Why does mei still have multi freeze

i wanna start by saying blizzard you probably wont read or respond to this but here we go. you guys said you will be attacking the meta but from this last patch notes i don’t believe you. Mei after 6 months still has multi freeze, and CLEARLY from last weeks matches she is the most META becasue she was almost always used. yet she still has multi freeze why? i just want an explanation because you guys say you will attack the meta but refuse to touch mei the worst thing about overwatch right now.


Because historically her pick and win rate hasn’t been all that.

Hell they still are not that outside of owl.

Tomorrow will have the first post owl balance patch on ptr.

I suspect ult charge nerfs because that has been leaned on heavily on owl and not so much on ladder, so they can adjust owl rates without impacting ladder much.

But the explanation is, maybe waiting for the first balance patch after she is an outlier in any way would be reasonable?

Also I highly doubt you are playing in owl, and her pick rate there is effecting your games.


She’s been an outlier for 6 months lol

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No she really hasn’t.

If you are going to be nerfing her on pick and win rates, you are going to be nerfing a lot more than just her.

If you are up for that then cool.

Take masters.

Widow, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer would all be nerfed first.

Outside of gm she doesn’t make top 3 dps.

I’m gm, she isn’t at the top.


If you want her to lose Frost blaster piercing, go for it.

I just don’t want them to sledgehammer nerf the hero.

You are the only person who thinks Mei is in a good spot. There is no reason she still has multi freeze it’s been op af for half a year


Agreed her multi freeze needs to go, I’m fine with damage penetrating enemies but the freeze is WAYYYY too oppressive


honestly mei is one of my favorite dps heroes to play (less so at the moment tbh) and i hope they revert multi freeze soon. if not then we won’t get it until they have nerfed everything else to no avail and she’ll be completely unusable for a while and they will hesitate to revert things…

just revert multi freeze and call it a day.

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Then the ones above her on ladder has to also go right?


People pick her mainly because of her Ice wall, which is great against teams that often stick together.

Multi-freeze won’t be a thing if players don’t bunch up in a conga line.

Enemies can be unkillable when they simply meatshield each other to protect the frozen victim or even avoiding each other being frozen by Mei.

Who the hell is above her. She is the most oppressive dps right now and the strongest dps right now

Hanzo, McCree in GM

Hanzo, McCree, Widow, Genji, Tracer in masters and below, hell in masters, she is only above Ashe, S76, Torb as the next 3 below her.

They are not know as great heroes. So, saying she is crazy strong on the ladder is, well, pretty far out there.

for SURE she is nothing to write home about at your rank.


You are the only person in this thread who for some reason thinks Mei is fine. Somehow you believe her multi freeze is fair and fine. Wow you must be quite the papega

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Why? In case three people decide they want to keep walking in a straight line against Mei, that’s why


Multi-freeze is fine.

Mei will get nerfs to her Wall and self sustain tomorrow, fret naught, but multi freeze revert won’t be among them.

You heard it here first.

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If you are going to congolinme in front of her for 1.5 seconds, maybe being frozen is the least of what any other DPS would do to you.


Yeah, I think it will be ult charge nerf myself.

But yeah, 0 chance of multifreeze being reverted.

We could be both right.

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It’s the only way the average DPS player can provide value.

Do you really want like 10 people saying the same thing? People who think she’s fair and fine exist and are reading but unless something is left out or misspoke I will usually remain silent unless I have something to add.