Why do so many people have the misconception that heroes like Junkrat, D.va, Winston, etc. take no aim?

The main problem is people need to not to take the “no aim” statement literally. Its simply an indication particular heroes get maximum damage output for far less effort compared to others.

The emphasis on no aim is more a result of emotions getting in the way of people being annoyed that say Brigitte can destroy them in her win condition space and cooldowns with very little chance that she should mess it up.

There are particularly annoying aspects of junkrat where you toss out mine and its more about timing than actually getting a pin point headshot. Its different that Junkrat can spam around corners and walls without actually being able to aim for a pin point target and more just get in a general area and you do your job. In these situations the sort of random feeling damage feels more compared to something that requires a straight line and higher pin point precision.

Similar with Winston and Reinhardt damage. There is no reason to think they shouldn’t get 100% of damage output when in range. They should always get their damage output which can make it annoying regardless of the steps needing to get into that win condition for damage. Winston feels less so since he can’t do high burst damage much at all. Junkrat can and reinhardt, but reinhardt’s is rather hard to get.

Dva I am surprised about since she has slow moving projectile and shot gun hitscan. She needs heavy precision to make her damage worth it.

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I dont understand why people think junk is a low skill hero honestly, ive seen lots of junk mains doing some really crazy air plays with their mines, so if anything, you actually need to be very precise to reach his full potential


No one usually ever cares about the maximum potential of a character. They only care about the entry level. Even thn people will still complain because being 2HKO’d in quick succession is never fun particularly when its unexpected like being shot over a wall.

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They don’t take aim.
Aim just very much helps in actually playing the game.

I’ve never heard anyone say that D.va doesn’t take aim.

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Winston requires no aim. Dva and Junk do require aim.

You’re intentionally glossing over how aim intensive some heroes are and misrepresenting what people mean when they say “no aim”

When people say “no aim” what they mean is “As little aim as is absolutely necessary in a first person environment.”

You would be stupid to say that both Winston and McCree require aim and simply leave it at that. That would be, literally, a spurious comparison.

The aiming requirement for Mercy compared to Ana is night and day. So much so that Mercy, effectively, doesn’t have to aim compared to Ana.

That is, obviously, what people mean and I hope you understand that now.

If you didn’t already since, you know, it’s completely obvious what people mean when they say that.

Also, words have usages, not meanings. Bringing up the dictionary definition doesn’t really help your case because that’s not how people are using the term.

Thank you

You do realize Junks weapon is a noobtube… his whole kit is the “noob” weapons from CoD.

However, people also use that lack of aiming requirement as an excuse to call heroes braindead. They gloss over how much is required to play a hero that can’t aim. A great Soldier or McCree or Reaper can make up for poor positioning with good aim; Ana becomes impossible to kill unless you fully dive her. When it comes down to it, Junkrat, Winston, Mercy, and every other hero who aren’t aim intensive literally live or die by their positioning.


It pretty easy to notice which heroes take the most aim.

Usually you just look at how far a hero’s win rate ranking drops from GM to bronze.

Got a hero that takes little aim. If the have a top win rate in GM they will have a top win rate in Bronze.

If a hero takes a TON of aim their win rate will tank as you move from GM to bronze.

Juggling is easily the second hardest thing to do as Winston and the only way to learn it is by doing it. It’s not like how you can go into a custom game and practice Winston jumps, you can try doing it against bots but they are of course bots and do not move like an actual player would.

Fixed for all of you guys!

You think Ana and Zen, who take a lot of aim, don’t live or die by their positioning? No mobility whatsoever and you think they don’t live or die by their positioning? Their positioning is even more important than Mercy’s because they have no mobility, especially not one on a 2 second cooldwon

Winston definitely takes aim to use, you choose a cardinal direction (north, east, west, south) and fire :slight_smile:


The difference is, if you’re getting attacked as Ana or Zen, you can escape with good aim. On paper, you don’t need good positioning if you have good aim.

I don’t get people that say Junk doesn’t take aim

Junk is all I play if I can help it (check my hours) and the single worst nerf he’s gotten is projectile size because it makes it that much harder for me to pinpoint fire.

About 85% of my POTGs either have no tire or my tire kill less than 2 people. The other half of my 4-kill is left clicks, traps and combos

Junkrat takes more aim, not less, because the only character with a comparably bad left click is freaking genji. Have you guys even tried to play junkrat at midrange? Against pharahs in midair? It’s incredibly difficult. The best ways to make rat insane are gone now (rip sym and torb bonus HP) and he’s meat against widows and soldiers if they can aim

Plus, even if you did die to random spam from me it’ll never be truly random as I shoot around corners strategically, lob into spots I know are common hiding place or simply into the spot my team otherwise isnt defending.

If you die to junkrat randomly maybe you just don’t even know how outplayed you got


if you can aim with dva you can aim with zarya and hammond… pretty much anything that requires close to mid range tracking

in fact i find zarya beam waaaaaay easier to aim (put 3D beam to enemy)than dva but the damage ramp up from bubbling up is a pain

Have you ever swung a giant hammer with your friend behind you? Maybe a baseball bat? Can someone who has played catcher speak up?

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I disagree for junkrat. Hitting frag grenades for jr requires a lot of predictive aiming. Of course you don’t need aim to succeed, but to play junkrat to his maximum potential your projectile aim has to be pretty good.


If you want be picky, everyone needs to at least look in the enemies direction if that’s as loose as a definition of aim you’re stretching for. Everyone needs to somewhat aim but you couldn’t make a Junkrat player play Mcree like you could have a soldier do. It’s different levels of aim.

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