Why does random heroes always stay?

I like Mystery Heroes most of the time, but it gets frustrating when the enemy team has like 3 D.Vas or Orisas and your team just keeps getting heroes that don’t stand a chance against a comp like that.

I’m gonna be that person and say I’d enjoy it more if it had a 1 hero limit.

I’m glad its permanent becayse right now all the other modes suck

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Well, for one; there’s no guaranteed counters. So one team could get a Pharah, while the other starts with a Junkrat, Tracer, or Mei (or even all DPS with the exception of hitscans).

I honestly find it hilarious because I never know what I’m going to get, and that’s the fun part! Until you get Torb 10 times in a row or DoomFist when you can’t really play him.

And then there’s times where I’ve had 3 Mercy’s with 3 Hog’s and we were steam rolling the enemy team.

Basically, it’s the kind of game type you go to to have fun, not really to win.


There’s a million momo’s. Mine has a silver border with like 5-6 hours on each hero in mystery :rofl: haven’t checked who my top played was in a while

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I like when get like 3 pharas and 2 mercys on the defender side

I find it annoying when we have to play uprising on offense, because the enemy team got two Orisa’s, two Bastion’s and two Mercy’s.

Total mayhem is the worst, capture the flag is king , fite me

Hey, ya never know.
I don’t pay very close attention to that sort of stuff so I have no idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love mystery heroes ^.^

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I only play two modes… Competitive and Mystery Heroes. I don’t really enjoy anything else.

I kind of agree with this. I don’t even play Arcade anymore because it feels so wonky to me. I’ll only do it for loot boxes