Why do people think balance isn't good right now?

I’m genuinely curious why people think balance is bad right now. In my opinion, hero balance is the best it’s ever been.

Every single tank and support is viable, and no hero is a clear throw pick anymore. The heroes that are you strong are only marginally too strong - with no hero being reworked Mercy levels of OP. It was so much worse one or two years ago.

So why are people so upset about balance when it’s the best it’s ever been?


It being better does not make it good, it could still improve.

People still get banned for playing niche heroes, and some are underpowered as of now.


Because their idea of balance is either limited (as in this is the only game they played) or illogical. Often using “I feel like…” as a gauge for balance more so than hard numbers and common applications. While also ignoring the fact there are many different skill-levels to accommodate (this is the Smash Bros of FPS games, it needs to have everything for everyone, not everything just for hardcore players).


isn’t this the guy that makes 10 threads a day saying that genji is more OP than season 6 moth?


I have never said anything of that sort.

I think Reaper is a little strong, but otherwise I’m happy with things.

My peeve is not with any individual hero, but the whole game dynamics are completely fumbled up. Damage and healing numbers are wayyy too high for how long games last and how big health pools are.

People often project their issues on one hero (or a couple), because it’s easier to complain about that/propose changes, but I have the impression that many problems stem from deeper sources.

On a side note: balanced doesn’t necessarily equate to good. To give an example: imagine if this game had a hero that’s stuck in spawn and has one ability that deals x damage and has y sec cooldown. That hero can be perfectly balanced, but is it any way good design?


LOL! You know that you’re a savage for that, correct? Genji amused emote

But to focus on the topic at hand, it’s because of pretty much the way that the dev team has handled the game thus far. And it’s sad. It really is sad.

Overall i think balance is better than it has ever been. However, it doesnt mean that some heroes arent still in bad shape.

Maybe what you said (or rather, didn’t say) here is a clue as to why some people think balance isn’t good.


I recently made a thread about this, I mostly just got called a Dummy, to be high on something crazy I took and everyone basically just told me: “Nah, it’s even worse” ._.

I would say the balance within classes is pretty decent at this point. Power levels among different roles have a pretty clear hierarchy, though, perhaps more than ever before.

I do want to point out that game balance goes beyond which character to choose. The game could have only one character and still have balance problems, e.g. if there’s a specific “right” way to play that character.

I do agree that the game is probably the most balanced it has ever been( with some exceptions of course).

My main concern is the fun, looks like a case where balance gutted the fun. Unpopular opinion: balance not always guarantees fun.

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Compare Moria to Ana.

Compare Orisa to Rein.

Compare Ashe to Sombra.


None of them are throw picks. Some are more broadly popular, but all are viable. Orisa has her comps and is better in them than Reinhardt. I also think she solo tanks slightly better than him. No one does what Sombra can; if you want what she does then it’s irrelevant that Ashe is better at killing stuff.

Moira is pretty lacking in utility, but she’s at least harder to flank.

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Ana shoots your team in the foot at low skill level matches compared to Moira.

Moira’s not accidentally at a pickrate of .65% in GM vs Ana’s 11.62%.

Orisa’s got a massive pickrate gap between her and Rein that I highly doubt is an accident. He’s picked 5x more at every rank besides Bronze and Silver where it is between 2.5x and 3x.

Sombra is rocking a 35.13% winrate in Bronze and her returns are below average by a significant margin winrate wise outside GM/Master and at those ranks she’s still virtually never in use.


You don’t have to be popular to be viable.


concidering the entirety of dps has been made irrelevant by goats, im going to say you are off the mark

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Its good, but DPS heroes get the serious short end of the stick, when all other heroes can do the job of DPS.

hey bud i think you forgot to throw in a ‘nerf/delete Genji’ in there, you feeling ok