Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

i just realized i have read more posts than most developers and have only been here for 5 days

that is not a good sign

You should see my forum stats if that shocks you.

I spent half an hour reading the entirety of this. The points are wonderfully constructed and make sense. Hopefully the devs see this and decide something about Mercy.


looks at 3856 posts

umm… i don’t want to

that is dedication

i took a few days because i read other things (not just forums)

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Looks like you are having a bit of trouble with the forums HTML.

If you want to make your replies look prettier I suggest reading this:

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thx i’m pretty new at this whole forums thing

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First, why are there not at least three players, including two tanks, between myself and the people charging at me?

Second, yes! Please, charge at me! I will wreck your face! I am playing the support with the highest damage output in the game, and I eat anything that doesn’t have high evasive capacity, especially if it is charging directly at me.

Third: Stuns, barriers, knockback, healing.

Problem solved.

Barriers are a thing.

If you charge at the enemy team just looking for a kill, you’re going to get shredded and achieve nothing, as everything you just threw at the enemy glanced harmlessly off a barrier.

And congratulations! You just fed the enemy another 2000+ ultimate charge.


GA is disabled while casting Resurrect. So if Mercy comes out from behind cover for the rez, she either is too far away to get any use from it, or she was right there anyway and you missed her.


I have an idea it’s called charge through the barriers zen does good damage but he just sits their with no mobility

then you rez your team and wipe them gaining you 2000+ ult charge

first of all 15 meter radius or diameter

diameter then it it too weak but radius it is huge i can think of plenty of points where their is a wall / corner that when used to peek with 15 meter radius can catch most if not all or your team

In which time you will get promptly shredded.

Zen moves as fast as most other heroes in the game, he can hold S and out-trade just about anyone moving directly at him.

Except if you were hiding, the enemy team a bunch of ultimates primed in addition to the first shot and positioning advantages. You’re not going to win that fight unless the enemy team represents team potato, in which case they probably lost the 5v6 anyway.


Radius. The same as pre-rework Resurrect.

Take Reinhardt’s melee range. Now multiply that by 3. That’s your range for Resurrect. If you are within 3 Reinhardt melees of a bunch of dead allies and the enemy team didn’t notice you, that is entirely on them.


15 meters is about two tracer blinks that is pretty big

have you thought of movement abilities or ranged burst damage if hide and rez worked before with the more or less same rezurection idea it will work again

well without wall hacks i find it difficult to see through walls

Not really…

Yes, have you thought of sticking with the team and using CC?

Yes, have you thought of barriers?

(It didn’t)


yes really 15 meters is more than a point in a distance

unless is if McRee then it hits one person if you really want you can have a drawn-out fight and rez once it starts going to [profanity filter activated] and it still deletes the enemy progress that just isn’t how games are supposed to work you should make your own progress and not undo your opponent’s so easily

with hanzo being so meta right now break the barrier most fight these days start with the barrier war also just play suicidal and have one rien charge the other and if it’s orisas halt will do just fine

but isn’t that how you got to gm Mr one trick mercy JK JK I don’t accuse you of hide and rez or anything just a joke don’t take it seriously

“I can do this all day”
(Captain America)
but for me it’s no longer day
“i’ll be back”


Or Reinhardt. Or Doomfist. Or Orisa. Or Lucio. Or Mei. Or Junkrat.

Or just throw some explosives at it.

If it’s okay to kill 6 players with a button press, why is it not okay to un-kill 5 players with a button press?

Halt isn’t good at making the enemy do anything. It’s a lot better at making the enemy not do something.

“Charge the other Reinhardt”.

What a good idea! Except…