Why do people switch to bastion mid or late game

I must know this because this has been occurring as long as I can remember. So please tell me your reasoning for switching to bastion mid to late game. Instead for instance junkrat or mei or reaper for damage and stall potential.
And for clarification I’m not talking about cheese comps

because he can get a easy pick which helps your team stall more since a pick on defense is worth more because of respawn timer


In my games they pull out bastion when they are close to losing. It’s desperation.


But if you have no point presence so a pick doesn’t matter if they just move the point

Desperation or frustration.

the pick will matter if your team already has stall character like ball and since normally low ranks don’t have focus fire to focus down the bastion before he gets one

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If its desperation people should pick a character that can do things like junk or mei or hog the logic of bastion being a desperation pick makes no sense since I have never seen it work so logically evuntally you think the community would decide a different character would be a better desperation pick

have you tried it before it works sometimes in low ranks


They think they can solo cheese for some reason.

To counter doomfist and ball and monkey

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[quote="Jomar081303-1155, post:6, topic: and if that ball dies u lose period again that pick doesn’t matter when u could of picked mei quickly built ult by just suriving and pushed back the team

Because whatever else wasn’t working, try something new. Basically desperation play.

Funny enough I’m talking about gold to mid low diamond I guess I could see lower ranks than that getting the idea that it could work but after plat that shouldn’t be thought that crosses ur mind

Simply because Bastion requires particular methods to counter, and beating Bastion is heavily reliant on coordination. If you aren’t expecting a Bastion, he’ll tear you apart. If you’re rushing back to contest in OT and aren’t making coordinated pushes as a team, Bastion will tear you apart. Bastion is very easy to counter, but only if you’re prepared, so a surprise Bastion when the enemy team don’t have time to identify the Bastion, fall back, make hero swaps or at least regroup is actually decently effective at most ranks. At least on defence, if you mean attack then I really don’t know.


Surprise Bastion can always turn the tide especially when you hide in the enemy’s blindspot on a map.

Clarification I mean both and if ur already being destroyed a single bastion won’t accomplish anything after that initial shock value and there’s the point where how long did it take u to get there versus another character bastion is one of the slowest characters in the game why couldn’t another character have worked better and as a side note half the time the enemy team thinks it’s a good idea to also go bastion to counter your bastion which is the worst idea for them because by the the time they setup the defense bastion would already have broken any defense u had to get him there so it’s even stupider as an attack bastion

Bastion is easy to counter, but if you do not know he is there, can wipe a team pretty easily.

It is a desperation move, with at least a chance of working.


Junkrat had the same ability though and has point presence and a better ult

Late-match Bastion (and stall-Ball, sometimes Lucio and a few others too) are pretty much desperation picks, as several others have said. I think the logic goes roughly “we aren’t stopping them normally, so we need to kill more → more damage output means more kills → Bastion can do a lot of damage that’s rather easy to apply → I’ll go Bastion”.

Unfortunately for them (similar to stall-Ball) that reasoning conveniently forgets that even Bastion takes a certain amount of skill to use (contrary to common perception), and that unless you can kill the whole enemy team, someone still needs to be on point to stall - and those who do the desperation Bastion really aren’t the players that are used to playing Bastion (thus lacking the necessary familiarity with the hero), and usually go Sentry just outside the point, and thus aren’t actually stalling. It’s been more than a few times that my team has won against last-point Bastion simply because they didn’t step onto the point, and we could more or less ignore them (for example, by using the payload as cover). Not to mention that they tend to be as predictable as stones.


If everything else fails you might as well do something drastic, and Bastion is as drastic as you can be.

He just dishes out damage, nothing fancy or clean.