Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

well if it WAS good, then there wouldn‘t be so many stomps?

my post was also just a guess. no scientific evidence included :laughing:

it’s possible to flip a coin on heads 10,000 times in a row. Improbable, but possible.

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MMR doesn’t predict anything, it just tells you where you are in relation to the playerbase, and this game does not have handicapping.


I love how everything in OP is purely denial to accept reality as anyone that actually takes time to study the system realizes all of OPs claims to be false.


I love how you ignore the popular vote, which I’ve won 4 times over. And if you think any of us can really “study the system,” you are delusional because Blizzard has revealed very little about how it works.

How can MMR “tell you where you are in relation to the playerbase” when it’s completely hidden, and nowhere in the user interface?

As always, challenges to my argument fail basic tests of truth and logic. I’ll see you in 2019, Blizzard fans.

Yeah MMR is designed to make matches more narrowly contested and not “stomps.” But in a game with human players, there’s bound to be exceptions to the experience Blizzard is trying to enforce.

“MMR works very similarly to SR. There are some minor differences that make it feel worse though, when you just watch that number. For example, it’s possible to win a match and not gain any MMR. We make it so that if you win a match, you always gain SR – even if it’s just a little bit – to feel psychologically rewarding. But MMR’s entire goal is creating fair matches – which isn’t always fun to look at and certainly not “rewarding” for players looking for pats on the back or a sense of progression. So SR “chases” your MMR very closely, except in a rare case of severe SR decay at GM/Masters/Diamond level of play.”- Jeff Kaplan

What you have tried to do, however, is attempt to argue that MMR is a differentiator between “good” and “bad” players at the same SR by using a Scott Mercer quote, which doesn’t even make sense considering the actual source of the quote.

There’s a reason the “REFERENCES” section of Kaawumba’s topic is extensive, while you refuse to actually post the link to the quote of Scott Mercer.

See, Blizzard is willing to discuss the workings of the matchmaker, but with rational players. They are NOT willing to discuss anything with intellectually dishonest people like you. So don’t start talking about truth and logic when your entire argument is 100% based on a lie.


the german’s were wrong…

You mean a vote that means nothing?
And is only in your favor because you take information from the devs then twist and manipulate it from what they actually said to fit your own narrative so that it co-insides with the sentiments of the majority(Who are mostly low ranked and blame anything but themselves).
And don’t forget tha part where multiple people who have actually took the time to study it have proven you wrong, time and time again. But of course you refuse to acknowledge this since you think a vote from humans is the end all be all.

Of course I’m going to ignore it as it means NOTHING

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I just have to carry right?

Can you elaborate what you are trying to say? Also you kinda need something proving you right so it’s clear you aren’t just bullsh*tting!

Happy New Year everyone!

Voting is often the best way of making the best decision, and it’s a good tool for some tasks that would surprise you. If you’re jaded on the concept of democracy, I recommend reading “The Wisdom of Crowds” by James Suroweiky.

Only bronze and silver want mmr to be removed.If mmr wont exist Top500 will play with bronse on placements

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I thought this was the basis of competitive: A match of SKILL. After reading your post it does explain a number of anomalies that are discussed in and out of the forums.

I agree – the queue should exclusively look for SR’s as close together as possible, as I thought it had already done.

Rofl. If you wanted to make huge impact you should have convinced the lucio to go main healer or go main healer your self. With that kind of comp your just padding ur stats and you didnt even have 4 golds. Smh.

0 golds as spamrat? I mean medals dont really matter, but I cant see how you think you carried here.

This image doesent even work lol.

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Convince another player to play something they dont want to play?

I switched to rat towards the end as we were going to lose a 5v6

Thats not from the same game. And how about you flexing if you cant convince another guy to flex? Oh no I cant swap hog, Im farming medals.

No theyre all different games.

So im supposed to be a same rank player for every hero in the game?

? Wut face now? No if you mean that you should be as good with every hero. How does that have anything to do with the fact that in the first pic what I said could have increased the chance of you winning instead of staying on hog farming medals? Your a hog one trick? ps. i can see ur not hog one trick

No im not a hog one trick I never stated that but if ur arguing that every player in the game should simply flex to fill vital roles then i agree. But the reality of it is that the majority of the player base doesnt do this. Also flexing does not increase ur chances of winning I tried it and completely failed. The best way imo is to learn a handful of hereos from every role.

Im not saying every player should flex. But your just one more stubborn player who goes 6 dps instead of trying to form a comp? I said you would prolly had much better chance if you went a main healer instead of padding medals on hog. But its up to you, I see lots of ppl like you on ladder and I do not respect them.