As usual, everything is Mercy’s fault. She’s also to blame that Ana is must pick now.
It’s sour irony, but you need Mercy to resurrect that Ana, every time some skilled flanker gets to her.
I’m intrigued… when did he make such a bold claim?
In the twitch interview with Fran I posted earlier. Basically he said about the Mercy that the discussion is only to make her OP or to make her utterly useless.
“A lot of the feedback we get is very emotional in one direction or the other, where they’re not gonna be happy if until she’s either the best or the worst hero.” - A direct quote from Jeff.
This is based in partial truth, there are certain people who want Mercy to be trash and others that are looking for her to be OP. But the majority? Just no, there’s an overwhelming majority of players that want her to be balanced, whether Mercy players or not, and Jeff is using a tactic where he silences certain critics by invalidating them, claiming them to be hyperbolic. This is a common tactic used by politicians for example, to sway public opinion to make themselves look more favorable and their critics less so.
Jeff is very explicitly dismissing valid criticism of Mercy’s current state as incorrect opinions and he is missing the forest for the trees, especially evident when he states that they’re “hoping she’s in a good spot” after this recent Valkyrie “buff” when the criticism for Mercy has been around from long before they implemented this change and nothing significant has been changed since then.
That one got a laugh out of me. Them ignoring Ana for a long time is just standard affair when it comes to the Blizzard team, they do this for pretty much every hero and Mercy is very much in that park right now.
And people forget that Ana was also a victim of Dive comp, which isn’t good for her regardless of her state.
This tactic requires said politician to be seen as sole source of truth. With Jeff being referred to as “daddy” and “papa Jeff”, it’s not that hard to imagine.
If we are Mercy cult, then there is bigger and more dangerous Jeff cult to oppose us. It’s followers are fanatics, that will attack anyone who questions Jeff’s decisions.
I don’t say this often, but…
I could not have said it better.
Do you think its fair that if mercy screws up her ult, other players should suffer too ?
This happens for all ults.
i’m talking about what you have in control. What i mean is mercy has your faith in her hands, and the aspect of that changes. She has the power to bring you back to life at the risk of you dying again. I’d rather die by my own hands than my own teammate.
If she messes up when you’re dead, you get punished for that, you think thats fair ? you barely have time to do anything.
Is it any different with other defensive ults? Screwing them up also makes you die, when you shouldn’t. That’s shared between support ults: if support hero screws up their ult, teammates will suffer.
So… What do you want to say? Do you think that the restrictions are to harsh?
i feel like players should have a bit more invulnerability time compared to mercy tbh, so if its messed up players have time to regroup in some way.
They can’t move during invulnerability phase.
No, It does not.
If your posts don’t fall into one of these categories. he wasn’t talking about your fed back when dismissing the hyperbola.
What is the logic thought process that leads to “My post wasn’t like that but he must be talking about mine to!!! He must be ignoring the posts that aren’t like that as well” The link your are creating to the the more level headed post is imaginary to suit the narrative.
I can’t make Zen ult at the correct time. Or Dva. Or Rein. The ult is not within my control even though it could have saved me or someone else.
well maybe they should be able to move, because we all know we hate it when the game takes away control from us.
Out of all the Mercy posts I’ve seen in all of the threads I’ve read, I don’t recall one post where a Mercy player wants her OP. This is going back to last year. And the other problem with his statement, and responses in general, is that he has not ONCE actually addressed our concerns. He has dodged them time and again, saying things that are not relevant to what we’ve been saying. Saying people only want her UP or OP a) does not make his statement accurate and b) is a comparison of extremes which makes him out to be the reasonable good guy. Too bad what he said was blatantly false. AND he said it to a massive audience. I’d say that everything Blizz has done, or not done in some cases, has hurt the Mercy playerbase.