Why Hasn't Blade been Nerfed?

Perfect mobility, insane damage to kill any support in a literal second, very short casting time compared to other transformations, super easy to use and initiate with, very low cost comparable to Pulse Bomb goes through Defense Matrix and all barriers, is by far the most consistent ultimate in the game, very low skill and high reward to use. and is almost a guaranteed triple kill since Trance and Sound Barrier take forever to build compared to this ultimate, too difficult to counter relative to how powerful, easy and rewarding it is. Just double Rein’s hammer damage and give him endless blinks while you’re at it, and that’s all BEFORE factoring in the onslaught from his other 5 teammates.

That not enough? They nerf EVERY hero that begins to come even close to answering it, Junkrat mines, Brigitte 9 times in a row, Rocket Punch hitbox, Sombra Hack was nerfed instantly without even hitting the PTR. Anything going to answer it otherwise? Just Deflect, NBD.

The meta panders exclusively to fan-favorites like Genji. They’re not about to promote switching to counters, or even consider buffing off-meta heroes that have potential to mix things up when 80% of the fan base that plays Genji, Tracer, Hanzo and Widow will cry as hard as possible to just nerf whatever bothers them instead of learning to switch off the only hero they care to play, at the expense of everyone that actually wants to enjoy a diverse game.

Old issues never get resolved in this game, because all changes are dictated by feedback, and people just accept things like this as fate because the Genji mains outnumber them by a significant margin.


u r wrong


Great argument, I guess I’ll delete the post.


thank u


Your post history consists of you just complaining on how every DPS is overpowered jesus.


It used to be 8s long. So it has been nerfed :slight_smile:


Still wipes out most people without contest since tanks can’t do anything about it…


It hasn’t been nerfed (since the last nerf) because it’s not OP.

In QP it seems OP because teams aren’t organised enough to counter it.

In competitive it’s OP in low tiers because teams aren’t organised enough to counter it.

I mean, it can be mitigated by:
McCree flashbang
Brig shield bash
Doom punch
Zen transcendence
Lucio soundbarrier
Zarya graviton surge
Sombra hack (blade without the ability to swift strike isn’t very useful)

Or, just focus him down.

How many more counter plays would it take for you to consider it balanced?


Ultimate responses charge much slower than Blade does at its very low cost, and the cooldown abilities are circumstantial at best, fail or miss and your team dies. By the time you hack him, he’s already made at least one kill and will get in another swing or two before we land enough shots on his tiny hitbox to take him down, all while another 5 people are killing us because our only option is to turn our backs.


Not true at all… This is gm:


and he is a known doomfist player but not a very good genji. This happens all the time with genji. His ult needs to be nerfed at some point.


You forgot Roadhog.


All two of them? Is this your only defense?


The question has been asked before and the answer is it’s not op.

You can go “mercy main mode” and continue to repost the same thing that has been addressed in a futile attempt to change the outcome, but you are still gonna get the same answer.

Dragonblade is not op. Get over it.


If it’s super easy to use super consistently, but super situational to counter, then it’s OP.



It isn’t super easy nor super consistent. Want proof? Go do 10 blades yourself in ranked games and post videos.


That’s literally the biggest waste of time considering that me and every team I’m on dies to 80% of them at least. Don’t talk about a 120-damage Rein Hammer with Tracer Blinks and infinite Dash Resets being balanced.


Yeah cuz it’s not easy nor consistent.


Because a lot of ults in this game are way, way stronger than they should/need to be. Blade is a top offender, though, at least among DPS.

Zarya / Rein / Genji all have ults with roughly the following flowchart: do you have a support ult up to save you? No? Then you should expect to lose the fight.

It’s a pretty lame mechanic and I have no idea why Blizzard is so invested in ults being this strong.

That said, at least with Blade there are a few heroes like ana that really can counterplay it as long as you hit miracle shots. Still a lot more counterplay than Grav, even tho 85% of the time it’s still support ult or lose the fight to (nano) blade.


As much as I hate dying to Dragonblade, I really don’t think it’s overpowered these days.


nah at masters and above he usually instantly dies before killing even 1 person unless he gets nanoed, and even then lucio/zen will have their ult before it. so nah. High skill Low reward ultimate especially compared to zaryas ult where she just presses q and usually ends in a team wipe