Why Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Competitive Play

Yeah and his argument falls flat once you get into diamond+. When your gains are identical as all that matters is W v L.

You misquoted. SR and MMR are “closely linked”. That does not say that they are the same, or even close. What does “linked” even mean??

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Performance based tweaks are removed in Diamond and above. That does not mean gains/losses are identical between MMR and SR on a match-to-match basis.

The result is the same, the argument is flat, but I just wanted to clarify that it’s not as if you hit 3k rating and every win or loss becomes a fixed number.

If they are “closely” linked, then why wouldn’t they be “close” under most normal circumstances? Sure, we can argue what numerical values constitute “close” amongst ourselves, but we can’t say the values aren’t close in the general sense that they wouldn’t be in roughly the same ballpark most of the time.

As for what “linked” means, it’s that they’re inherently connected. Most of the time they travel the same direction, and SR is constantly chasing MMR to settle you into the ‘proper’ rank.

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That’s the full quote, yes. The quotes, read in totality, generally indicate that SR and MMR are close to each other in normal circumstances (active players with win rates around 50%). But there are delicate differences such as this one.

I don’t think so. All the “evidence” I’ve seen of rigging is actually a study of textbook cognitive biases in action.


If y and x are closely linked, then y = f(x) +/- g(x), where f(x) is constant and g(x)/f(x) is small.

If that math doesn’t makes sense to you, then perhaps say “as a yoyo with a short string is closely linked to a hand”.


The thing with this argument, is that you don’t know if they are close or not. Regardless of your definition of close. You nor anyone else has access to these numbers or their relation, so it’s a pointless argument to complain about the way a system functions when we don’t know how that system functions.

More importantly, if the MMR system places you at a certain SR, and the match making places you vs people of similar/same SR. You can then reasonably assume that the MMR is the same as SR. Not to mention as time goes on and more data points are added the gap between SR and and MMR shorten and become much more accurate.

All the complaints regarding this system are made with new accounts/alts in mind which have a very volatile gain/loss attributed to it.

Don’t even go down this road. We can’t have a conversation if you don’t trust what the Devs tell us in plain English. We don’t have to know the intimate details of every aspect to refute most of the complaints we see, as they have been expressly answered already. If someone wants to operate under the assumption that the Blues are producing misinformation (like in Prophet’s thread), intentionally or not, then everything under the sun becomes speculation.

I agree with this.

There are plenty of reports that are aimed at thigns veteran accounts experience, but yeah, most of the time, the more volatile accounts get brought up as they try to validate their stances.

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I get what you are saying but, if we can trust what the Devs say in plain english, why are there threads popping up contesting what the devs have said?

Upon re-reading your post, I think we might be arguing the same point haha.


We’re definitely on the same side. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: As for why threads pop up questioning stuff. Some of them are more reasonable than others. Take this thread, as an example, it’s at least mostly rooted in interpretations of official posts. Now, when I read those posts, along with some others, I don’t get the same message that some other people do, and so I’m more intrigued in hearing their take on it than trying to shut their conversation down.

Now, there are also people that jump in and put their spin on it that are just blatantly wrong. Their post can be quickly refuted by posts where no ambiguity exists.


My general basis of trusting Blizz in this case is backed up by hundreds of hours playing HoTS (before blizz royally screwed up the MMR system). A website called hotslogs worked similarly to overbuff etc in that it would create it’s own MMR ranking based on your wins/losses and performance numbers. After the volatility died down from about 100 games or so, it was staggeringly close to what blizz reported as your MMR in game. We’re talking +/- 50.

People always conflate their rank with a broken system as they usually assume they are better than they are. One thing I am certainly critical about is how the system handles old accounts where players have increased proficiency considerably from older seasons, but they hold the same “weight” when it comes to MMR gains/losses.

How I performed in season 1 should have no bearing on how I perform in season 9, yet that is exactly how the system works.


I never played the competitive modes in HotS, 'cause MOBA’s aren’t really my thing, but I am quite familiar with that site. :slight_smile:

I do think there is a certain point where the certainty level attached to your account can do more harm than good, but I also believe it is overcome by grinding
 even though it’s hard to stay motivated to do the grinding.

Also, if what Kaawumba has mentioned is true, taking a break for a while and coming back to competitive actually lowers the certainty attached to your rating. So, some people might find it easier to climb if they take a season off, for example.

I think it’s mostly a matter of practicality. I spoke to this is another thread recently. There are a few people that are punished (in a loose sense) for the benefit of thousands of others (due to the chaos an MMR reset would cause). Ultimately, though, I do believe that if someone belongs higher or lower, it’s merely a matter of putting in the time to get there.


Yeah, I just think it’s a horrible idea for a company to try and solve the problem by their clients not using their product haha.

I agree, I just think it might be a little too grindy.


I agree with that. :slight_smile:

Close could be that one “closely” affects the other. Doesn’t mean that the affect is proportional or, in fact, what that affect even is
 It’s purposely misleading. Says nothing definitive. I’ll go with my 1000 hours of experience with the game itself.

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If you want to go with your personal feelings over the layman’s interpretation of a Blue post, more power to you.

I prefer for my rationale not to require such reaches, personally.


That’s exactly right. This is what happens when you are accurately ranked.

Well not really based on “how well you play”, that’s only a small factor for people under 3000SR, but yes. When you win, you go up in rank, so the match maker puts you against better players.

You will be stuck at a new higher rank, because you just won games and moved up. Exactly where you will become stuck is wherever other players are as good as you.

You are presenting a paradox, where the system can judge your skill incredibly well, but doesn’t rank you accurately. Both your matches and your SR are based on your MMR. So it’s either both, or neither.

If the system accurately knows how well you play, that means your MMR is accurate, which means your SR is accurate (or will soon be if there was some disturbance, as bonus gains ensure SR always chases to MMR, even with a 50% win-rate).

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Seeing as you’ve been one of the most patient and respectful posters on this thread, regardless of the position you take in this discussion, I respect your opinions, but I also partially disagree with them on a fundamental level. Your position is that Blizzard has been 100% clear and transparant, never tells partial truths, isn’t ever inherently misleading toward customers, and has always been upfront about the competitive matchmaking process. I argue that this simply is false. While I don’t think they’ve outright lied about anything, I do think that they have not been transparent or given clear cut definitions of how the system works.

Jeff and others have given very simplified definitions of MMR, SR, and how they relate, but they have not at any point given an exact definition. Everything said by blizzard employees has been extremely generalized, to the point where it can be interpreted in multiple ways. The ways Cuthbert and others have interpreted is one valid way to understand it, while yours, FriendlyFire’s, and the like have another way of understanding it. Neither group knows for sure, and it’s a fallacy to wholeheartedly assume either POV is the correct one.

What I’m trying to say is that Cuthbert and co have valid reasoning, at least based on anectodal evidence and their inherent confirmation bias. The same goes for your side’s reasoning. Neither group can be outright told they’re wrong, although many who take the definition as you do think it justified. Fact is, Blizzard has not and probably will not ever fully explain the entire truth of the matter, barring a rogue current or ex employee leaking the info to us. That probably won’t happen anytime soon though.

I think it’s a fallacy to blindly go with one interpretation of the facts given without ever considering the others as being possibly true. There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to show that the other side may be correct. Dismissing it off-hand as if Blizzard would be liars if you interpret it differently is naive. Just because some cannot accept that the quotes blizzard has given can be interpreted multiple ways does not mean they are correct.

My real question in all of this is why certain people cannot even fathom other interpretations from their own as being possible. There’s also absolutely no reason to assume Blizzard has given a complete picture of how the system works, because any layman can see that they have not. Anyone that understands that Blizzard is a company rather than a caretaker understands that Jeff and co are not permitted to explain many aspects of the game to us. When everything said by them has been vague and generalized to the point where it can be understood in many competing ways, it shows that we as a whole are not getting the absolute full picture truth on the matter.


That’s not completely true, if I’m being honest. I think that some things they tell us are pretty straight-forward, and could be taken at face value. I think others are pretty vague. There are some stances that I don’t believe require intimate knowledge of how the system works, though.

For instance, if someone says MMR and SR aren’t close. I will gladly acknowledge it’s possible in some instances (streaks, new accounts, decay), but I don’t think it is the norm for active accounts based upon the quote about them being closely linked. When someone says the system is rigged against them, I likewise could refer to the quote where Jeff comments that people should stop being paranoid.

I don’t refuse to acknowledge that those possibilities exist, so much as I feel it is unproductive to argue from those standpoints based upon what type of baggage comes with the stance that they are being deliberately misleading when talking, 'cause at the end of the day , yeah, it could be heavily stacked against players in some scenarios to keep them coming back if they have research that indicates failure motivates them to keep playing for whatever reason, and as crazy as that sounds in a utopian world, we know of way too many corporate scandals to say they ‘wouldn’t’ do that to their player base. Handicapping could totally be a thing, but I think it is slightly less reasonable to adopt that stance than it is to say the system is unbiased.

For the rest of what you’ve said, and this might come as a surprise, but I actually agree with you. I don’t think everything they’ve said gives us an accurate or complete picture of what is happening under the hood. I think it’s quite reasonable to assume there’s a lot more going on than what they’ve told us. I also think they used generalized language intentionally in many instances, which is problematic due to the ambiguity it can create.

That is to say that I do think Cuthbert and supporters have a leg to stand on. We (Cuthbert and I) actually had an excellent conversation at one point in the thread that simply ended with me noting that what he was saying made perfect sense, but that the presuppositions I was working with didn’t allow for his argument to exist (An “If A , then B”, where I could agree that B would follow, but that A didn’t exist in the first place).

Most of the time, I’m not posting in this thread to dismiss their opinions or argue that they’re wearing tinfoil hats without a basis, but to simply discuss the topics from my point of view. I don’t assume that I’m the one that has the answers (in most cases), but am attempting to engage in a dialogue on the topic of matchmaking, 'cause honestly, I think something about it is broke. I just find it difficult to pinpoint what mechanism in particular is broken, or if it’s a byproduct of the variables the system is attempting to work with.

I honestly enjoy the discussions in this thread a great deal. It’s probably my favorite thread on the forums. Cuthbert and a few others have been amazing to talk to, and not because we agree, but because I feel like this is a controversial topic where we have so many different worldviews that are actively engaging in an open-minded talk. If I didn’t feel that way, I would’ve left long ago, like I did the “Forced loss streaks” thread.


Not immediately, or gradually (which is what should happen), which is why you run into win- and loss streaks. This just happened to me. I’d been on quite the loss streak, and suddenly won 5 games in a row. But, aside from the players in them, they were all basically the same games; we start out on Defense, have a hard time defending, usually into overtime, or lose the round right before it, and when attacking, we somehow rush onto the objective and snowball across the map. Clearly, after having me lose 200 SR, the game felt I did not belong that low, and has since tried ranking me back up. Something’s afoot here.

Erm, no. This ‘stuck’ is only as far as the ‘medal’ (like Platinum) goes. But within that, you can be all over the place for reasons unknown to man. As I’ve stated before, I feel my ‘place’ on the ladder should be around 2850, why this number? It’s the average I get when I compare my season low and season high for the past 6 seasons or so. If 2850 is my ‘cap’, then why can’t I somewhat stably maintain that SR? Who do I get win streaks that sometime see me jump up into Diamond, or loss streaks that nearly drop me into Gold?

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In addition, because you are a Mercy main, these oscillations around your true rank are wider, because your win/loss results are more team dependent than most.

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