Why I h*** Roadhog

  1. Broken footstep sounds. This is horrible.

  2. Mobile health pack +damage reduction: this combined with his hook and damage means he not only punishes bad positioning but can also punish any positioning and if you do kill him, he usually has already killed someone.

That’s it. Have goond day.


sound is just broken in the game in general, it’s best not to rely on it


You hump Roadhog? ewww


it really isn’t though.

I’ve never had the sound screw me over and I heavily use sound queues in gaming.

Overwatch has one of the best directional sounds I’ve seen(heard technically)

Have you tried valorant? the directional sound in that game is a dream compared to ow. I pretty much only use the sound in this game to hear cooldowns and ults being used it’s pretty hard to tell exactly where a flanker is based off of sound in this game

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Yes, I have.

It also has great directional sound which is to be expected from a game like that which is as I expected just another boring one shot fest that portrays little actual mechanical skill(In the late game, a one shot body shot can never be balanced)

Hell, it’s thanks to that game I actually somewhat respect widows who can hit shots even if I do still think she’s OP because she actually has to hit fast moving target in the head to one shot them.

:eye: :nose: :eye:

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His damage is so high that he doesn’t even need to hook to kill. Just spam damage alone can kill. With a hook, it’s a guaranteed kill now.

Why’d you sensor hate?


Sometimes i really wonder how some loud af hero could get into my back and why i wouldnt hear it. I dont think Hog is quiet, but yea, sounds sometimes get swallowed by other stuff smh.

My man seriously censored “hate” lol ok.


Why did you hurt my boy roadhog? He’s my go-to even before the buffs oh wait that was Orisa.


Roadhog is fine when the devs don’t buff him into like the protagonist of a kung fu movie

Ever since the shields went away, Hog have been dominating games. He’s annoying for sure, but I don’t hate him

Junkrat: “NO UR NOT THAT’S MY JOB!!!”

You hear him when he flanks…
Yeah, sure.
I hear that one Hog, that can stay 20 meters away out of the other 5 enemies before my face.

its a guaranteed kill? have you ever tried countering the hook so it isnt or do you just stand there and let him pump rounds into your face? :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly sound shouldnt be broken in this game but sadly it is

As if all other excuses Roadhog defenders have made up weren’t already invalid enough, the irony of this entire paragraph that I quoted is just glorious.

Because ““Roadhog punishes bad positioning””, but why exactly, since that’s his main role according to many, does he have one of, if not the best self - sustain ability on a low cool down, which plainly invalidates any positioning problem the Roadhog himself may make??

Yeah… :man_facepalming:

It was ok.

They broke it hard long time ago for me.
I cant hear footsteps behind me while I can hear enemy Mei spamming voice lines inside her spawn.