Why Don't People Want Bastion Viable? šŸ¤”


Whatā€™s so bad about having him viable? What difference does having him meta from someone like Soldier keep it from actually happening? :thinking:


Bastion being viable invites the most boring gameplay imaginable.
Rein orisa blocking the bastion, mercy damage boosting the bastion,
Do you really want this?


But is that the only viable Bastion strat? I believe that comp only works because heā€™s too weak on his own.

Doesnā€™t having a viable Bastion allow for opening up different new strats for him?


Because the bottom third of players probably still have trouble countering him. Even in his weakened state.


No it isnā€™t the only strat but it would be even stronger with him being stronger as well
I donā€™t mind him viable I just donā€™t want him to be oppressive which would be easy to do with him if buffed wrongly


Something something low skill cap, high reward screeching.


because bastion is anti everything if you donā€™t kill him first

he just deletes everything within seconds, he needs a rework if they want him to be viable


How do you buff other Bastion playstyles without buffing this one? People have already experienced bunker Bastion meta. It was the worst thing to ever happen to the game and people will leave in droves if they have to sit through it again, as itā€™s fun for nobody but the Bastion.

Itā€™s pretty braindead to play around so people will default to it, and it requires coordination to counter, something thatā€™s missing on the ladder, so it will be very successful.

There is a reason why whenever something new is added into the game, the first thing people try is ā€œhow does Bastion work with it?ā€. Because he is such a ball of extremes he will never be in a stable balanced place.


Having to keep an eye out for a Bastion popping around a corner to turret us all to hell in under 3 seconds isnā€™t very fun (Of course, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not able to use the fun defense since Iā€™m not asking for a Mercy nerf )

So no, I donā€™t want to see Bastion more than i have to already, especially now that Symm doesnā€™t have her piercing orbs.


Hereā€™s the thing: on console I see more bastions then Iā€™ve seen In AGES.

Why? Because bastion is a HARD counter to this healing meta. Heā€™s pretty damn viable actually just needs a little help

Its because we are all scared. Anyone that played the first part of season 4 knows what im talking about.


I think heā€™s pretty viable now. Heā€™s the type of hero you arenā€™t suppose to play every game in every situation though. To turn him into a hero like that would break him. He works best when you have the element of surprise or when youā€™re defending the last point and you need to clear a bunch of people out.

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I think most people would be okay with him being viable if he got a major rework. As he is right now both his strengths and limitations make it so heā€™s really only used in cheese strats. I donā€™t have to explain why people donā€™t want cheese strats to be more viableā€¦


Canā€™t argue with that, i Like playing bastion to goof around in QP, and even in the chaos that are those matches if i can use his Recon config properly iā€™m almost always killing someone, i can to a degree duel most DPS heroes with him and if a Tankers walk up to me iā€™ll just sentry since there is no CC other them a Rein charge to stop me from doing so.

In a coordinated team on the other hand, he becomes a impossible target to take down, 2 shields mean you canā€™t burn through tem fast enough, and even if you could, 2 healers pocketing him is enough to make him immortal due to passive.

Diving him doesnā€™t work anymore as well since the only effective thing against his damage Besides Deflect (which he can just wait out) was D.vaā€™s DM, but now that it lasts only 2 instead of 4 sec its not enough time to take him down.

So now there isnā€™t a viable strategy to deal with a bastion cheese, you either heavily outplay the team trying that or lose.


ā€˜He isnā€™t a skilled heroā€™ or some rubbish like that.


Being mowed down by Bastion feels even more cheap than being deleted by Hanzo or Junkrat and thatā€™s saying something


Can confirm this is a myth.

On topic, I donā€™t want Bastion to be meta, but if he was about Meiā€™s strength(minus the bugs) it would great.


Personally I liked the direction they were taking bastion by putting more power in his Recon mode. I just donā€™t think they distributed enough into Recon for it to be used often.

Why not make Recon more powerful so that if the ideal setup (a double barrier with damage boost) is unavailable he can also be more viable by being a more mobile version of himself.

He already has a tighter spread with Recon, and his self heal is superior to that of Soldiers in many ways save that he cannot shoot while healing in recon (or sentry mode). What if he could heal himself while shooting in recon at the same time? Would that be to much?

Because people are afraid of change, mostly ones to heroes that actually make them viable.


My response is much bigger than just Bastion, but Iā€™ll bite. I think the game is much better if it has niche heroesā€¦ and I would definitely put Bastion in that category. If you design every hero so generic that they can be played in every situation, the game is boring.

You keep messing with Bastion until he is ā€œviableā€, as you put it, and he ends up being a slightly different Soldier 76 with a different model.

Iā€™m not against reasonable changes to Bastion, but I am against changing him so much he can be used at any time on any map with any comp.