Why Fire People, Blizzard?

With the severance packages they’re getting I kinda doubt it.

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I honestly couldn’t give less of a fidgetspinner as to how they’re doing as a company, but this change means more focus on actual development which is great for me personally as a customer :slight_smile:


Actually EA is better, they are on an up tick right now.

I actually really want to try Apex Legends, but it’s attached to EA… So I might not pick the game up.

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Everyone here knows that the previous CFO was fired, right? So they had to hire a new one?

Just like if you fired the accountant of a small business, you need to hire another one right?

So that salary was already part of their overhead. It’s not a new one.

It is also Respawn Entertainment :slight_smile:, also it is free, you lose nothing but time.
The game is awesome, I randomly got teamed with Fitzyhere1 and his buddy last night, nice guys.

True, but again… EA.

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They, evidently, believe that the new exec will bring them a lot of profit. No company which sells a product is interested in the greater good for the largest amount of people.

Here are there 10 commandments:

  1. Maximise Profit
  2. Maximise Profit
  3. Maximise Profit
  4. Maximise Profit
  5. Maximise Profit
  6. Maximise Profit
  7. Maximise Profit
  8. Maximise Profit
  9. Maximise Profit
  10. Maximise Profit

DoNt YoU GuYs HaVe JOBs!??


Wow this topic is going full derail mode right now. I was looking forward to a good constructive discussion about the newly released information we have on the topic but it’s just players venting out on Bliz even after good news and flexing with Apex just for the spite of it :frowning:


These weren’t game developers were they? Most of the people ( I assume) who developed blizzard’s games are safe. Those who were actually laid off may be from the other departments. At least, after having worked at a company as successful at blizzard, they shouldn’t have too much trouble getting a new job. Still sucks though.

two words. shareholder value.

anyone who tells you different doesn’t understand what they are talking about.


I appreciate the cheek in this post, but there’s no telling what the true motives behind the firings are. Companies are, by and large, an organization built for the purpose of profit. It’s a little short sighted to believe that the sole reason for firing employees is to fill the pockets of just the executives and the executive board. Not defending the decision made by the execs, but not attacking them either. They stated that they were “restructuring” their company, which could mean they want to increase profits, to fill their pockets, but it could also mean they want to earn more money to create better products, to make more money, to make more products.

One can’t just cut the argument off at “profit, profit, profit”, cause that would invalidate the true end-goal that we can only assume is one ORRRR the other.

Because if they don’t fix the issue of Blizzard losing it’s stock value, then nobody will have jobs.

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I don’t understand why people are so mad about it

layoffs happen at every business all over the world, some minor and some major

its not like you expect to have the same job forever

ya they probably did it for the lulz lol easy decision im sure, firing 800 people. no thought other than: “WE NEED MORE MONEY!!!” was put into this yes. you’re right. the corporations are at it again let’s rise up gamers and defeat the establishment.

They needed to fire those 800 people so the CEO could get his 15 million sign on bonus, now he just needs to give everyone a pay cut of 10% and he’s earned himself another 15 million bonus for doing a good job. (Look up hostess)

As sorry as I feel for the people who got fired, it seems like Blizzard is also hiring right now (mostly developers for Diablo, Overwatch and Warcraft if I am not mistaken).

And that is exactly what most people on the forums are asking for:
More content, regular updates, faster game releases (Diablo 4).

Seems to me like they are not simply firing people, but trying to restructure in a certain direction.


EA only published it, it pretty much belongs to Respawn.

it wasn’t blizzard IT WAS ACTIVISION

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