Why Don't People Want Bastion Viable? šŸ¤”

Some people just donā€™t like the thought of another hero being able to kill them.
Thatā€™s why those who donā€™t want him viable in any way, always default to talking from the perspective of someone fighting against oneā€¦ never actually talking about playing him.

Someone could easily argue that they donā€™t want Widow viable becauseā€¦ ā€œI donā€™t like Dyingā€

But the thing isā€¦ Widow should be viable same as Bastion for the experience of those who play the heroā€¦ not solely to effect those who face off against it.

Otherwise weā€™d be stuck with a total of Six heroes being actually Viable, and none others coming even close because people wouldnā€™t want to be forced to Switch.


What i fear is a time when Bastion becomes useful again, and the Hanzoā€™s and Tracers of the forums start complaining simply because they canā€™t keep themselves from attacking it head on, or even corner peekingā€¦ resulting in a Mob mentality towards Bastion that would be stronger than even now. -.-


bunker bastion wouldnt work to well anymore. Not with Sombra around.

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Fixed that for ya. :wink::ok_hand:



You donā€™t even know how many times iā€™ve found a Tracer or a Hanzo who would just stand thereā€¦ Right in front of meā€¦ Not even Movingā€¦ And of course i would kill them, only to receive instant ā€œTRASHā€ Messages.

Likeā€¦ Play the game.


You cannot simply expect me to act like a Torb turret when you run up to me as if i canā€™t see you.

And those complaints would only SKY ROCKET.
If we could actually deal damage to people who think itā€™s a good idea to look around a corner a few times at a Machine gun a few feet away from their face.

sometimes i literally wonder if they just want us to be Unable to kill themā€¦ if they just want a free easy kill, with NO Possible draw backsā€¦


Because the hero isnā€™t a human, nor has any living featureā€¦ so, obviously itā€™s just a cheap damage dealing point and click to win Turret? Right? No skill?

Itā€™s auto aim? I donā€™t hear it saying any linesā€¦ must not be a real hero.


I had a QP game earlier where the enemy pulled out a last minute Bastion swap on 3rd point. Our Winston kept solo diving their Bastion, getting killed each time, which cost us the game. In the chat at the end he said ā€œThey won cause of a lucky Bastion swap 0 skillā€

Sometimes I understand why other players are in bronze.

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Itā€™s not aliveā€¦ should be an easy kill as long as they look at it and hold M1 while hugging it.

Just like a Torb turret.

Sometimes i wonder why most of Plat isnā€™t in Bronze.

They solo dive Bastionā€™s too.
Even as Winston.

They also trickle directly into Widowā€™s, who are Very obviously Watching the open space in front of them.

Just ask Astro.

We saw that happenā€¦ Three timesā€¦ In a rowā€¦
Three different teammates.
(Literally walking in a line, not caring about what just happened to the one in front of themā€¦ continuing to peek anyways.)

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Unless heā€™s viable for another reason than pirateship. Thatā€™s hard but not impossible to do with the proper changes.

On console, a pocketed bastion is the worst thing in the entire game.

Mercy will just keep rezing him. orisa and rein will have double barriers on him. And this is in his trollpick state.

if he was stronger-- itd be even worse.

I want bastion to be viable because I genuinely feel bad for the people who love him. I really do. Chibifox and pharahentoi deserve it.

But there is NOTHING in this game I hate dealing with more than a bastion that will not die because nobody on your entire team will work together to kill him.

My heart, my soul, cant go back to season 4/5. I cant. It was the worst most painful most aggravating meta that I still have omnic war flashbacks about to this day.

please for the love of hell do not make this hero any more obnoxious

Making him strong on his own would make him almost impossible to defeat if his team works around him.


Donā€™t be so dramatic. Bastion dies easily to Hanzo even on console, hence he is a joke in masters and GM outside of Junkertown attack.


Im in low plat solo queue :upside_down_face:

Hanzo, play Hanzo. He can use storm arrow to destroy Orisaā€™s shield and then shoot Bastion easily. Bonus points if you can talk a Mercy into damage boosting you or get a Zenyatta to discord Bastion.

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Ty friend.

I will say, I will 100% support a bastion rework or even a buff as long as it doesnt bring back season 4. I almost broke my controller.

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If Ironclad is buffed or kept as a passive then that could happen, which is why the removal of IC as a passive is one of the many changes Bastion players want. Instead attach it to self repair like Roadhogā€™s self heal.

Cause hog doesnā€™t exist and its his most reliable counter.

fun is subjectiveā€¦


Thatā€™s what I was afraid of.

People donā€™t want the easier heroes viable. It doesnā€™t seem fair to me.

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Basically this. Everyone hates pirate ship, I for one DO NOT want pirate ship on KOTH or 2cp.


But just because heā€™s viable doesnā€™t mean heā€™d always be run with this comp, or a comp running him.

Iā€™m not saying he needs to be better than all the other heroes because only in that case would you see pirate ship comps on every map type.