Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

I think everyone if you play above your rank in the current mmr system youll climb.

If im understanding this correctly you can have a case of 6 players who are currently plat but their mmr has them rated at diamond(or above) against 6 players who are plat whose mmr is as well rated at diamond(or above).

SR doesn’t reset from season to season. Assuming no decay, a player only has to play the minimum number of games each season once they have achieved a rank that they are happy with. No grinding is required.

It takes 10 to 15 matches, then you will be hit with a “long queue time” warning and your games will suddenly be a lot harder. Either very misbalanced teams or a clear doppelganger on the other side.

Tested this myself and had 2 machines next to each other. Both were at same SR, one was played at mid gold level and the other was climbing from silver to mid plat. Climber had the delay warning.

I hardly play anymore so no intention to replicate. You could though. No takers yet to even try.

Absolutely, positively. I have witnessed this countless times. However, it’s more realistic that you have maybe one player who is currently plat with the skill of diamond on one team, and the same type of player on the other team to balance it out. This creates coinflip matches, it’s horrible.

Then ez fix reset it every season.

GM level players will earn top 500 or climb either way right?

This also forces them to grind it out against fresh blood.

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That’s great, except for the “blood” that gets “ground”.

More generally, match quality would fall through the floor if SR was reset every season, as all the data on people’s ability would be lost, and it takes hundreds of games to rank people accurately.

The quote says nothing about producing matches for people playing above or below their ranks

Yeah right. I’ve literally never seen the long queue time warning on an account below masters



Theoretically but that never actually happens, and the chance of it happening is going incredibly low because a) if your mmr is diamond and Sr plat your gains are going to be massive and losses minimal anyways ie the system will be looking to drag you into diamond not keep you in plat and b) only 10% of the entire population is above diamond to begin with, to assume even a third of those are playing on plat accounts at once is nonsense

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how do u know the chance of it happening is low when we dont know the inner workings of blizz matchmaking?

Correct, so when there is no diamond player smurf to place on the other team, in order to make a fair match where each side has a 50% chance of winning it gives the diamond smurf a bunch of potatoes on his team to offset his skill. He must carry every game in order for it to be a fair match. Is it any wonder everyone is complaining about getting 4 golds and still losing? The people who think there is nothing wrong with the matchmaker are the potatoes lol


2 people:

a 4100SR person with 100 games played
a 4100SR person with 1000 games played

wouldn’t you agree that the one with the more games played is better? maybe not by much, but I think we could assume he is better

This is why there should be no sr cap and seasons should be much longer

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the length of seasons are too short then.

That’s complete nonsense

The people who think there is nothing wrong with the matchmaker are the potatoes lol

That’s funny because other than you almost everyone that has complaints similar to yours are low rank hard stuck players who don’t even have the capability of realizing how bad they actually are

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It seems that you are randomly “countering” each thing that I say with a contrary statement without really thinking them through. Anyways, feel free to write a long post on how you think the system should be designed. Try to think how different parts of the system interact and beware of unintended consequences.

Anyways, the seasons were shortened from three months to two months because people start to feel stuck in their rank late in the three month season and start screwing around with semi-toxic behavior or go play other games. But a lot of these things are judgement calls that are more opinion than right or wrong.

I’m off to bed.


If there is no sr cap for top 5000 then those who want it have to fight for their rank. This is supported with longer seasons.
If this is implemented the MMR system is not needed and there would be no need for these debates.
Edit: see not that long :slight_smile:

Uncapped Sr has literally nothing to do with mmr and its use, like why do you even think uncapping the sr cap suddenly gets rid of to reason mmr is used?

If we allow for rank decay for diamond and above players then mmr must be used because of match “balance”.
However if the cap is taken away it forces gms to continue to play for top 500.
Until “end” of season
If we take away seasons or conventional ones, because to my understanding the current mmr system is just keeping track of ur wins losses over multiple seasons, it eliminates the need for mmr and its rather weird way of making sure matches are “balanced”.
i.e if ur mmr is gm but u loss to diamond or below the system is going to make sure the enemy team has a a player who even tho is ranked diamond or below has the same mmr as you.

Meaning only the top 500 people who have the most sr by the end of the season get top 500 mark.

This can be implemented in the lower ranks as well.
Only the top 1000 GM’s actually get the gm mark
only the top 2000 masters get teh masters mark
and so on so on.

It makes comps mode based on sr rather than mmr and forces players to actually fight for their rank in every tier.

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Dang you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about do you

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