Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

What are you even talking about? I’m failing to understand your poorly worded responses.

they all mean the same thing suicide to burn enemy ults and i’ll bail you out

Why would a Mercy tell your team to literally die? That would literally mean that she wants to waste her ultimate unnecessarily. Makes no sense.A mercy sustains her team until she can no longer do so.


Mercy could potentially have rez in about 33 seconds with her old ultimate charge. The smart team would assume that unless they have been constantly killing Mercy and she’s been out of every fight, that she likely will have rez available for every teamfight.

Reading enemy ultimates is not that difficult if you’re watching the killfeed and the behavior of the heroes.

The Genji who’s been staying off the side spamming right-click into the enemy is likely feeding his ultimate and will have it soon.
The Reaper who teleported to high ground and seems to be waiting likely has his ultimate.
The high energy Zarya who hasn’t died recently and hasn’t thrown grav in the past couple of minutes, likely has her ultimate.
The Pharah who’s hunting down Ana or hitscans before jetpacking sky high to set up likely has her ultimate.

In the same respect, a Mercy who has been actively participating in the fight up until a certain point - and then starts playing more defensively such as keeping a greater distance from her teammates, likely has her ultimate, especially if it’s been longer than a minute since she last rezzed.

It’s not that hard to track enemy ults.


k i will clarify professor of english studies at oxford before the patch when mercy got her resurrect ability put on e mercy would tell her team to go commit to a team fight and try to force ults not just bait them in order to die then she would resurrect them and the team would use their own ultimates have i made myself clear sir or ma’am

Are you sure about that?

There’s such a thing as over committing. Overwatch is supposed to be about playing smart and outwitting your opponents. “Throw all your ults at the point” is a brute force tactic that might be acceptable in a different game, but in Overwatch it’s seen as overzealous spam.

Everything in Overwatch should have a counter. Including ult spam.


You have - but then, that would be team 1’s fault for falling to the bait, would it not? You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

yes assuming the enemy has ults every team fight and that widow will hit every headshot and dva will catch every graviton is a great way to use knee jerk ultimates

No… A mercy would tell her team to try to die in a pile if they are going to die. Logically, telling your team to literally die makes no sense.

The point is to not use your ultimates needlessly. If you honestly cannot reasonably predict the enemy team’s ultimate usage, I’m sorry, but that’s on you. Ult tracking is part of the game.


are you all seeing? no is anyone all seeing? NO even people at the pro level have difficulty tracking ultimates example stage two owl Dallas vs La gladiators on king’s row

This is honestly just grasping for straws at this point…

Okay - but that is clearly subjective. People might have trouble tracking ultimates, but does that mean the game should hold their hand to make sure that they aren’t punished for their inability to do so, or does that mean the people who aren’t that great at it should work to improve?

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But you can see that an enemy has suddenly switched up their approach, and guess what it means.

If I see a Zarya or Reinhardt wading into the center of my team, chances are that they’re looking to ult.

If I see a Mcree sneaking around my backline in the distance, chances are he’s looking to ult.

If I see a Reaper teleport up to high ground above my team, chances are he’s looking to ult.

If I see a Genji or Sombra playing much more aggressively and not withdrawing when they normally would, chances are they’re looking to ult.

Many characters behave differently when they’re about to use their ult. Mercy was no different.


bronze intensifies (is just memeing)


go force ults is what she would say and the team would try their best to run in very agro and get a pick then they would die and mercy would reset

So basically, this only works if the enemy team somehow gets forced to use ultimates in a 6v5? What a successful strategy!

Suddenly it all makes sense lol

people who aren’t that great you say the best players around the world are not great?

i would bet any of us playing against any of them on their worst of days while useing colorblind mode and a ball mouse would role us

hehe, ball and mouse, roll, ehehe