Why don't they just put rez on a 'charge up' timer?

I don’t really care about all this mercy drama, not going to lie. Though wouldn’t an eloquent solution to the binary nature of the power in resurrect be to tie it to a system that works inverted to mcrees ult?

The amount of time it takes to rez a target is directly proportional to how long you hold down the rez button, and letting go early will only resurrect them to the appropriate portion of their health. ie, rezing tracer only takes a second, while you have to hold down longer to rez a full 600hp roadhog- but you could let go sooner to bring him back to 234 health or whatever? Mcrees ult charges up the amount of damage it does over a set period of time (with a ramp up at the beginning) so why not do the same for rez? Why does it have to be so 0 to 1 alive or dead with no in between?

Again, not a mercy main, i feel like she’s mostly fine, not really into all of these ‘movements’. Though I agree the binary nature of rez has caused more problems in this game than it may be worth, so… just a suggestion on how to make it better from a humble no-one.

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Resurrect simply cannot be balanced. It’s always been either underpowered or overpowered, and there is nothing that Blizzard can do about it. This is because Resurrect is the only ability in the entire game that affects players who’ve died.


I blatantly disagree with this statement that Rez is unbalance’able, that just seems like lazy excuse, thanks for using my post as an advertisement for your own post I guess?


Life for a life
you must die in order to get a rez.

Current res isn’t. Changing it like you said, or others have COULD help.

Charge based, or pre-emptive res are the ones I like the most.


I’ve seen several people request stackable rezes for an ultimate, where you can charge your ult and then keep charging.
And every full charge is an additional rez.

I personally wouldnt be interested in seeing it returned to an ultimate, they pulled it off for a reason.

I don’t know if anyone even remembers it but mass rez, and rez in general was just completely breaking near the end of its life cycle as an ultimate. I am pretty convinced that one of the reasons they pulled it off in the first place was because the code holding it together was bursting at the seams.

Does anyone else remember this? Why am I the only one to ever bring this up.

I’d like that. But I feel other parts of her kit should still be changed to make her more fun.

Valk needs a rework, at the very least. And I would gladly take big nerfs to it to get res on a lower cast time (7s valk, but valk reduces res cast time by x).

This is an interesting idea. Every time Mercy dies, she gets a charge of Resurrect. It introduces a new tactical consideration for both teams: for Mercy, it might be worth going Leeroy Jenkins now, in order to be able to rez later; and for the opposing team, they now have to consider whether targeting Mercy and depriving her team of healing is worth the possibility that she’ll be able to clutch-rez later.

That’d also make her even more frustrating to play against.

Mercy is keeping everyone alive, but I can’t kill her because she will gain res charges!

Or rather just nerf the rez cooldown to 40 or something like that, and give Mercy her 60 hp/s healing. I don’t see why it’s so hard to just add more cooldown to the ability if perceived that broken.

Mercy needs her 60 hp/s. She’s simply not good without it and that was never the problem.

No Mercy main either and I feel genuinely sorry for the Mercy mains still playing this game.

Not to mention, that she got buffed to 60hps because 50hps wasnt enough and she was UP.

Haha, you’d see Mercy’s jumping off a cliff the entire game.

Whether they nerf the res CD or Valk duration, as long as I can provide decent healing I’ll play her.
Of course, as a bandaid fix until another rework is done a year later, hopefully a successful one.

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In fact I feel that’s what Blizz should focus on. Make her viable and useful generally speaking, and her abilities bearable. Instead they nerfed the entirely wrong part of her kit. Again I don’t see what’s to brainstorm on when you can just add more cooldown to a perceived OP ability and call it a day.

It’s like somebody complains on Hanzo’s Storm Arrow ability and they instead nerf his base damage. Makes no sense.

This is no Mercy bandaid fix sadly.

A buff at this point, doesnt address any of her problems.

I hope she gets on the rework block with Bastion, since Reaper and Roadhog are getting their buffs.

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I am one of those that think that Rez as a cooldown ability is simply impossible to balance. But, since Blizzard is stubbornly sticking to trying to do it that doesn’t really matter, now does it?

As for this, I wouldn’t like it. Rez is already an absurdly clunky ability to use, with it’s extremely short range, awfully long-cast time, and the DISGUSTING 75% slow that comes with it, and let’s not forget the extremely long cooldown.

Adding to that the necessity to hold a button for the Rez target to come with a useful amount of HP, and it would probably have to be balanced in such a way that fully rezzing a squishy is faster than the current cast time but fully rezzing a Roadhog takes even longer… it all just makes me want to puke.

No offense, but I would rather see Rez ditched entirely than see this implemented in the game.

I do think that mas rez was pretty… wonky.
I know people got annoyed when Roadhog would hook things from behind walls. They patched it so he couldn’t.

I think they should have done the same for Mercy, instead of completely changing it.

I think Valk can be fun in the right hands.
Getting an ult just when your team wants to push feels so satisfying.

i mean like, I was half joking but it might be… something to take into consideration?

I just remember especially when I started playing, that often times my dumber of deaths would be about similar to my number of rezes.
They could change it so that there has to be enemy damage in order for it to count.