Why do people think brig is bad?

Yeah, if your can think of a way to make Tanks more fun without buffs. Let me know.

I’ve only spent about 500 hours looking at it, but I’m sure you can come up with something I haven’t thought of, right?

Also a few CC changes aren’t likely to convert a sizable portion of DPS players into Tank players.

Even if you could convince all existing Tank players to play 20% more, it would probably have less impact on queue times, than converting 1% of DPS players into Tank players.

As I said. Nerf AoE healing, a couple of the stuns and get rid of the immortality field.

Done. Leave the tanks as they are right now.

And how is any of that going to convert existing DPS players into Tank players?

If it doesn’t convert DPS players into Tank players, it’s really not going to even make a dent in queue times.

It’s how she’s played in OWL.

She is Kevin Costner and Ryan Reynolds all rolled into one.

Its not that people “think.” She is bad. She statistically is bad.

It’s actually the other way around; support meta is completely controlled by a combination of the tank and DPS meta. Moreso tank.

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Because playing her the fun way gets you killed,but the “right way” is boring with little room for error.


Because her kit jebaits you into a playstyle that is no longer viable. She is still pretty good, but people refuse to play her the way she should be played and just call her bad


Personally when I play brig I usually get melted because I have trash positioning. But she’s definitely good & viable in the right hands.

Brig is arguably too good right now. She’s not played much in ladder-play because a team really needs to work together to get good value out of her, or all the failures of the team are loaded onto the Brig.

Personally, as a GM supp player, I think Brig needs to be tweaked and reworked again tbh. She is too good overall; she was introduced to counter dive -which she shuts down rather than being a traditional counter, with a lot less risk-reward than the heros playing into her-, but she is also a pretty definitive pro-dive hero. So all at once she is hyper-dive and counter-dive.

Something should be removed from her kit to make her just one of these things, and polish that up. IMO I would change the way her health packs are applied so she is still a strong counter dive hero, but is a lot less viable to run with dive. Watching the opening weekend of OWL really solidified that to me, personally.

Oh I agree with you, my idea was for compensation in case the GM players start whining again.

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compared to what she used to be, she IS bad rn.

Thats why you have whipshot, a 4second ability wich makes if you time it right Winston useless, or forces him to waste bubble early. You also stay next to your 2. sup against Dive anyway, its not like he cant heal you. If you die as Brig to a single winston its always because you waste whip and bash or missposition

WHip and bash are great utility, I would consider packs as utility too because its not normal healing and more a 2seconds near unkillable for squishies and should get played as one

Wich still charges fast due to AoE healing and is at the same tim the strongest Supprot ult in the game, arguably the 2. strongest of all

She is with Zen the best DPS enabler, Whipshot can deny whole dives with a 4s CD, she has the strongest SUpport ult, passive long range AoE healing and a stun with nearly no casting time

I might actually give it a shot, I’ve been playing brig a lot recently but never really went into playing her. My winrates pretty high on her. Like 70%?

Dude that comp is so so old I completely forgot about it :skull:

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I did the same, but sadly only to 3.8. Brig in Brawl is really tricky, because in most comps you barely get any value from your peeling, but once you get the heng of how you play Brig in different Metas its 100% doable to get into Top500 if you don’t suck that much like me

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Brig: Needs professional players to babysit her to get value. Can’t fill her own role by herself.
People : “wHy Do PeOpLe ThInK bRiG iS bAd?”


So how are brig unranked to GMs possible?

First, that does not at all invalidate my point.
Second, it’s not even a secret that the matchmaking system in Overwatch has had fundamental logical flaws in it since the beginning.
If I had to guess I’d say that more people have gamed the system in overwatch’s matchmaking than in “Pin the tail on the donkey”.

I’ve seen people do nothing but emote in a corner and climb the ranks.

I guess I climbed with Brig also only due to an matchmaker bug, good to know

If you play her right you still get a lot of value, expecially because in lower ranks you rarely get punished for having no speedboost. Your Dps overextending cross the map? Give them 2 packs and you actually get a lot of value from their mistake. Your team fails to care about the enemy genji? Your pelling makes his job do much more difficult.

Just by not making dumb mistakes you can rank up with literally anything, Brig is no exepzion to that. If you deserve to be GM with Brig you will be there with some time

She has the second lowest win rate of all supports from Plat on up. The only one that’s worse is Moira - and everybody knows what a pitiful state Moira is in. And for all those who think wahhh win rate doesn’t mean anything! Well her pick rate is terrible too. So there ya go.