Why does Hamster have a 49.5% winrate this week in GM?

Could it be the “totally meta and a legit comp” that is 3+dps doesnt work and you are ruining the game for everyone else when you pick more than 2?


Negative winrate on GM while having decent pickrate, this is indeed rough statistic.


but people say sombra is the most op character in the game but she too has a negative winrate

on a side note mccree went from 48-49% to now 54.76% from this buff


Mcbastions winrate skyrocketed that much? Lol gg Blizzard

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freaking machinegunmccree dude

i just looked at Orisa and she died with no effort put in

McCree is a counter and just got buffed.


McChinegun. Jesse McChinegun.


a comp with a ‘main tank’ that does not block any damage for their team was always suspect to me

but current state of the game might just not be in its favor

Because most players think they can be yeatle level good with Hammond, but in reality they all suck

McBastion :rofl:

This is because everyone playing Mccree who is easy counter to Wreckingball. If the ball is still giving you troubles add a Hanzo, or Sombra or Mei to finish him.


The sample size is very small, so some statistics will fluctuate a lot.


Every game has Halt, Hook, Flashbang and Sleep Dart now, what do you expect?

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Yeah, it isn’t Sombra, because she would be winning the games hamster is losing.

They had them before as McCree’s pickrates wasn’t bad before.

The gun buff (if the stats are not a blip) has really done a number on the hamster.


Isn’t Ham best buddy d.va ? It might be harder for d.va to follow him now.

How you figure that?

It’s also one of the knock on effects of nerfing D. Matrix’s range, Ball/D.va is trash now compared to Ball/3xDPS.

Sombra’s pickrate is lower than Hammond by a fair bit and her winrate is low.

It makes it unlikely that she is the one disrupting him as she’d have a higher winrate if that was the case.


Ah. I read that as like if she’d replace Hammond she’d win those games. I got confused lol.

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That’s a shame, seems like Bunker has gotten stronger.