Why Do We Block New Heroes from Competitive?

How did you make your text so big?!

How about we not play heroes we don’t have more than 1hr playtime on in competitive?
How are you supposed to work with your team if you don’t even understand your hero?
I have 18 hours on Genji total and I still won’t play him in competitive because I don’t actually know how to use him properly. You should do the same for heroes that are new or you simply haven’t played. Don’t ruin 5 other peoples games just because you wanted to learn the new hero.

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The majority aren’t on the forums either.

I’m not, but since no one on the console market has access to the PTR, then it’s perfectly fair. There’s no good reason not to do it.

It doesn’t make sense to line up racers by who arrives first, but it does make sense that those that practiced the track would have an advantage (and they do do both by the way.) My way allows each person to guage when they are ready to put their SR on the line. If someone thinks they aren’t ready, they can practice in QP. More often than not it would take them less than the week or two of mandated blocked out time to be ready. If it’s a person who only plays comp, then they are going to be just as unprepared when the new character goes live in comp anyway so the blocked time won’t help.

Good luck on your quest. I am sure this thread will fill with followers

It’s not an insult; it’s a fact.

This thread is dead because no one cares, That is also a fact

Maybe so, but it could also be because everyone is too busy losing their minds over the PTR stuff.

Custom games and scrims.

Hmmmmm? What

So you can get used to playing them first on live servers.

How does blocking them in comp help that? That happens in other game modes.

Because they don’t want you blindly running into comp playing a hero that you haven’t gotten used to.

So wouldn’t the best way to handle that be to put a two-hour (or whatever) test on the hero for each account before you could choose them in comp? Blocking them doesn’t guarantee they will play them before playing them in comp, the test does.

I don’t need two weeks. I’ve already tested her out in Training. Tried her out in the practice range, then tried a few A.I. games, even at the hard level. I’m already familiar with her and I see her strengths and weaknesses.

I can fire a real gun. I’ve had the necessary training on how it operates, how to take care of it and how to hunt safely. I’m not waiting for someone to say “your training is now complete, you’ve tested and you’re ready” when I already know that I’m ready to get one (though I don’t really need to get one).

It actually does take a couple weeks to play against a new hero and with a new hero, not everyone has PTR and not everyone has a PC. It makes sense to stave off new parts of the game until the current comp season is over. Idk why that doesn’t make sense. It’s like getting acclimated to different weather… you can’t just plunge right in.

im pretty sure that it has nothing to do with how much experience players have with the character. If someone never played any other character aside from 1, then they could at any point pick a character they never played before. Doesnt make sense to limit it to a single character that is new.

The real probable reason is most likely to determine if the character still has any bugs or is under/over performing and in need of buffs/nerfs. it they were brokenly powerful and instantly let into comp, it wouldnt be good for anyone.

This makes more sense to me than the other things I’ve heard. That being said, that’s what PTR is supposed to be for, bugs. If it’s underperformance, the person can just press H. If it’s overperformance, it’s still not unfair because both teams have access.

if ptr was enough to remove all bugs, we wouldnt ever see so many all the time. ptr doesnt have even close to enough people or time to catch all bugs.
if its under-performing, then players can just not use her, although you will still get plenty that are wanting to use her because she is new, and that puts you at a disadvantage.
if she is over-performing, then she controls the game, and the game shouldnt be under control by 1 character, even if both sides have one.

they just have to get a broader audience to use her and gather better results. it would cause much more fuss if she was let into comp instantly and too many players have their ratings affected by a character not properly balanced.

i skirmished on the ptr for 45 minutes this morning, gave up without finding a game and went back to the live servers.

Because they do jack for testing and balancing in thier public “test” realm. So they block new heroes so they can quickly balance (usually poorly) if there are issues once a heroes launch :open_mouth: