Why do so many people have the misconception that heroes like Junkrat, D.va, Winston, etc. take no aim?

And then in two seconds you get to leave. There’s a reason Mercy is the most survivable support

K, again, it’s not mainly just spam. Spamming is a specific thing junkrat can do that is area denial. He shouldn’t be getting much in the way of kills from spamming. If you’re any good it just means you go out of the way.

If its a choke he’s spamming into there is no difference between his spam and, say…

Mei spamming icicle at headshot height
Symmetra tossing balls
Torbs turret auto locking
Pharah firing at the choke
Zarya orbs explode on contact and can hurt
Orisa firing her gun at a choke can be great prescence
Bastion, too
oh man, and the queen of bs kills… random moira orbs…

and I could go on

The point I’m trying to make, DDPO, is that plenty of people can spam, its a strategy with a specific (valid) purpose and that if you’ve been getting wrecked by it thats largely on you. Particularly for junkrat as he has slowest moving primary in the game with a total of 5 ammo before hes gotta reload. When he reloads make your move or, you know, fire a couple shots up there, make the rat think you’re coming then circle around and surprise him

Also, like, you’ve got 3 minutes on junkrat, are level 17, and played mostly Pharahs and Doomfists. You should be destroying Junks at your level. I’m a one trick and I have trouble with non one trick Dooms and Pharahs.

Also, like, you’re level 17. Do you in your few hours of playing think you’ve gotten to see anything but a fraction of the kinds of play in this game?

You should watch this guy Chro Chro - Dorado - Who's Overwatch? - YouTube

Junkrat at a character is very malleable. Shield Bursts and random damage are neither the best nor the last tactics you’ll learn playing the rat and I encourage you to play him tomorrow night the WHOLE night and really get a feel for him.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll fall in love with him as much as I have, constant nerfs and all :smiley:

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This is a smurf account i use, other is banned for posting a dark joke (not kidding).

Oh, huh? What was the joke? (:stuck_out_tongue:)

Jokes aside, regardless of your skill level you chose just the first two and most obvious uses for the rat.

Junkrat can be used as a highly mobile assassin that requires PINPOINT aim to be good. If you do it right you can have mine planted and wait for your cooldowns old school style to make an attempt to jump in, kill, and jump out without dying. I’m only Gold, but like, it’s a move I can pull off if there isn’t a stun but I still die often and after the projectile nerf I have to basically get into melee range to do it. Still, against heroes like Orisa and Bastion it can be very effective.

Smart spam isn’t random.

Smart spam is based off of knowing the map well

About knowing positioning

About know the gun

Smart spam is about Junkrat specifically trying to move you a certain way or to prevent you from going that way. It’s not random.

The art of trap placement. Whether and where to sacrifice mine and to fight with just nades in a defensive situation.

Whether to trap spawn and where

Boops and how to aim them

Theres just so much I’m getting bored listing them!

Junkrat is fun as heck to me because there is so much to do and its all so hard and when I pull it off I’m on fire with 3-4 golds and people are losing it in voice chat so hard I contemplate streaming.

Junkybro :smiley:


Like I am in Junkrat DEEP… so deep that I’m going to see if I can run overwatch twice on two different blizzard accounts on my friends dual screen monitor so i can go into custom games and see if I can figure out some real sick precision aiming situations. Think Offense on route 66 against an orisa with shield on top of the building in the middle. Most orisas try to get it pretty close to the edge so with a little creative practice it would be possible to learn how to aim in a large parabolic arc and land the nades in the middle behind your shield and a few shots later Orisa would be dead

from “random spam”

Nerfs plz rito… err bliz


Sorry for spamming. I just adore this little aussie dogwolloper

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Ohhhh, youre going for headshots/direct hits with Junkrats :o Yeah that explain a lot ^^ Because, you know, for AoD, you dont have to predict half as much and the strong arc Junkrats nade launcher has doesnt play into the equation as strongly.

I have to disagree. Youre not going for headshots with Junkrat. Youre going for AoD.

Eh, i think i do.

I appreciate your try but the whole things collapses since we were talking about primary fire from the get go. I said that I think that Junkrats Primary Fire dishes out more damage than Hanzos, then you brought in Hanzos Stormarrow ability. Thats not how it works. His storm arrows arent primary fire. Theyre an ability.

Actually you didnt specify LMB except for killing.
You said “spam arrows” which is what your storm arrows is - spam arrows.
Here read your sentence again:

And sure enough you can spam arrows at the choke and expect to break shields as Storm arrows spams 420 damage onto a shield faster than junkrat can even dream of spamming damage into a shield.
You made 2 different specifications “Spam arrows” or “spamming LMB”. Obviously, you realized your mistake and are trying to back track now.

obviously not. Since you think Hanzo’s point and click takes more effort than Junkrat’s prediction based shooting.

Well, since you don’t do damage as junkrat if you don’t hit people with orbs…
Even area denial means you have to get the orbs to stay in the area, by aiming and knowing how they bounce / where they will stop.

The arc always comes into play, shoot to low people jump the death pea. shoot too high it goes over them.
Again your lack of playtime with JR shows by what you say.

Its the opposite in Junkrat’s case.
His aim requirements are not the reason his winrate goes down. Its because he punishes bad positioning and lack of awareness.
Where do you find a black hole of awareness and positioning? Bronze, silver, and somewhat gold.

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Symmetra was the scapegoat for this same mentality.

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Sure. Since its generally accepted that spamming arrows/nades/shots is anything but spamming LMB. Im not trying to back track now, I just assumed it we agreed on that part, obviously we didnt. (Thats why I made the comparison with the Riptire in the first place, because I thought that was just as outlandish as taking storm arrow into account)

Show me how much better you are Hanzo and how incredibly difficult Junkrat it, then I will try my best at both heroes and we will see whats easier ma boi :smiley: Like, for real, add @NotherTatze#2714, its my alt since this is perma banned and lets play some games together :smiley: Im looking forward to it ^^

But not with pin point accuracy. You dont need to predict where their head will be, just where their general body will be. The general are they will be in. They are either gonna avoid that area (what AoD is for, shutting down places) or they will walk into it and get damage. Sure, you do need to know how and when to fire/place your nades at what surface to get maximum effect, but you will get some value from just firing at lets say the choke, the point or the payload. Simply because his nades to incredible damage and can shut down routes effectively.

True that. I dont play Junkrat a lot. I have a squad member who used to play a ton of Junkrat, he was all in about him requiering a ton of skill. That lasted until the rest of the squad started playing him and got ridiculous amounts of damage and kills with minimal effort. That may be due to the rank were at, but thats certainly not the whole story.

Hmmm… And maybe other heroes are more valuable in GM. Sure, he does punish bad positioning and lack of awareness, but every job he does does someone else better. Just like Hanzo is the better McCree nowadays (sadly tho, give me back my Cowboy… Dont let his boyfriend distract you with him showing so much skin, just give me back my Cowboy)

but his winrate also increases as you go down in ranks because, well, hes actually easier to play there. He punishes bad positioning by providing an AoD. And providing an AoD is easier than getting direct hits. (does not apply to Junkrats going after Pharahs, those plays are dope)