Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State (Part 1)

I would get the skin but not play Mercy. However good the skin may be it wont change how terrible Mercy is to play right now.


At least other players would be less likely to report you immediately, if they see good skin.

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I still feel like no support should be able to say that their ultimate is more important than another’s.
But oops, guess what happens to Mercy? I am so unbelievably fed up with this rework. Can Blizz actually listen for once? :confused:


Welp that was a long read but I agree with just about everything. Before her rework I had 500 hours on mercy after her rework i have 556hours on mercy. I just dont play her anymore because she is boring. Now I main Zen but I would glady go back if she was reverted.


No, they can’t. They are too busy reworking heroes for players, who will never play those heroes, unless said hero is obviously OP.


The question asked if I would play Mercy again if she got a new skin. My answer is no. I will NOT play Mercy again until she is fixed. Nothing else will bring me back to the game.

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I put a like on this Skin idea, StarCraft Medic skin would be cool. But I agree with most everyone else, I would not go into a Quickplay much less a Competitive match with the current iteration of Mercy. I did till the last Nerf occasionally go into QP, and I will still go into Computer VS AI, with a Mercy but as weak as she is now forget QP. An more than half the time when I pulled out “Huge Rez” spray an explained that it was from Season 3 (Before rework) I had people saying how much they miss Mass Rez. This from DPS, Tanks, an other Healers, they ALL enjoyed Mass Rez Mercy rather than current Mercy. Sure, got an occasional “Mercy will NEVER get Mass Rez back” an other less printable comments about Mercy, but overall MOST of the people dislike current Mercy an would rather go back to original Mercy (with or without tweaks).


Yeah, “Mercy will NEVER get Mass Rez back” seems to be the tag line of choice of only a select few.

I think of the 13 or Overwatch players on my friends list, of which about 7 former (because they’ve all dropped the game since), only one of them thought ‘it was cancer’, although he pretty much echoed the memed, ‘frustrating to play against’ argument, so I had trouble taking his ‘opinion’ seriously. And that was in late December last year, so mid-way during the moth meta.


Torbjorn, Bastion, Symmetra on Defense (before Nerfs to Bastion)- THAT was cancer
Moth Mercy (Reworked Mercy)- definite cancer

Mass Rez Mercy (Original “Huge Rez”)- nope, not cancer In My Opinion. Only ever had 3 of the 4-5 man “Huge Rez” in 9 Seasons, an the first one doesn’t really count because in a Competitive match we had a Leaver an no way to win an the other team LET me get a 4 man Rez.


Prior to the Torb rework, Torbjörn, Bastion, Orisa, Reinhardt (in any mode) was pure cancer. Unless EMP’d, it was near unbeatable.

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I had a way around that (he he hee). I’d go Junkrat, take out Turret, then stand on Bastion. He’s kill me then blow up himself due to my Grenades. But put in a Symmetra, with TP from base and 6 turret Kill Room… yeah, nothing worked against that.

Problem is when both Torb’s turret and Bastion are inside an Orisa Barrier, with Orisa and Reinhardt both trying to keep you off the Bastion.

“Yeah, that will totally work Commander Peepers. No wait… Banjo.” Reference Wander over Yonder [yeah, I know, I’m just about 50 an still enjoy cartoons].
Gain Ult, use Tire and sneak behind/above/around and then BOOM (that being Banjo in this instance).
But yeah, all silliness and stuff aside, it was nearly impossible to get on payload on Hollywood and many other maps when they pulled that kind of strategy.
But as far as Game Cancer, there were and still are a LOT of things more cancerous in the game than original Mercy Mass Rez.


Yeah, Mass Rez wasn’t much worse than a sneeze.


And just like a sneeze, how problematic it is depends on whether you had the common sense to have a tissue nearby to clean up with… Or in Overwatch’s case, an offensive ult.


Only read the title and you already got me in your upvote train.
When suddently

Totally that. Reading this entire post feels like going back when you used to have this adrenaline rush when playing Mercy.
I’m at a lack of words to describe how i’m thankfull for all the effort you have put in this/those (since it’s the 5th) post. I hope it will at some point make Blizzard’s Balance Team think again on the game as a whole and how Mercy’s players aren’t having fun playing her but surely are having fun when being targeted by others Heroes ultimates abilities (namely being sliced by Genji, shut down by either McCree or Soldier76, blown up by either Pharah, Junkrat or Dva or froze to death by a totally fun character to play against).
Have my upvote, and my sincere thanks, Titanium.


There are news of new DPS hero coming, so Blizzard once again tries to distract everyone from existing problems.

If someone has hacker as friend, tell them to hack into Blizzard and remove everything related to new hero…so they fix game, instead of adding more heroes.

It’s not there to distract us; they release a new hero every Blizzcon. It just so happens that it’s been two Blizzcons since they ruined Mercy.


Even besides Mercy, game has other issues, and adding new DPS hero will add even more to that growing pile of unsolved problems.

In other circumstances that would be good tradition to add new hero each Blizzcon.

I agree that it would be best for Blizzard to cease production of new heroes until they get their heads out of their rears, but the introduction of the new hero isn’t meant to distract us, even if it does.

It’s just another hero release. Hopefully this one will be somewhat successful.