Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

I really wonder about what things Match Making Rating takes into account. I suspect that it does monitor who plays which classes and tries to arrange teams with players for each role. But since the whole system works without our awareness, or our consent to be classified as healer/tank/DPS, players switch lanes sometimes and screw up the MMR system’s machinations.

It’s actually correct though. In fact flipping HTHTHTHTHT is just as likely as HHHHHHHHHH. As humans we expect individual numbers to mirror the aggregate at every part but that’s not the case. Flipping 5 heads in a row does not change the 50/50 nature of whether you get H/T next. Streaks are guaranteed in any 50/50 string of outcomes. The more outcomes you have the more accurate you are as you get closer to the 50/50. This is why folks say play more games as 100 games tells way better than 10 but 1000 is even better. 10,000,000 is getting amazing. Same idea.

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Yeah streaks don’t necessarily signify anything, but they are what most people in the community focus on.

What I notice is that games are just about always unpredictable (i.e., 50% to win) no matter where you are on the SR ladder. That is what shows the presence of handicapping. Because without that artificial “balancing,” matches would be a lot easier to win at the bottom of the ladder.

Not really as both sides are composed of equally unskilled players ie balanced.

There is no such thing

It doesn’t, we know that. Which is why unfortunately you get the occasional 4 support mains on a team and then lose because some are filling to roles they are bad at. Doing this in the background in secret would be far worse than a direct role queue, which Jeff said Blizzard is considering carefully.

They probably should implement some sort of light, minimal role-queue system to avoid these worst-case scenarios. I personally wouldn’t want a hardlocked 2-2-2 though.

Come on Cuth, we both know this isn’t true. It’s the reason there are so many popular videos of players getting on smurf accounts and stomping up the ranks with 95-100% win-rates. The reason why anyone can pay a booster to rank up their account. Because the game is balanced on your current rank, that’s how good the system thinks you are. If you deserve to be higher, then the match is not actually balanced. Your team has an advantage.

Now if you are playing legitimate it’s going to usually be true, because you won’t get that far from your “true rank”. But I did once go on a 600SR loss streak (playing while tilted big mistake boys), and the next day it was very easy to streak back up as the players were significantly worse. Anyone who has fallen 500+SR from their normal range (not a career peak they hit on a lucky streak) would say the same thing: it’s much easier to win.

This contradiction right here.

Play a lot of games. More certainty.

Go on a win/loss streak, less certain???

This is the part I have a problem with. Does it compare you to all over people within a certain SR range who play that hero? Or are we compared to top 500 players and Masters too???

What else do we need to consider if the former is true? Smurfs!!! I am Gold, so I should be compared to all Gold players. Yet, in many tiers, not just Gold, smurfs run rampant and potentially skew all of that data by changing that historical data!!

This is a major contradiction when it comes to calculating SR and MMR.

And this is why there needs to be a 'preferred role" option added into the matchmaker so it can pair people based on what they would prefer to play.

Example: Evolve Stage 2 had a “preferred role” system. You ordered your preffered roles in order from most to least. Myself and many people would put the Monster role first, damage role second, tanks 3rd and healers last. And that worked really well because they had specific charatcers that did exactly that. And no, you didn’t always get selected for the Monster role or DPS role that you wanted most. You usually got healer or tank based on where you were in the queue pool and what was needed to fill out a group.

That kind of preferred role system would make it easier for the matchmaker to group players not only based on the MMR/SR but wil allow the matchmaker to selectively pick players based on their preferred roles.

yes, this MAY effect queue times, but at the very LEAST, it will ensure that players have a higher chance of playing the role and by extension the heros they want to play rather than being forced to play something they are not used to.

it wont force you to play a single role. It will just be more information for the matchmaker and your team to take into account when switches are required based on any given situation.

And after the matchmaker has done its best to place you, your team can look at your profile and see what your preferred roles are (regardless of private profiles) so they can at least attempt to make adequate switches mid game so we don’t upset/trigger people by asking/encouraging/forcing/guilting/coercing them to do things they are not comfortable doing.

On the surface this quotation from Scott Mercer might appear to be a contradiction. But I think it is actually telling us something about the Match Making Rating system.

What I think this means is that while MMR holds a long-term record of your career as a player, it also operates on shorter-term assessments of your performance. Blizzard would say that this helps them ‘catch Smurfs at the wheel,’ so to speak. On the flip side, it may be helping people who are just ‘having an off day,’ on heavy medication or whatever.

But it also punishes/benefits anyone who happens to be playing well/badly on a given day, for a dampening effect. MMR handicaps matches to be easier for players who are presently doing badly, relative to the rest of their career and other players at their SR level. At the same time it makes matches harder for players who are presently doing well.

Great questions! I don’t think anyone but Blizzard knows the answers.

Blizzard’s statements about MMR are rife with simplism and contradictions. I would call it double-think, and it’s what they peddle to the players. But they are too smart to believe themselves a lot of what they tell us.

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There is honestly a shortage of people on this forum who think like we do!! It is such a shame!! So many elitist people who think that skill is priority A and teamwork is priority B. The truth is, even a low rank team can win a match by coordinating, and that is certainly true of a 6 stack. Everyone is in VC. Everyone playing the hero(s) that they play and helps the team and has ult combo potential.

Solo queue players are always at the mercy of the matchmaker because there are dozens of variables that determine how much SR you gain or lose.

You have booster groups with 1 Platinum and 2 Silver and a Gold player. I see horrible group match ups all the time. here are a few recent ones where multiple Platinum players are grouped with Silvers and golds in 2 3 4 and 5 stacks get matched with a solo player and match us against a full 6 stack. That enemy team already has a major advantage of communication. We do not. How is that EVEN fair???

https:// imgur_com/gallery/0tMNrdX

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Hey everyone, I just had a baby! Her name is Artemis :slight_smile:

Sorry to go off topic, but I’ve been posting here so long. The thread is full of friends and frenemies who I wanted to tell about this great change in my life.

Yeah! Blizzard has confirmed that Match Making Rating pays special attention to groups, formulating a rating based on the track record of certain people playing together. And this is where I think MMR gets really sinister, because it makes things unnaturally difficult for well-formed groups.

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Congrats! And good luck on realizing that MMR is not handicapping.

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Congrats on the baby! Best wishes to you and your family. :smiley:

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Thank you, Sheevah!!

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To beat the matchmaker note all of your games for a week. Times played, W or L. When you look back at it you will find two flaws with it. 1.) there are certain times of the day when winning is easier. 2.) After playing X games in a row it will start pair you with leavers and shifting the 50/50% lose/win to 30/50% lose/win chance. With this you should be able to hit any rank. I recommend keeping your account in mid diamond or mid grandmasters I find both of these ranks to be the most coordinated. But honestly the easiest way to enjoy this game is to pick a hero from each class you like and master them. Focusing on your roll and gameplay will reduce tilt and allow for clarity on positioning.


Remove the mmr and let top500 play wih bronze un placement

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All it takes is a couple of geneticists/biologists to figure out a product that makes it nigh impossible for two thirds of all humans to not be addicted to it. Sell it to customers and be like “hey they bought it their addiction is their problem” shrugs.

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The innocent should have no fear of investigation.

If Blizzard is on the up and up, then there’s no reason to completely hide how the matchmaker and PBSR work. They could tell us how they work without divulging any proprietary information.

Please Blizzard, prove the “conspiracy theories” wrong. That is, unless they’re actually correct.

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i really don’t understand what you’re trying to say here

Grats! Are you gonna call her “Arti” for short?

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