Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

i love that this is STILL a thing and yet… not a single blue post… cmon jeffy its time to step up or out


100% this ^

I often feel like a crazy person for perceiving and caring about this MMR/handicapping issue. Coming up against the corporate double-think of Blizzard and the brainwashing they’ve done on their players has been deeply disturbing. But the nature of MMR as a handicapping system is a forgone conclusion, based on what Blizzard’s own execs have told us. And like you say, the effects are palpable to many players.

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Or maybe you feel like a crazy person because you’re wrong and have wasted so much time and effort arguing something that is blatantly wrong. A while ago I noticed you don’t even play this game anymore. Has that changed, or have you been doing this despite not being an actual player for, what, a year now? If you’ve done literally nothing Overwatch related but spam the forums and maintain this thread, then seriously get help; we can all see how sad the flat-earthers are from the outside, and how they get sucked in and too invested in their blatantly false beliefs no matter how much the truth stares them in their faces.

The MMR system is effective, ranks people where they should be as well as can be expected, and is the only sane way to form teams for good matches. There is no conspiracy where MMR is significantly different from many players’ SR and secretly keeping anyone in particular ranks. Blizzard does good and bad things as a company but there’s no benefit to them to have a faulty ladder.

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That’s only true if you’re the very highest person currently queuing for the game. For everyone else, it doesn’t matter if your MMR goes up or down. There are people above you and below you, and you’re being matched with people near you in both directions. Your relative MMR within your group will continue to be random until you’re very near the very top (or bottom) of the ladder.

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Why cap sr at 5000 in the first place?

In chess there is no elo limit. So why put in place a sr limit?

I found a few people to play with. Created a 4 stack. Sometimes 5.

We went 14-0. Ranked up to 2550. Easy.

Was i carried? No. I felt like a standout, but it was nice to play with players who actually grouped up and made callouts. The new teammates were surprised and excited to win so many games in a row.

I knew we could. I know we don’t belong in low Gold. Never did.


Why was i stuck at 2100 for the entire rest of the season?

Same reason i’m still down there on my alt account.


The system will balance you out. You could be a Plat player for sure, stuck in low gold. Why? Because the games down there are actually HARDER, due to the handicapping making sure you have to carry if you’re the hot player.

Yes. Low gold solo queue is MUCH harder than Plat with a decent few players.

Make a group. Bypass the idiotic forced even match crap in this game. Avoid trolls. Shoot right up in rank.

Happens to me every time i find an actual team. I rank way up, with a bunch of guys who were being held down by the matchmaker just like me. And we went up against other 5 stacks, even 6. Not like the game let us stomp on solo queue players for days on end. It tried to challenge us. We didn’t belong down at 2100.

But i’d be damned if i could win half the games down there solo queue. Too many idiots, throwers, trolls, smurfs and of course the matchmaker literally TRYING to handicap things and cancel you out!

To me, it says their matchmaker for solo and duo queues is horrible. You really will sit there with your forced even matches, never able to rank up, constantly running into players who can’t even group up.

Find a stack.

The real shame is that, for a TEAM GAME… this game has no TEAM BUILDER, CLANS OR ANYTHING AT ALL!

Really, all these people blaming the matchmaker are correct. Playing OW solo queue is hell.

I’m not saying all these gold players should be GM, but THEY KNOW… they should be Plat. Mid-Plat. Maybe Diamond, some of them. Stuck in Gold, due to the horrible system that actually punishes the decent players by forcing them to play at that exact SR… even if they should be above it. The matchmaker finds someone really low to balance it out.

You can see it.

So… find a stack. All i can say.

Game sucks for all these people trying to solo queue.


Well I guess this is why I have come to be incredibly frustrated with competitive. I used to only play quickplay, but wanted to give competitive a go. What a headache it has been. I thought I’d be with people my own skill, but I don’t think that’s what is happening… competitive is absolutely maddening. My own skill means nothing–or lack there of. It feels like my Season Rank is based more on the algorithm than it is my own skill. And I’m only in silver… maybe high bronze… I don’t even know because of this matchmaking!


Like to dislike ratio?? 217 people vs the whole community…hmm k…

Well for example they could go with a full, long detailed answer on how the SR, PBSR and MMR works along with detailed answers on why they work like that.
Full official explanation on which stats matter for which heroes when it comes to PBSR.
Full coverage on what the matchmaker checks when it formulates a match, each stat explained, detailed and reasoned.

You know pretty much all the stuff what we need ingame in an easily checkable form to improve if we want to.

You know the saying “suspicious silence”? Nothing makes it easier to attack someone with various claims than refusing to answer back. All it would take Blizzard to shatter the theories is to release this data but they refuse to do that.

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EXACTLY. I stopped playing this game many seasons ago (after season 6) because I felt I was babysitting people in my SR. Common knowledge things (at least to me) people couldnt grasp. Like, positioning as soldier, when to ULT, which heros counter which heros. When to push. Season 6 I climbed to plat playing Zarya, Genji, Tracer, McCree, Genji, Anna. I feel like I can play a little bit of everything and I do. I played seasons 10, 11, 12, 14 as well but only for about 2-10 hours.

This season I am 60 hours in, and I am getting that babysitting feeling again. Some people say “stop telling me how to play the game”. I even hear some complain about being on a loss streak when the game starts, while I think to myself “oh sht, I just won 3-5 games in a row… This is a loss unless I can carry this”. And I’ve noticed when I am in a game, no matter how good my call outs are, no matter the picks I get, sometimes my team just cant capitalize. I like to look at your current win rate. Right now I am 159-146 (not bad) but the game I have been getting are bad. Really bad. So Bad I am scared to queue. I am only gold (2260, was 2318) but I understand a fair bit of the game. Enough to know when people are making mistakes. And in my SR rank it is RARE to find a good healer, so I usually heal. But when I do and My DPS arent doing well I will go DPS as well. Or if i am tanking and not getting healed I will go Hog, or Mei, or Reaper just to get some sort of self healing.

Reading this article was an eye opener and the fact that Im not the only one who realized this made me feel more sane. I tell my stream and my brothers my “excuses” all the team. But I now know my excuses arent “excuses” at all, it’s the truth. and idk how to break the system

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It’s been like that since the beginning. I’m honestly surprised people still complain about it. Enjoy it for what it is or move on, imo. They may overhaul it in the future or they may not. Good read, but I don’t mind babysitting or being babysat because the game is still fun. That may wear off after awhile, which is normal, imo.

People arent going to be happy with Blizzard saying the game is fairly balanced until they detail exactly how the hidden MMR works and is calculated. These people have a point to be fair, as if they are so sure of its balance and fairness, why is it hidden at all?


still nothing from the blues, im not shocked


Check the references section. Everything’s there, and it’s a lot. They’re not going to repeat themselves for a bunch of immature, self-entitled players as this forum has continued to prove themselves to be.

oh wow, im guessing you are dating a blue arent you, either that or you have stockholm syndrome

No, I’m an automated reply bot.

Check the references section. Everything’s there, and it’s a lot. They’re not going to repeat themselves for a bunch of immature, self-entitled players as this forum has continued to prove themselves to be.

Now check the bolded.

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Are you going to accuse them of being disinfo agents next?

You seem vexed. 2020

id say netlled but… vexed works also

MMR is rigged in terms of matchmaking.

I purposefully threw games just to get more of a losing streak in order to see how matchmaking would be (about 250 SR). Chances are, the remnants of losing teammates that I threw with are more likely to match up with me, whereas the remnants of enemy teams that won would always be matched against me. It is rigged because it is determining via losses that players should not be at their current MMRs and will try to match people based on that. SR is pointless when the MMR system is designed to make sure that losing players are continually matched with other losing players until they win, and the winning players are continually matched with other winning players until they lose. Having an MMR reveal would be pointless because the system is already present in practicality for us to see.