound barrier

well 6 players times 150 is 900 healing i like the change overall because it gives mercy another use for rez other than well rezzing

I think it can be blocked by barrier, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that it does. Don’t quote me…

well then i don’t have many problems with rez if it can will as titanium later i still want pacify as a skill shot though imagine if the effect doubled with a hs

that would reward skillful mercy play

Oh that is interesting… I suppose we just need clarification from Titanium themself.
If it’s able to be activated without requiring LoS to begin with, I can see the issues stemming from it.

yeah i feel the Op needs a bit more detail in the solution

also be right back :grinning:

900 healing is very weak for an ultimate, especially for one with as many restrictions as this proposed idea for Res. For example, Zen would get 900 healing done if there were 3 allies in his Transcendence for just 1 second. This means that the best use of Res is still mid fight so that she can resurrect 2-3 people, and provide the burst heal to the remaining few. If she were to wait for any more to die, she’d easily be picked off during the cast time, and if she were to resurrect with less dead, she’d basically be wasting her ultimate.

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Oh wait, we both can’t read lmao. We missed one of the bullet points.

So yes, your concern of her being able to cast it preemptively was correct. However, if this one little clause were to be removed, I think it would be fair and balanced.

yeah i would like if if it had a huge burst heal but mercy didn’t get the full thing this way rez would have a dual purpose sort of