"Where's the developer update?"

A wild Ana main appears

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I am talking about overall with this update mate.

I’ve never seen so many entitled little children in one place before. So sorry you don’t like that they aren’t giving us enough FREE stuff. How dare they not give us even more free stuff! We paid a whole lot of nothing for these new skins! We should march to Blizz HQ and demand 3x more free stuff for the next event!

Don’t throw us intelligent Ana mains in the same boat as these people who think nerfing Mercy will magically fix the game.


Yes that is so true, hopefully it is well worth it.

Fortnite is free to play and it’s received more lore in the last 2 weeks than Overwatch has in the last year - and Overwatch is supposed to be a lore-centric game.

I heavily advise that you read What is going on with the game?. The community have been requesting features for years, yet we still haven’t received basic fundamental changes such as the improvement of the colour blind mode and subtitles (for deaf people).


Comparing a game like Fortnite to a game like Overwatch is stupid as hell. They are completely different games. Fortnite has pretty much just cosmetics to worry about. Fortnite has what, 2 maps? I have no idea because I don’t play it. But overwatch has 26 not including variants for events and such. Each character (27 as of now) has so many aspects to it such as Skins, voice lines, sprays, intros, etc. Overwatch has constant balance changes as needed. I wont even get into the esports side.

Overwatch has 1000x more stuff going on in it than Fortnite.

Overwatch is free. You aren’t paying more for the stuff they bring out. If you’re unhappy with the rate of things being released then quit. Just because it isn’t up to your standards based off another game, doesn’t mean it isn’t doing just fine.

But dismissing the fact that a game completely driven by its’ story is being overtaken by a game that requires little to no story whatsoever is a ridiculous move in itself.

Provide me with 1 example besides the League & Contenders.

I have.

I’m just disappointed that the game is still being affected by issues that were present from launch - and nobody seems to be making an effort to fix them.


Wow I didn’t know Overwatch became F2P when did this happen because I clearly remember buying the game.

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Oh boy here we go again.
So yes Overwatch, once paid for, does not require anymore paying to access new content.
(Oh wait there is all the OWL related, which kinda breaks the point they made at launch about being able to get all new content for free and honestly I would have felt fine if the best emote in the game didn’t land behind a paywall but that is another story).
However, if you advertize your game as having regular quality updates for free and you don’t meet this goal, it kinda sound like false advertizing to me.
But well even if you leave that out of the picture, buying lootboxes is one of the main revenues of the game. By delivering poor quality content, these revenues will go down.
Finally and that’s a personnal point of view, stop posting white knights comments on disappoint threads and stop posting disappointed comments on white knight threads, it’s useless. You’re just fuelling the hate between 2 groups that cannot reach common grounds.


people bought Overwatch with the knowledge, promise and expectation that it will be supported for the coming years.
And no Overwatch does not have much more going on for it.
As you said you don’t play Fortnite, then you shouldn’t talk big about it.
I don’t play it either, so I don’t blame me if I miss something, but the map gets constantly changed, they bring out new modes, coming up with new things constantly as well, new weapons etc regulary.
They get a lot of emotes, skins, sprays as well.

By no means am I a fan of Fortnite, but it has A LOT of developer support


oh yes and now mercy is “finally balanced,shut up mercy mains”,till she isnt any more and ask for another nerf.

rince and repeat

the rework was a fail and the nerf was the wrong thing to nerf because of that


I’m pretty sure he was just reviewing the only positive part of the update.

When you have to hand in your school project knowing that you haven’t done anywhere near enough to pass.

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Because there’s nothing to really announce.

  • Some new cosmetics, but not much, plenty of player icons or such however
  • No new event, just a map based on the same event last year
  • The event itself still has bugs
  • Mercy is still highly picked, the nerf didn’t do much except make her more boring to play and harder to sustain tanks
  • Hanzo is still too strong
  • Brigitte is too easy to ruin tank effectiveness (such as Reinhardt)
  • The issues with Reinhardt aren’t resolved, instead the ultimate ability hides where it should ideally impact and there’s problems with animation cancels now

That doesn’t mean they’re excused for leaving it in such a buggy state.
Do you have to play Lucioball? Absolutely not but for the people who do want to play it it just makes the experience worse for them.

Sombra is so irrelevant for them they didn’t fix her’s lmao



Exactly this…

I’ll just respond to yours because even though your post is just as dumb as the others it’s not as hurr durr as the others. Like Llamaofdoom contradicting himself.

You and many like you have such one track minds it’s actually astounding. “People bought overwatch with the knowledge, promise and expectation that it will be supported for the coming years”. Yes. And it still is. You all are complaining about not getting enough free stuff. That’s my point. Why do you get to dictate how much free stuff is pushed out? News flash, Overwatch by itself does not generate a lot of revenue. A majority of its playerbase does not buy lootboxes. With sponsors and such OWL is probably their golden child at this point.

I wasn’t talking big about anything. That’s just a rude accusation. Additionally you assume I know nothing about it because I don’t play it. Wrong again. I know enough to say that it doesn’t compare to the complexity of Overwatch by a long shot. Overwatch out shines it in terms of, maps BY A LOT. Modes, because you mentioned it. You just don’t think about it because it’s been out forever. Also since you mentioned “map changes”, events regularly change maps.

Also you seem to be missing a huge difference that takes a CRAP TON more resources. Each hero is different! That’s right. All 27 heroes have 4+ abilities that are different from each hero. Wow! And following that, each hero has their own set of emotes, skins, sprays as well!

Do you get it yet? You can’t compare overwatch to fortnite. If you want to compare, do it with Pubg and Fortnite. Or overwatch and tf2. But you wont, because that wont make the fake outrage you’re trying to incite.

Did they all die and get replaced with even more incompetent people?

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