Why DPS always get the blame

You are honestly playing a completely different game.

DPS simply need quick top ups so they can stay active.

With this atttitude, no wonder your DPS perform poorly.

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In my games they are either fully healthy or dead, no in between. After many times desperately trying to save DPS with heals(and dying with them as result), I abandoned such futile practice.

Not very much different from TF2, to be fair, where players lived until first critical rocket.

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I mean, theres even a Developer that says the exact opposite (Look up my first post, number #48), but even so, people will still tell a different story.
Sometimes I read posts that make me believe some people play a different universe/alternate reality version of OW. Like ALL DPS are flankers that magically kill without any team effort and capture the point themselves alone or something.

Facts still remain:

  • You can heal when your DPS dont get picks as often or “nothing is dying”.
  • You can still tank when your DPS dont get picks as often or “nothing is dying”
  • You CANT kill and live when your supports ignore you and your tanks are scared of pressing W.

Exceptions may happen, sure, but mostly on the first and second case, on the third is really rare, outside of ult usage etc.

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Sometimes that’s all you can do. If you’re lucky you can create a distraction your dim-witted team actually manages to capitalize on. But, alas, while it may win Point A you’re probably totally screwed come Point B.

The saddest part is when I feel like I need to pull this while playing tank, especially Orisa. Like, how much slower could I have possibly moved in to make sure my team was with me? I just assume those are the games I’m ‘supposed’ to lose.

I like your name, by the way. Teabag-ing is satisfying af.

(In refernce to Hyphen’s reply)
Firstly, the dev post doesn’t talk about healing/support dps at all so I don’t know what you say is say the oppisite.
The dev post in my opinion simply says “Don’t blame dps, it’s a team game and Blaming people is a waste of time.”
Your legit building a strawman out of a dev post to support your point.

As for

Nothing really wrong here outside of these being very onesided facts, with this but I don’t get your point.
The fact is if all 6 members of the team don’t contribute full to a teamfight you will lose in most cases.

Facts still remain
*If you lose any hero from any role first without them trading or getting a lot of value in 80-90% of cases you will lose.

Yes if the first hero is a tank or healer your odds of winning is even worse and you could be very basic and say “Oh that shows DPS are less useful”
In most cases, it’s the DPS that gets that pick or helps get that pick meaning it’s more a team game.


You know what else is waste of time? Supporting players that can’t make any use of it.

As someone who flexes on all 3 roles, I must say support is the least impactful. If I have to order the 3 roles: Tank, DPS, and Support.

I always analogize tanks as the vertebrae, DPS as the hands, and supports as the heart and blood. Tank moves the whole body, DPS as the extension of the body, to finish what the tank starts and Support keeps the whole body alive.

As to suggest who has the most impactful role: in a fight, Tank leads the charge, DPS to finish and finesse the enemy team and support keeps the team alive. Sure in terms of survivability Support is the key but imo on the overall team fight, Tank will always be the most impactful role.

[REDACTED] I agree fully with your post.


It’s a hangover from open q ranked where almost everyone wanted to be the DPS and they resented someone else being stubborn and only playing the “fun” role, but sucking at it. Losing in the fun role > losing in the unfun role.

When you had 4 DPS, they all could suck, but it didn’t matter, since you got 4 of them. With 2, it’s 2x pressure on each.

“Never underestimate stupid things in large numbers” - Sam “Serious” Stone.

As support, you choose what to heal and what utility to bring. Sometimes yes that comes down to choosing not to heal someone over someone else because it gets more value.

Some people see that as an insult and tilt.
Others adapt and maximize their value without heals.
It’s the second player that climbs even when the healer isn’t correct.

Oh, I wasn’t referring to you as building a strawman at all, sorry if it came off that way. Your post seems to be an opinion and you seem to have a point.

I was saying Hyphen is taking the dev post and making it a strawman by saying it says the opposite to you when it totally doesn’t say that at all or in other words Hyphen built a strawman out of the Dev’s post to support his argument.

I edited it to try and make that more clear.

You are going to have to read the post again mate because you are clearly not getting it. The whole point is that DPS get the blame for “nothing is dying” , like getting picks and winning fights (BOTH, not just the latter) is a DPS only task. The Developer proves it wrong, just like reality does:
DPS are not doing 100% of the damage of the team, they barely get 55%.

Its not a strawman at all, not twisting anything so you should stop trying to throw fallacies to refute my statement because ironically, thats another fallacy : Ad hominem.

Read the post again pal. This is the literal sentence:
“They feel that they’re losing because no one on the enemy team is dying . They then blame the players in the damage role.”

Talking about strawmans:
When did I say that if X doesnt contribute to a team fight you will win?
I am saying you can still HEAL people (win or not) and you can still TANK (win or not) but DPS rely A LOT on the other roles. That is just a FACT.

The issue is that most of the times (as the Developer points out, and reality too by the way) DPS get blamed for losses AND when “nothing is dying” they also get the blame.

In BOTH cases its unfair.
Clear now? Cool :sunglasses:

Yep agree the post is about people blaming DPS for “nothing is dying”.
That isn’t the opposite to

"DPS simply need quick top ups so they can stay active.

With this attitude, no wonder your DPS perform poorly."

Which is what you replied to.
Didn’t see the statement you replied as blaming DPS and more saying it’s a team game. This is why you saying that the dev says the opposite is creating a strawman because dev’s didn’t talk about what healers should be doing or game balance.

You can make presumptions about that sure but that’s what you are saying not what someone else and hence why when you present your presumption as what someone else is saying is strawmaning.

As for …

You didn’t. Don’t know why you thought I was replying to something you didn’t write.

Also, don’t know what me saying I don’t understand your point was which those facts has to do with strawmen or w/e. Unless your saying, I’m making strawman of myself with my own opinion or why I’d do that?. err. little confused on that?

I did get that in the post, thank you for rewriting what you wrote I did read it.
Like I said I don’t understand your point with this.

I don’t get how the 2 relate.
Are you saying you don’t need DPS to play heal or tank…
Cause if you do… if as a healer I don’t have DPS as options to heal or support I’m gonna lose vs a team that does.
Or if as a tank if I make space without DPS vs a tank that makes space with their DPS I’ll lose.
(I’ll clarify before you go on … I don’t know what your point is and your not being clear at least from my point of view)


My opinion is this every role is dependent on every role to say one role isn’t, in my opinion, is shifting blame and go contray to when a dev say this…

I think the mentally, that dps is the only role that is dependent on other roles is toxic because you are just shifting blame to other roles and not moving towards min-maxing your own play style while making the most with the team you have.

Like saying.

So tank gets 90% of the blame if you lose … because you can only win in 10% of games where there isn’t a tank dif?
That’s toxic as hell in my opinion.

It’s a 6v6 game everyone relies on each other I don’t see the dev post as saying dps are blameless but they have the same responsibility as the rest of the team and people are blaming them for their mistakes or their lack of ability to make plays isn’t the correct way to improve or win.


Man that choke part is true, and it p*sees me off. I die a little every time I get attack blizzard world, because my team will play like they’re reinacting 300, never picking the side flank.

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You are nitpicking a sentence that is a reply to someone that is reinforcing a point he made before, and I am agreeing with him adding something else.
Not every reply I post is to refute things dude, you HARDCORE misunderstood that one and quoted me for no reason, also accused me (bonus attack I guess) of strawman when I wasnt disagreeing with that dude at all.

If you dont understand something, ask then instead of assuming things and arguing against something Ive never said or intended, ok?.

Because you quoted me ? Thats how the direction of a reply works?
What? Dude you are still not using punctuation marks, which makes most of your sentences ultra confusing. Reformat your posts before hitting send because its getting weird.

What? No.
Im saying that other roles are not so reliant on the rest of the team.
How are you not getting this? Everyone else seems to.

Another strawman.
Read the words dude, i said “A LOT”, im talking about amounts, never said that the other roles dont require team work AT ALL. You are basically skipping nuances and speaking in absolutes, which I never did.

You mean the “mentality”?
Also the current reality we live in is the exact opposite, read the post dude:
DPS unfairly blamed for losses.
Also again, read above. I never said ONLY DPS rely on the team :man_facepalming:

Chill with the accusations, damn.
In a 222 setting tanks have way more impact than DPS and most of the time, yeah, the matches are lost because your tanks are not getting the job done as much as the enemys or they are afraid to press W.

That is just an opinion, im not insulting anyone’s skill, behaviour or accusing anyone so CHILL dude. You are HARDCORE trying to misconstrue every post I write and try to accuse me of something or call me toxic, if you cant take a chill pill and ask first, good luck on breaking COC.

Also welcome to the ignore list. This ends here :wave:

That’s what you got to work with, whenever you like it or not. Human wave tactics, old trusty relic of WW1.

More complex plan you expect to happen, more chances are, that things won’t go as planned - someone loses focus, makes one step more, than necessary, picks wrong way, etc.

Teleport can help to direct whole “human stream” to different route.

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I replied to it as written. That even if was to back up his post, it still doesn’t mean the opposite to the post he was replying to.

You never wrote that. You made presumptions about my reply, when I made it clear about me not understanding your point.
Saying I don’t get what you mean is a long way from me saying, you said “that if X doesn’t contribute to a team fight you will win.”
If you want to believe that you’re not even disagreeing or arguing with me at this point you arguing with yourself.

Yep, I did. Thanks.

You didn’t say a lot of things and it’s why I presented it as pure opinion.
I will clarify I think that saying 90% of games is down to tank diff is a toxic opinion because it’s just shifting blame.

Not arguing with your opinion just commenting on it.
I’m disagreeing with you presenting a dev post to mean something it doesn’t or when you present one-sided facts and when you present pure speculation as fact.
As for calling my opinion a strawman… weird. I quoted what you said and what I thought of it and never said you said something you didn’t.

Ahh sorry - I will change my post too :rofl:

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