Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

And the Devs took the threads and fixed the issues. Thank u, next.

Only AFTER they humiliated themselves by not even knowing they existed. Next.

You sound ignorant to the way gaming development works. It’s not the balance team’s job to discover every bug for every hero. That’s why we have Bug Report sections on the forums, so we can help the Devs identify and fix said bugs, which they did.

I’m not ignorant, but thanks for being a jerk about it. Seriously, what is with you people these days? It should have been passed on to the dev team and instead was ignored and JK made a comment about not complaining and providing detailed examples instead. Also, I’m fairly certain that submitted bugs still went unfixed. Blizz has no excuse to be so behind on bug fixes.

Edit: For the sake of clarity saying Blizz didn’t know “they” existed, they didn’t know the threads existed. Giant threads full of details they needed. No reason the dev team shouldn’t have known about the threads.


Honestly, it’s really annoying, that Devs use their customers as testers.
Customer doesn’t have to be concerned with things, that are Dev’s responsibility.

There is no bug free software in existence of any significant complexity

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No software with that many bugs should ever reach release stage.

Just encountered noticeable mismatch with visual effects of ult and it’s actual area. Would understand, if it happened against other players, since ping matters, but it happened vs AI…

Bugs can be acceptable and not acceptable. Having problems with high ping is normal, since it’s extreme scenario, but when same problems appear with low ping, it’s surprise how software made it’s way past internal testing.

It’s one thing to have bugs in scenarios, that are near limit of software, and another to have them during scenarios, where it supposed to work great. :frowning_face:

Because it isn’t their job to be paid to sit there to manage or read the forums unless there is a bug section of the forums and even then it isn’t their job to actively seek issues there.

Usually people give vague description.

Blizzard doesn’t even have a decent way of reporting bugs… also the Quality Assuarance Team and Bug Testing Team needs to know the details of the bug and they need to be able to replicate the effects of the bug so that they can fix it.

Stuff like Mei’s wall bug is generally easier yo fix because people post videos on YouTube and it is easy enough to replicate as for Doomfist, even I didn’t notice there was a bug.

Even if QA and BT can’t pick up on it, it is down to the Community Management team to feed back information, like Forum Moderators.

At this point once the dev have a good idea what it is, they will give a eta on the fix.

There isn’t a everything goes to the developers and they handle the work of multiple departments and people need to understand this

While it is optimal to have released software bug free, it is never the case. I do not encounter many bugs in Ow

I’d be fine with this, if the devs actually listened to said customers when they report any bugs. But the bug report sub-forum is hardly ever visited by devs, even after being publicly humiliated about it.

The Doomfist thread has plenty of video evidence. As I said, this was inexcusable.

Something similar happened with Genji, who only got fixed after people posted videos showing just how broken Deflect was. And those videos contained depictions of situations that could’ve been reproduced just going off textual descriptions. The word ‘lazy’ comes to mind, here.


Yes! x1000

And even if the actual game devs didn’t see the threads (somehow), there are CMs that monitor the forums, and you know they are around because you can see them deleting threads, editing posts, and silencing posters all of the time. So the CMs could have passed along those threads to be looked at by the game devs. Or if they were passed along, it was negligence on the part of the devs that really isn’t acceptable.

And how much do they actually care about threads with detailed compilations of bugs? There was a Mercy player who made a thread about a bunch of bugs for the current Mercy (video evidence included), and it was tossed into the Mercy mega thread dumpster, never to be heard of again. They could have at least moved it to the bug forums.


My guess is Blizzard developing god complex, and beginning to believe, that whatever they do, PR department will be able to erase it, if it’s bad, or inflate small success to level of huge, if it’s good.

Well, yeah. I mean, this is Activision, and its infamous :face_vomiting: shareholders :face_vomiting: we’re talking about. You know, the kind that call a $500m opening week for a new game (Black Ops 4) a failure.


I have to disagree here.
I think the slow was implemented because Mercy reached at the time 100% pickrate, something unprecedented in Overwatch, making her the most overpowered hero in the game since its release.
They knew they had to nerf her as hard as possible, so they made resurrect extremely harder to pull off by

  • giving it the longest cast time in the entire game
  • making it interruptible by stuns, hack, leaving the 5m range, and death
  • adding the strongest self-inflicted slow in the entire game
  • removing any possibility to reset its cooldown (or only 1 charge when using Valkyrie, I don’t even remember), making it the ability with the longest cooldown in the game, whose cooldown does not reset after death

And even with all of that, Mercy was still dominating.

If there wasn’t any slow during the casting time of resurrect, Mercy players would be much more likely to walk out of the range and accidentaly cancel the ability. This would mean that good players would perfectly know the range and never cancel rez by accident, while bad players would often walk out of the range and waste rez.
This would make a difference between good and bad Mercy players, allowing for differenciation via skill.
There would be less complaints (although there would still be a lot) about rez being unearned, bland, uninteresting, skillless, unfun, …

If the point of the slow was to help us not canceling rez by accident, that’s another occurrence of this-ability-does-everything-for-you™ that most people hate about Valkyrie.


Possibly worst thing about current resurrect, is that it’s not connected at all with rest of the Mercy’s kit. It doesn’t earn ult charge, doesn’t get buffed with Valkyrie, it’s just there, like an odd outcast of an ability.


Guardian Angel doesnt earn ult charge either, yet like rez it works well in my opinion with the rest of her kit.

I think rez fits well.

When you use ability on other players, it’s supposed to give you ult charge. Resurrect is equal to instantly healing full health of resurrected teammate, and needs ult charge equal to healing that normal way.

Rez shouldnt give ult charge because it should be the ultimate itself.


As long as it’s ability, it should. Otherwise there is little incentive for Mercy to use it, since it has all downsides and no benefits.

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Neither does Tracer’s Blink, nor Genji’s Swift Strike, unless Genji hits someone with it. Your point?

A better comparison would’ve been between Recall and E-Rez, but that wouldn’t fit the narrative, since Recall does grant ult charge.