Why do people think brig is bad?

I play her quite a lot (most played support last season, second being zen), and she seems fine. I can basically shut down a whole dive comp if I swap to her, if anything that feels a little bit silly how I can shut down a comp with 1 hero… She is just bad in a rush meta. Once we see more divey heroes come back, I’m sure she’ll be on the rise again.

Maybe you’re just playing her wrong. She isn’t really a front liner anymore, more like an anti dive bodyguard, which is really cool.


It’s because she’s in an awful state right now, and whenever she gets a minor buff the babyrage intensifies until she gets put back in her corner.


How exactly is she in an awful state? She’s just bad for this meta. She was meta not long ago when ball was (and actually she’s meta in OWL rn, which will probably transfer onto ladder soon)


Because devs can’t decide what she should do. She is designed as a frontline brawler, yet she lacks health to do so. She is supposed to heal her team, yet Lucio can do it better. Not to mention her Repair pack isn’t a unique ability anymore - just a Mercy beam for 2 seconds on anyone, it doesn’t even give armor anymore.

She has identity crisis, that’s all. She was always able to stop dive, but the way she is balanced now it’s like saying “Reaper is a tank buster”. Well, yeah, but less so after rework.


Because they’re bad.

I’m suprised you still get brig hate. Most of the Brig hate died when they temporarily buffed her 25hp and people realized brig didn’t actually suck.

And this is the problem. People still think she’s a frontliner. Maybe she was INITIALLY designed to be a frontliner, but you don’t play her like that nowadays. I feel like that’s a big reason people think she’s bad. They try to mace the rein who literally just runs over her.

As of now, she’s an anti dive bodyguard.

Brig literally heals more over the course of the match though? A lot more, actually.

It seems more like people haven’t understood how to play the new brig.


I had more impact going riot shield only in Call of Duty back in the day. Like, I don’t get why anyone wants to use her.

You need to swing in melee range for nearly 10 seconds to kill someone… her little heal is mediocre. It makes Zen look like Moira. And she only gets three? Lul. The aoe is like Lucio, if Lucio had his headphones muted. Only 5 damage on bash is disgusting. 6 of those to equal giving them the boot with Zen. Tsk tsk.

Rally is alright. Armor be broken, after all. It gives her extra hp (because she has less than McThicc) and speed to justify swatting at them for the duration of an entire team fight.

I just enjoy the Belmont, no complaints there. Oh, wait, I do have one, it boops them away from my effective range.

People be lowkey tripping. I have had better games as hammer only Torb.


Low ranked players can’t int in into the frontline and MTD the enemy Rein anymore so they think she’s bad. If she was bad would she have such good pickrates in OWL? Debatably the best support in the game (across multiple metas) but obviously people in lower ranks have different opinions because the game just plays completely different there.


Maybe she was INITIALLY designed to be a frontliner, but you don’t play her like that nowadays. I feel like that’s a big reason people think she’s bad.

You’re right on this one, but that’s still a problem. She is supposed to be a frontline brawler, she is designed like one. She’s like Orisa, who is supposed to be a “bunker”-style tank, yet her shield doesn’t allow for that kind of playstyle. Even worse, she is being actively pushed into a “rush” kind of tank. Imagine if Rein received 3000 shield but couldn’t move or turn when it’s up. This is what is happening with Brig and Orisa.

Brig literally heals more over the course of the match though? A lot more, actually.

If she manages to stay alive and juggles her Repair packs like a Top500 player. She used to be busted post-rework (and I was one of the few who called it out initially, climbed to Mid-Masters with her lol), but now her healing is just… average, and it’s all sustained healing. Which is like sustained damage - it’s not effective in the current state of OW.

It seems more like people haven’t understood how to play the new brig.

They did, but they also understood how to play against her. Which is a bigger overall nerf than those 30+ nerfs she received.


She has a life expectancy of 2 seconds once she is in range of red Reinhardt. And you can’t play her like that any more but they didn’t adjust.

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This is why.

Zen players understand positioning. Brig 1.0 yolo w+m1 junkies not so much. Brig has had a fairly decent positional skill floor for quite some time now, and it’s kinda similar to aggro zen.


She is likely to be “meta” next week… So I wouldn’t say she is in a bad place at all.

People just don’t understand what she is good at.

In low ranks support players, and other, only think about the healing. In high ranks it is more about what they offer the team.

If the meta goes double bubble (winston zarya). Then Brig Ana is your backline. The Brig will just baby sit the Ana to stop people diving her.

I can only speak from my experience yeah but as a plat player, fighting full dive comp as Brigitte is clear death even if I have Rein-Zarya near me…

She doesn’t have enough survive ability with 150hp-50 armor… Winston would take less than 4 seconds to kill her alone, now add 2 more divers and she’s dead in her place…

And the fact she lost her utility just makes her in even worse state- all the uniqueness of support hero comes from special way to heal and utility. Without armor she’s no longer stands for what she was about.

Against one Tracer or Genji I agree she’s good but her current survive ability right now is in the trash… Almost every hero can now fight her up close and win without a problem.

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Because Brig is overall bad.
She is a “niche” support. Outside very specific maps and situations, you are basically playing cat and mouse game with the enemy, trying to survive.

The whole “Shutting down an entire comp” is quite the Myth. Any good dive comp will be annoyed by a Brig, but she will fall fast. Right now Baptiste stops Dive way better.


2nd lowest damage per sec in game (a little weaker than winston)

biggest hitbox in support category

little to no mobility

shortest range main attack in game

2nd highest ult cost in game

whole kit wants you to fight up close, but you will be hearing “MY SHIELD CANT (SHATTER) TAKE MUCH MOREEE” nonstop and dying due to nerfed 200hp if you stay there more than a few seconds

Not to mention stuff like splash damage, shatters etc wrapping around the shield if you are 1 degree off center from blocking,

Also not to mention how her shield deploy time is STILL slower than Rein’s after like 3 years…

No self healing on demand esp when out of combat, 3 kits take 18 seconds to fully recharge so sometimes you get caught standing around spamming “acknowledged” when someone needs healing but you literally can’t do anything

I mean honestly there’s not many shining “Pros” to her kit, and a lot of cons.

Yeah she can work with great teamwork and communication but the effort is just so high compared to how less effort you need to get the same or more value on Mercy/Moira/Lucio for example


Oh no!!! Somebody touched my braguetta!!

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Hard agree with the whole OP. She sucks to a lot of people because they’re still trying to play her as a front liner. Legit stand next to your Ana the whole game. Bodyguard Brig is the best playstyle atm for her.


Brig can do a LOT of things you know.
She has a stun, 20m knockback, ranged mercy pocket, a shield, armor health, aoe healing and a solid ultimate, shield bash is also considered mobility

You can’t just play her easy style like with 1.0 brig.

Play her as a body guard, and pick her as soon as they have a flanker, you’ll make their life miserable by stunning them everytime they try engage. It’s hiliarious how you can utterly destroy flankers, or especially dive tanks with brig.

But she’s a difficult hero now. I was just playing her just now, and I made so many mistakes that caused me to die and get little value. I missed whip shots, I often was out of position, I didn’t help my ana, I didn’t rally as a group.

That has nothing to do with the hero though, that was just me.


She’s not bad. She just isn’t viable in all comps on all maps. Support balance overall is pretty nice. The only bad support rn is Moira.


Yeah the Brig 1.0 playstyle was hold forward and win. She was utterly broken and therefore unbelievably easy to win with. This new Brig that has to be a lot more cautious about her engages is a lot harder for sure. You can absolutely still make fight winning plays with stun and boop, you just have to have some actual skill to the hero now to get value. She’s pretty good.

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