Why DPS always get the blame

it’s not a tank issue if the mc cree goes straight past the tank, ahead of the rest of the team and begins to attack before the team is fully assembled. I’m not denying that their are over cautious tanks but usualy it’s a cause of every man/gets gets their own glory. And when you try to plan a route, and say i think they will have someone waiting around that corner to boop you off the map - they still go that route and get booped off.

I’ve had tanks who have pushed ahead and tried to get the team to follow and still they stand out in the open and try to win the poke battle.

Of course, context matters. I am just saying that sometimes I get annoyed at waiting for my inevitable loss and decide to go in alone and get grief for it because I tolerated waiting 2 minutes of our time bank and figured I might as well try to make some space and hope the team follows.

Did I feed? Sure. Were we doing anything else for 2 minutes? Not really. The big difference is I at least tried to create an oppurtunity. Also I wanted to build a new ultimate because watching that number go up is the only fun aspect about sitting in choke.

it’s a common occurrence, which makes ranking up in a team game frustrating as hell. Try politly explaining that a reaper and junkrat may not be the best choices against a phara. Maybe i’m missing something there I don’t know anymore. The worst is people tell you that you must just adjust your playstyle for lower ranks but how is that a good thing? Picking up bad habits and playing wrong just to have a hope of getting out the pit. I have been i’n higher ranks for many seasons but the game just seems to have become a clownfest of cheesy spam, boop, cc, one shot damage. It feels like all the experienced players have left


My feelings are that players who specialize in DPS are generally those who are the less inclined to care for teamwork. This is not an accusation. This is something that comes out of personal observations and is completely subjective.
I’m also not saying that DPS players can’t use team work. Just that there’s a trend where most non-teamwork-inclined players will drift towards DPS roles.

At the same time, I also feel that the DPS role is also the role where playing with your team is the most difficult. As a support or a tank, you’re naturally focused with your team (especially as a support). As a DPS, you’re naturally drawned to your target. You also often have a better mobility, letting you flank. And coordinating a flank attack with the rest of your team is especially difficult.

Those two observations can make other players feel like the DPS are often lone wolfs not indulged enough in the team play. And as any Overwatch player knows, it needs one potato in a team to ruin everything.
So yeah, I guess the blame will most often fall on the DPS. Not because they are bad, but because of DPS players being seen as not using teamwork as much as the rest of the team.

Though I’d like to add that a bad tank or a bad support will most likely cast a far greater doom on their team than a bad DPS.

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You can work around bad tank or bad support by putting more resources in them, but it doesn’t apply to DPS. Teamwork just not very useful for them.

Or they weren’t there to begin with. Even in game with much larger teams, you often had just 1 competent player per team to pair with. Out of 16 players in total on your team. Odds only become worse, if you downgrade team size.

I understand this. Sometimes, DPS not switching for a Pharah is just annoying and I don’t get it either.

I do think it’s easier to play the game if you try to understand what is going on in all roles.

E.g. the reason Rein isn’t pushing might be because there is too much shield pressure and he needs matrix, bubble or a DPS at an off angle to mitigate or redirect the damage.

Similarly, the reason I might go ahead of a tank is because they don’t clear the space I need for positional advantage that would win the fight (the high ground most of the time).

I end up consciously taking a disadvantageous fight and it’s frustrating because if I lose, I feed.

If I win, there is no appreciation that I had to massively outplay the enemy to get that position.

I don’t see that many tanks like that anymore but while I was climbing, I remember playing Hanamura B on defense and the Reinhardt refused to go high ground so I had to 1v2 a Soldier and McCree every single fight as if they took the high ground, they obviously take the point.

To him, I was probably just doing my job but I was not.

As I say though, this is not the norm anymore. My main issue now with tanks is that the off tank doesn’t support the main tank enough.

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Supporting each other in Overwatch can easily be equal with “we fall together”.

I so not agree with that statement. A bad tank will feed hardcore. It’s even worse than playing 5vs6 as the only real difference with a 5vs6 is that with a bad tank the enemy team will be able to use their ults even more often.
A bad healer and the overall healing is reduced by half. And the other healer won’t be able to do anything else but healing.

And I think teamwork is key while playing DPS. DPS are extremely fragile. They need the heal, they need the tanks to peel for them. Even with good mobility, they need to coordinate their attacks and focus the same targets as the rest of their team.

That’s the trap with the DPS role: it looks and feels too much like playing Half-Life, when your team really is your main asset.


Heal doesn’t work on them, because they are fragile. Many things, that supposed to help DPS, aren’t useful for them.

And worst of all, supports do not have any aiming buffs at their disposal. You can make bad tank live, but you can’t make bad sniper hit their shots.

DPS do not use teamwork, because it’s not useful for them - we can’t have tank abandon everyone else to cover one DPS, and supports also lack buffs to DPS specific qualities.

And when there are such things, they end up nerfed out of existence. Remember armor pack on Tracer, that eventually left Brigitte with no armor on her packs at all? It was one of buffs covering usual fragility of DPS.

You are honestly playing a completely different game.

DPS simply need quick top ups so they can stay active.

With this atttitude, no wonder your DPS perform poorly.

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In my games they are either fully healthy or dead, no in between. After many times desperately trying to save DPS with heals(and dying with them as result), I abandoned such futile practice.

Not very much different from TF2, to be fair, where players lived until first critical rocket.

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I mean, theres even a Developer that says the exact opposite (Look up my first post, number #48), but even so, people will still tell a different story.
Sometimes I read posts that make me believe some people play a different universe/alternate reality version of OW. Like ALL DPS are flankers that magically kill without any team effort and capture the point themselves alone or something.

Facts still remain:

  • You can heal when your DPS dont get picks as often or “nothing is dying”.
  • You can still tank when your DPS dont get picks as often or “nothing is dying”
  • You CANT kill and live when your supports ignore you and your tanks are scared of pressing W.

Exceptions may happen, sure, but mostly on the first and second case, on the third is really rare, outside of ult usage etc.

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Sometimes that’s all you can do. If you’re lucky you can create a distraction your dim-witted team actually manages to capitalize on. But, alas, while it may win Point A you’re probably totally screwed come Point B.

The saddest part is when I feel like I need to pull this while playing tank, especially Orisa. Like, how much slower could I have possibly moved in to make sure my team was with me? I just assume those are the games I’m ‘supposed’ to lose.

I like your name, by the way. Teabag-ing is satisfying af.

(In refernce to Hyphen’s reply)
Firstly, the dev post doesn’t talk about healing/support dps at all so I don’t know what you say is say the oppisite.
The dev post in my opinion simply says “Don’t blame dps, it’s a team game and Blaming people is a waste of time.”
Your legit building a strawman out of a dev post to support your point.

As for

Nothing really wrong here outside of these being very onesided facts, with this but I don’t get your point.
The fact is if all 6 members of the team don’t contribute full to a teamfight you will lose in most cases.

Facts still remain
*If you lose any hero from any role first without them trading or getting a lot of value in 80-90% of cases you will lose.

Yes if the first hero is a tank or healer your odds of winning is even worse and you could be very basic and say “Oh that shows DPS are less useful”
In most cases, it’s the DPS that gets that pick or helps get that pick meaning it’s more a team game.


You know what else is waste of time? Supporting players that can’t make any use of it.

As someone who flexes on all 3 roles, I must say support is the least impactful. If I have to order the 3 roles: Tank, DPS, and Support.

I always analogize tanks as the vertebrae, DPS as the hands, and supports as the heart and blood. Tank moves the whole body, DPS as the extension of the body, to finish what the tank starts and Support keeps the whole body alive.

As to suggest who has the most impactful role: in a fight, Tank leads the charge, DPS to finish and finesse the enemy team and support keeps the team alive. Sure in terms of survivability Support is the key but imo on the overall team fight, Tank will always be the most impactful role.

[REDACTED] I agree fully with your post.


It’s a hangover from open q ranked where almost everyone wanted to be the DPS and they resented someone else being stubborn and only playing the “fun” role, but sucking at it. Losing in the fun role > losing in the unfun role.

When you had 4 DPS, they all could suck, but it didn’t matter, since you got 4 of them. With 2, it’s 2x pressure on each.

“Never underestimate stupid things in large numbers” - Sam “Serious” Stone.