Why do so many people have the misconception that heroes like Junkrat, D.va, Winston, etc. take no aim?

I’d love to now why.
Well other than the reason that you don’t want to accept that they do take aim and you just die to their spam since you have poor game sense.
Also to those who say brig, Rein, etc. don’t take aim… You should go look up the definition of aim. Actually let me do it for you:

Aim- point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target.

So in that case, I personally think that should settle the argument in the fact that ALL heroes take aim.

Oh… Junkrat takes ‘no’ aim btw

And don’t say “But he just spams hur hur”
Yea… That’s kind of how you deny area as area denial heros. Doesn’t mean that’s all we do


I would also like to know


Sorry but I disagree with melee heroes when you can hit people that aren’t even on the screen.


Winston only really takes aim with his jump which, admittedly, is actually fairly hard to aim on point. However his tesla cannon only requires him to vaguely point the crosshair in the enemy’s direction, not on the enemy.


Let me just emphasize something.


And that’s your answer. You don’t need to point or direct your weapon at a target as Winston or Junkrat. You can basically look at the ground and still hit your weapon as long as you can track.

Also didn’t know when anyone says that Dva does not take aim that’s a lie


You do

Just because it’s a projectile that you have to predict does not mean it’s not aim.


The amount of aim Winston takes is so low, it may as well not exist. Anyone in silver can keep a target in the general area of their screen. Don’t take things so literally. People don’t mean “absolutely no aim requirement EVER”, they mean it’s very low.

Not me, i say all heroes are equally as hard to master :+1:


Because they don’t.
The heroes you listed have either screen wide AOE attacks, weapons with huge spread, or so slow of a projectile shaking your mouse is basically equally effective as aimbotting over a certain distance.
If you spend the entire game in melee range with Junkrat somehow, then you can show off your aiming skills, but you don’t.

Junkrat takes more aim outside of close range than in.
In fact the spot where he need good aim the most is at his weakest range- Mid range


Hanzo has projectiles he needs to predict, so does Torb, baby dva, Mercy, soldiers rockets, pharah, and some other heroes too. I would argue that each and everyone of them, arguably Pharah, takes more aim skill than Junkrat and Winston combined.

I dont say the dont require no aim what so ever, but if you played Hanzo with the aim requirements for Junkrat, I would tell you that you would end up performing pretty poorly.

And I wouldnt have that big an issue with that, if the reward you get for that is just as low. Imagine Hanzos arrows would be headtracking and locking on. You could spam arrows and as long as you

And the problem with being able to hit ppl outside your screen with melee heroes prevails too. I have 108° FOV. Or whatever the highest setting is, I cant go any higher than that. Yet, I was still able to hit ppl outside my screen space with Brig. On rare occurance through walls. I dont think thats supposed to happen.

And Melee weapons require by design less aim than ranged weapons.

D.va is hitscan with horrible spread for everything other than up close. Takes as much aim as any other hitscan at that range.


From reading this with English, it sounds like you are saying Junkrat has higher aiming standards. (which he does)

Hanzo doesn’t have to do 1/8 the prediction Junkrat has to do.
Junkrat’s projectile has a hard arc, hanzo’s barely arcs at all.
Junkrat’s projectile is the slowest in the game, hanzo’s is practically hitscan.
The only perk for junkrat over hanzo is bounce.


I just love when people like to have double standards when it comes to mechanical Skills, but what people fail to realize is that every hero I repeat EVERY HERO, has that one Non Heavy Aim- Related Ability, that he or she has in there kit.


Because people think that heroes that don’t require mostly flick aim are braindead or something. You need pretty solid tracking to get decent damage as D.Va, especially because her close proximity means that she needs better reaction to track her target than a hero with more ranged tracking like Zarya.


People think D.va does’t take aiming skills because she doens’t need to reload.

People think Junkrat doesn’t need aiming skills becase a good portion of the time you’re getting hit by Junkrat’s nades he landed 1 and missed 2, but those two just randomly bounce of something and hit you again (which is just luck).

Winston don’t take aim at all, you only have to be looking at someone, that doesn’t mean its just a walk in the park playing with him, you still have to be good to make the hero work.

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Here is the thing. Your arguement for Winston is that you need to aim with him. The problem with that is that his Tesla Cannon has an autoock ability. There us no arguement there and I don’t know how you are going to argue that. Sure there is a range but most of the times the Tesla Cannon autolocks onto someone THEN they look at the targets. I’m going to deny Winston is a “No Brain, No Aim, Winston Main” as if you see the Top 500 there aren’t as much tank mains as say DPS mains. Winston requires a lot of correct positioning, coordination and confidence that your team will follow up. Teams like Boston Uprising have practiced solely on dive, that without perfecting it, they will not have gotten the 10-0 record. Let’s talk about Junkrat now. The problem with Junkrat is that yes the bombs. His kit is designed to be aoe. So people are going to get mad when they get hit. Junkrat is a projectile and sometimes you are in a situation where you might need to predict, flick and much more. However, this is sad from the truth as people primarily use him to spam. This is a character that has a low skill ceiling with high potential. People like Chro and PVP use their poistioning, prediction and in game ques to strategically play him. Anther example of chracters like these are Doomfist and Brigitte. Doomfist can be played to maximize damage through a rollout or a single click of the left button of the mouse that can kill a 200 HP target. Same with Brig. You can use shield bash to set up combos with Rein and kill key targets or you can use shield bash on any character and make them leave the game. This is the problem with Blizzard. They are adding characters to balance the game and in the end they create even more problems as they become op and the rest of the cast becomes under powered and then they think they need to add new characters and the cycle continues. I think Blizzard should balance the cast either by giving them buffs and nerfing the heroes that are problematic such as Widow, Hanzo, Brig, Doomfist maybe and more. They are starting to do that and I give them huge props because they see the problems. We just need to wait and see on how the meta will shift because of these nerfs and buffs.

Monkey is one of the heros that takes the most practice to play. He might not have to use much aim but if you cant learn how to juggle with his ult there is a huge skill difference


i agree with OP. especially junkrat, good players know how to avoid the spam and if you don’t know how to aim with his frag launcher, then you’ll die immediately to a hitscan hero

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