Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

he has answered this multiple times before.

But he hasn’t, he ignores it because he’d rather blame the system than admit he was bad at game. Easier that way

Factually wrong, quite obviously you haven’t read much or you would have seen he quit the game years ago. Your help would probably be just as wasteful.

The match maker system is flawed in quite a lot of ways. Players see this, and leave, which further exposes the flaws leading to more leaving. Player rate is decreasing heavily, shown by actual revenue well below forecast revenue (the second dip in that chart). This game is making no money outside of OWL so there is only minimal investment. Base design wasn’t strong enough and they didn’t listen on how to improve the experience. The lower that share price goes the clearer this is.

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I have felt that way many times, in the course of making arguments on this and other game developer’s forums. Some people just think ethical game design is a loopy idea…

What are you arguing for / against again?
I’m sorry but Im pretty dumb, can you give me an eli5?

He wants the matches to be rigged instead of balanced basically

I love watching my ideas go through the blender of other people’s minds.


Btw the 50% chance to win only applies if you’re playing at your rank, if you’re above the rank you’re playing at then you already have a better chance of winning. Ie you were worse than you thought

You are completely missing the point of this thread, and the Match Making Rating System itself.

That is what everyone assumes, because the vast majority of players do not know about Match Making Rating. But MMR makes it patently untrue.

No it doesn’t make it untrue. If your mmr is above your rank you not only have a better chance of winning because you’re better than the other players in the game, but you also gain more and lose much less.

If a plat player played at your lowly rank of silver their mmr would shoot up so fast that they would probably climb without even needing a 50% win rate (though let’s be real they would win almost every game at that rank anyways)

No up when you win fool up when you play better than other same roles at your rank and down when you do the opposite. NOT WHEN YOU WIN OR LOSE THATS LITERALLY IRRELEVANT, but people still feel good about wins and bad about losses ARBITRARILY.

The past Blue comments actually lead us to believe that it is theoretically possible to stay the same on a win or loss, but that your MMR would never drop on a win nor go up on a loss. So, as long as Blue’s haven’t been misleading us in some capacity, Kaawumba was correct.

Your argument would be truer if SR was the determining number they used for match making. They base your matches on your MMR not SR. So, if your MMR is higher than your SR then you will still be playing matches 50% win chance with your MMR.

If your mmr is higher than your sr then the system will try to drag your Sr towards it regardless. If you’re mid gold with mmr in low plat then you’ll get plats in your game sure but the gains will be greater and losses less to try to bring the numbers together


Never thought i would see “cognitive dissonance” in a OW forum post lol.

Hes proposing a system that doesnt care how you perform only taking into account if you won or lost that match.

Im for it to be honest.


Would you consider overwatch a zero sum game?

Would you consider overwatch a zero-sum game?


20 characters…

Then isnt MMR pointless?

It may not be an exact zero-sum game, but it’s close. The amount of SR the winning team gains may not equal the amount lost by the other team. All we know for sure is that the winner always gains and the loser always loses.