Why have hidden mmr but be represented by sr?

then wtf else more can I do other than farm kills and keep my team alive? I bait cooldowns, I obstruct enemy healer’s LOS with Sigma. etc, If my dps allies aint cutting it, there is nothing I can do. When was the last time you were in plat to know who can carry?

Make plays, make space, take the objective, and prevent the enemy team from taking it back.

A common mistake I see low ranked tanks make is standing on the objective or always being with their team, especially off-tanks. Tanks need to be ahead and dealing damage. Off-tanks need to be taking off angles and forcing the enemies to split their attention.

Then get kills yourself. DPS is the least important role below diamond. They probably weren’t doing anything to begin with until the moment they press Q.

I play on a low-mid diamond account to play casually with friends in gold/plat all the time.

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So you are a smurf?. That kind of tells me all I need to know. You think its easy to climb because you just cheat. You can’t be one of the best of the best ladder players, and tell an average person what does/doesn’t work in Plat. I obviously don;t play 3 rank better lol. However, I do think I play low-mid diamond worthy, but in plat you have to be substantially better than plat to climb. But you’d never know that.

“LOL EZ. play like a GM”


Quit buying carries from websites.

You literally are admitting to smurfing, and you have the gall to tell me how easy it is down in plat. Doesn’t matter how “casually” you are playing. You are the best of the best who is flouting your best of the best reflexes in lower tier… Literally Cheating. Like, no shiite, If I was GM, every rank would be easy. Maybe at one time you climbed. At one time, before the Tank guttings, I was diamond. since then, I’ve gotten much better at tanks. Just statically. Raw stats, I’m performing better than I was in diamond, when tanks were objectively better. Rank does not reflect that.


When did I say plat was easy? I said tanking in plat is the most impactful role, and if you were actually as good as you claim to be then it would be quite easy to climb. Perhaps you should get your eyes checked friend.

When I started playing, the moment I started solo queuing I hit diamond within that season. You know why? Because climbing as tank when you belong in a higher rank is fairly easy to do, because a good tank is borderline unstoppable in plat.

You just don’t understand the difference between ranks my dude. In order to play at a GM level I have to be tracking both entire teams, considering win conditions, what ults to combo, what ults the enemy team are likely to use, when to protect my team and when to just fight or die.

When I play casually, I just play the game lol. I’m not spending that much time thinking about it. I still play to win, but I’m not putting in the crazy amounts of attention, thought, and effort it takes to actually win a GM game.

Before the tank guttings? You mean GOATS when tanks where inflated beyond belief and even a monkey could rank up as Rein or Zarya?

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What do you think I do in Plat? I do all of those things. Anticipating blades, timing cooldowns. Doesn’t matter if the friendly dps can’t kill their hitscans that are well outside of my range. I have no idea where this idea that tank is the carry role came from. That hasn’t been true since the OG SIg/Orisa barrier nerfs. Hitscan dps is the new carry role.

And that my potato aim on dps outranks my Tank shows that.

You act like Plats have no gamesense.

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In high diamond plus DPS is actually impactful.

Below that, it’s all tanks my guy. If you don’t think so, then you aren’t tanking right.

That’s the shallow end of the pool. You have to do a lot more than watch for when the Genji launches into the air or the tanks start botting forward for their Q.

They don’t.

Straight up. I’ve watched a lot of people on the forums and OWUniversity subreddit in gold/plat post videos for help. Plat players just don’t know what is actually happening in the game. Diamond is when gamesense actually starts to develop.

You can climb to diamond just by having basic game sense, that’s how I did it originally.

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Clearly, this is going nowhere. You just can;t except that you are in an abnormally, statically minuscule demographic. You are good. Best of the best. You literally have no way to know what does/does not work in plat. A GM could make a throw pick work in plat. Its like Asking Lebron James to play a middle school game, and saying EZ, forehead, make the shot.

He joins the game, and stomps, even just casually shooting. Then he says that they don’t know anything about basketball.

Again, if you placed plat first try, then you are clearly really flipping good, and have no idea what the average player deals with. You have always been better enough to the point that you can carry. Playing above average is not enough to carry. You have to play way above average to carry.

I can’t believe I’m arguing this with a GM of all people. I’m saying I am slightly better than plat, which is not too far off.

You act like being slightly better is enough to 1v6

Smurfs that are much better than me lose hard if their team doesn’t perform. What hope do I have assuming I am just slightly better? Its a team game, and you basically just say to git gud. I alone can’t do much of anything.


Dude, are you not paying attention? I’m not talking about me. I know that I know how to play the game properly, I’ve already ranked up. I know it would be easy for me to rank up.

I’m talking about what I constantly see low and mid ranked players doing wrong. It’s the same mistakes over and over again. It isn’t even just games that I’m in, I try to help people understand tanking better by doing VOD reviews ALL THE TIME.

I placed gold, I was 3k by the end of my 2nd season playing, and I stayed pretty much exactly at 3k-3.1k for 5 seasons until I hit mid-high masters, then the next season I was GM.

I also play with friends, and especially used to play with friends a lot in lower ranks in pugs and comp, and I know how players in those ranks play.

No, I’m not. I’m saying you’re going to be more impactful, quit trying to repeatedly mince my words to fit your narrative.

No. A smurf will lose a few one-offs if they’re actually trying to rank up. That happens, it’s inevitable.

A better player will climb, given enough time. If you’re actually playing the game and you aren’t ranking up, it’s because you aren’t actually better.

If you want, feel free to send me a replay code and I can look over what you’re doing wrong and give you some pointers.

I predominantly play Sig/Zarya, and have a very good understanding of tanking in general, especially off tanks. I can’t help as much with Ball/Orisa though, I only know how to play them by the bare basics of tanking.

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Define “enough time”

Over a season or two, if you play at least a few hours on weekends and a game or two on weekdays.

Climbing takes time, it doesn’t happen over night.

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I’m going to level with you, what you say pisses me off, like you are calling me shiite.

Like my hours upon hours of playing this stupid game are wasting time.

Stop taking it personally. Not everyone can be good at everything.

Stop thinking like that.

I play exclusively to have fun. If I’m not enjoying it, I’m not playing the game. You aren’t going to climb if you’re constantly pissed, because you’re less receptive to your own mistakes when you’re upset.

The game isn’t your job or your life, you don’t need to be the best in the world at it. Getting good at things takes time and effort, and this applies to just about every single task you’ll ever do.

That being said, it doesn’t matter how much you play if you aren’t learning, and you’ll never learn if you can’t recognize and fix your own mistakes because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re better than you really are.

I couldn’t climb out of diamond until I recognized that I wasn’t an absolute Reinhardt god, because that was what forced me to actually start learning how to tank, rather than to just go for golds and POTG.


Listen Pop, as an average tier Xbox. player who has climbed from gold to plat this season for the first time on PC I have to back up what Prometheus is saying.

Source: Had to climb from low gold after bad initial placement and games after. 22hrs to get from 2200 tank to 2700 with 55% win percentage.

Also from a third party standpoint of someone just reading this thread I don’t think they were trying to attack you.

I think you might be taking their attempt to help as a personal attack.

If you ever want a tank or support duo partner HMU and we can climb.

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The producers don’t want players to quit trying. Which is exactly what would happen if they ever decide to show how the MMR works.

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No real point either in my mind. Remove MMR and just use the personal rating.


No because then the players that don’t belong won’t get carried by the forced 50%, will drop rank and quit, and the blizz suits can’t risk that kind of money loss. Shared misery is better for their bottom line

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Because the game can adjust much quicker to your skill.

If the game recognizes you are way better or worse then your actual rating it can quickly adjust you accordingly. Only having one visible number would mean, they had either have you to play lots of games where you belong to, or immediately adjust your visible SR by high margins. And especially if this visible SR would go lower for lets say 500 or 1000 points, there would be a huge outcry.

With the hidden MMR, which represents your real skill, the game can find games for you at a similar level and can slowly adjust your visible SR.

Also they had implemented SR decay, which only worked because the MMR actually stayed the same, otherwise decay would be a legal way of smurfing without actually having to throw games.

And in one season they actually artificially reduced your SR after placements, to give you the feeling of climbing, which was not all that well received, which is why they did not do it again.

Or if lets say you have not played the game for a long time and now play absolute garbage the game will quickly recognize this but does not show it to you by a huge drop in SR.
Also the other way around, lets say you have played a lot of aim intensive games and your aim improved a lot which carries over to Overwatch, it can give you the feeling of climbing without immediately adjusting your SR, or even if you just have played Overwatch, but not competitive a lot and improved a lot it is the same.

Ultimately it is not really needed, but it gives the developers a lot of freedom to make the player feel good, and lets face it most people play games for enjoyment.

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