Why do we need rotation?

You dont have to but from your topic and post history with quick Ctrl F search it shows no visible reports of you mentioning it so either you are trolling or being forgetful where you posted it. Maybe you mentioned in other platform like Reddit who knows.

I wish they ban half the heroes at a time. The game just got so boring and I think this would bring some excitement back. I honestly canā€™t wait for it to be implemented.

I found a post of mine mentioning that. If I searched more than 30 seconds, Iā€™m sure Iā€™d find more.

That s the thing. It should be playerā€™s choice to ban at the exact game. Not predetermined by the GM s whenever they feel like it s the ā€œbest routeā€ for us. This goes against everything they made OW Overwatch, a Hero Swapping Game depending on the given sitaution.

So what now? Did I prove to you that Iā€™m not a liar? Do I get a cookie? Or an apology perhaps?

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they want the meta to change every week. Makes it so the game isnā€™t just you should pick these heroes every game forever, instead it changes the hero comps each week

Iā€™d give up, both of them waste your time. I blocked them both to save my time from being part of such absurd people

Given how this gameā€™s players have exploited and abused every other system provided to them, I wouldnā€™t trust players with hero bans.

You get a heart and a heartful of apology

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Gracefully accepted!

Why are you here trolling then XD

Really, Iā€™m sick of so much change in the game.
First his restriction on using any hero, then they use his damn hero rotation, also that there are only few maps available? No, if his game was entertaining before, he really is going to hell. Before there were strategies for different games and maps, with different lineups of heroes, now only the ones you want. It seems like Iā€™m paying for half a game. I do not agree that you have to play as you want and that you take away the freedom of the player.


I think it is a great idea. Something different every week. Hope dive week comes back soon.

Thats SO BAD. Survey about it please blizz.It is destroying comp experience !!!


This! BUT since they will never do this keep making posts about how stupid this rotation idea is until they understand that this new idea is too too early to implement and how stupid it is

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i agree dont stop posting and creating topics all together .

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