Why has the reduce buffering bug not been fixed yet?

It’s been an option for so long now, and still you have to turn it on and off because it kills your fps.


Because reduce buffering will give you less input lag, but reduces FPS.

Have you read what reduce buffering even does?

i have this problem aswell, idk why it works but it does and it does it well. my fps jumps from 130 up to 180 when i do it sometimes, really should be looked into.

I believe he’s referring to the longstanding issue with the game where alt tabbing and tabbing back in can cause your framerate to drop, and toggling the reduce buffering option fixes it. He is not talking about the framerate just being lower in general when reduced buffering is on.


I don’t think you quite understand what im talking about. I know it takes frames away, but that isnt a problem for me. I run a solid 200 capped fps atm. But for whatever reason it drops down to 100 after alt tabbing, then i ahve to turn it on and off