I just wanna say that it is a more flexible Winston leap horizontally, but Winston can get to where you want to go vertically much faster and more reliably
Counter-picking is ruining the game. I shouldn’t have to switch to another hero that has cc to deal with wrecking ball. What he NEEDS is limitations, specifically on his grapple like I mentioned above. He is definitely not fine.
If his grapple breaks after let’s say 5 seconds. Then a team without cc can try to endure his piledriving stupidity for that 5 seconds and then punish him when it breaks as he tries to get away. Or you can have cc and deal with it aptly, or as you please.
Both these suggestions, are very stupid. Just play ball in qp until you learn his engage angles, or just watch one of the dozens of youtube videos that will just show you.
When dive is viable with these characters in the game they are so broken that they dont care about it. Like I said: people think they want dive but they really dont.
If memory serves, Zenyatta was integral to dive because Discord allowed for ludicrously low TTK. I do think he eventually got swapped out for Mercy come the rework, but don’t quote me on that.
And has it gotten better? I’d say no. A lot of people beg for year 1 overwatch, rightly so. T’was a simpler time. Game had flaws but they weren’t as big as the ones we have now.
i never understood people’s desire for wrecking ball to be nerfed because he can stay grappled for long time, like half of the roster completely shuts him down with their cc and (a good one) sombra can just trash him for the entire match.
i disagree i believe wrecking ball should have that ability to roll forever because of how simple it is to mess up his velocity. I know ball can be an absolute pain to deal with, but cc hes not impossible to counter
Lol because people only remember the good things and forget about the bad things like 1shot bodyshot widow, no falloff full damage FTH hammer McCree, mass res, and scatter arrow.
Also if you think 2cps bad and stally now congrats you’ve removed like 10 ways blizzards made it less annoying.
Again, you shouldn’t have to pick heroes in order to shut down one ability that another hero has. What you’re saying now is a team NEEDS cc to deal with ball. I’m saying if everyone is playing as they please they should be able to deal with him without having to jump off the bloody map and locking in brigitte/sigma/sombra or what not.
Counter-picking really is just forcing people to answer one thing with another. “If you don’t switch to this hero, you won’t win.” I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound the least bit fun. Ball needs limitations so that he doesn’t have free roam if the enemy team doesn’t answer to him.
you do have a point there, but i believe switching is necessary in a game like this when you have heros like pharah or widow, like what if you dont have a hitscan for both of them? should a player have to switch or should the team suffer ?
Those are simpler problems in my opinion. There are a lot of hitscan heroes. I guess you could say, “chances are people that like to play dps probably enjoy playing one or more hitscan heroes.” More than that, the complaints about widow are out there. And pharah, believe it or not, can’t fly forever. Comparable to someone we’ve been talking about this entire time, she has LIMITATIONS.