Why does Ashe's summer skin have arm floaties?

No I am not joking, I genuinely want to know. Because everything else on the new skin is fine and kind of cool looking, but the arm floats are just… weird to say the least seeing as Ashe is grown woman. And I also don’t think they have adult arm floats, at least I never seen any…

I have helped my little cousins put their arm floats on, but that was when they were like seven years old. Why are they there?! Not to mention Bob also have floats and they are on his ankles. It’s just odd…

It’s a pool party, she’s probably gonna get drunk. They’re there for her safety.


She said she’ll get in the pool, when she’s ready. Her voiceline makes it sound like she doesnt know how to swim.


I was wondering about that and did think that could be the case myself. It wouldn’t be weird for her to not know how to swim since I know plenty of adults that just were never taught how to swim at the age you are suppose to teach your kid to swim. Just never seen any adults with arm floats.

Because it’s a wonderful addition to the already robust selection of goofy summer skins. It would be a cool skin without arm floaties; it is a GREAT skin with arm floaties. (IMO)

Just like Grillmaster would be a good skin with combat boots on, but it is GREAT with socks n’ sandals.

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Ya know, I grew up surfing and i’m not even sure how well I could swim well after drinking. That’s a very fair point.


It’s for the aesthetics and theme. Don’t question them.

I’m just curious where her arm tattoos went :eyes: .

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Oh yeah… Doesn’t she have like roses or something on one of her arms. Or at least she’s suppose to. :eyes:

yea she is a grown woman bro, she can wear what ever the frick she wants.


It’s because Ashe probably can’t swim. There’s a voiceline that also hints to it where she’s like “I’ll get in the pool, when I’m ready” - basically never. And a spray where she sits on Bob’s shoulders in the water.

Edit: just saw above this was already said.

The whole skin looks weird to me tbh.

She probably can’t swim considering that her lore revolves around a desert

the wise hanzo once said:

"Pool party?

sounds like a trap"

“Can’t herd, can’t swim”

someone here posted a photo with ashe sitting on top of bob in the water since she doesnt know to swim so he had to carry her in water also… dont know how he would float tho

Listen to the new voice line: “I’ll get in the pool… when I’m good and ready.”

This hints that Ashe hesitates going into the water.

:wink: Ah, the perfect starting point for a fanfiction: someone offers Lizzy swimming lessons. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin:

I think it might just be a theme. Sigma has them too.

There are tons of adults who don’t know how to swim. And yes majority of swimming things that you used as a kid when getting swimming lessons also exist for adults as well.

I had arm bands at 16, not ashamed LOL :sunglasses: