Why do People Hate Brigitte?

cause with her kit she’s able to actually survive and distract multiple people. Like for an example I was in Oasis and I attacked the mercy…failed to kill the mercy and almost died to a phara…but then due to my shield and I was able to block the damage and self regen…THEN since leaving a brig alive in your backline is the WORST idea they spent around 10-12 seconds of me distracting two major players in a team, then I killed the mercy and ran…thats a bit unfair eh?

i mean mobility, coordination, mechnical skill, and high risk heroes are fun to a lot of people.

I’m not saying it should be dominant.

when you’re diving, you’re always on edge. if you don’t keep moving, someone is going to die. if you go to the wrong area, someone is going to die. if you move too fast, your healers are going to die.

goats covers so many mistakes. its just sustain and holding left click…

hopefully their upcoming buffs will help with that, and ashe should too, maybe

not really, if pharah mercy could burst down your 500 health shield in less than 10 seconds theyre just bad

and the antigoats heroes not being able to stop them either proves:
-the composition is actually op, just like dive was once but even easier to pull off and less windows for mistakes
-other heroes needs more buffs, but because they actually need them or because goats and brig created power creep?
i mean remember how “the anti dive” heroes werent working last year?
now the antigoats arent working.
its happening all over again

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Outside of being frozen and watching a Mei that can’t aim play with my emotions, I love the little bundle of satan.

i never got the hate for mei lol
i mean she cant really close distance easily, and she cant 1v2 for life

she’s an easy but extremely lazy balance approach to addressing mobility heroes (namely tracer and the dive tanks, but the dive tanks are still top-tier anyways)

she also enables goats which is extremely unfun to play against

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i dont even fear brig maybe if im playing diva and im out of the mech then yeah im backing up like a sewer pipe trying to get the hell out of dodge :smile:

I don’t hate Mei but the hate from what I can see is being frozen forces players to stop playing.

You have never fought a Tracer that was any good. I know this because over the course of 2 years I climbed from Bronze to Platinum and the number of Tracer players I fought in over 3000+ matches that were any good was practically nonexistent.

Literally almost all of them were complete garbage. You wouldn’t even believe me if I told you how many of them were good because out of 18,000+ possible players it’s a single digit number.

It’s honestly pathetic how much you people exaggerate and try to leverage pro level complaints to fit them into your agenda and try to ruin the game for a small minority of players that want to learn how to play the hero just because you’re tired of doing 180s in a shooter.

I was doing just fine killing Genjis and Tracers at your rank before Brigitte was added to the game… But you people will sit there and mock these players, telling them “learn to swap” when it’s clearly evident that you are the ones that can’t swap lmao.

I can’t even imagine trying to learn how to play Tracer in present day Overwatch, I definitely would have quit. Your mechanics are Diamond-ish or you’re completely useless/throwing. Straight up.

It’s so sad.

People think that Shield Bash is what makes her a counter but it is easily baited and dodged. Literally anything else in her kit creates an insane amount of pressure on the player to be good that if you ever see a Tracer playing into your Brigitte and winning it is because they are playing above their rank.

You’re not allowed to make mistakes. You have to be extremely bold and you have to be confident enough in your ability to do things that people wouldn’t expect.

Compared to just playing Soldier or something, it’s so much more difficult and stressful. People who whine about Tracer literally have zero understanding of the level of skill that it takes to play her.

One of the most difficult engagements to win as Tracer used to be fighting Scatter era Hanzo. Most of you don’t know what that was like and you will never understand how much skill it took. It was such a fast duel and hanzo had the upper hand every time.

And like dude legit it didn’t matter if it was a bad hanzo or a good hanzo, all hanzos were scary. Hell, the bad hanzos were scarier than the good hanzos because your 400IQ pog tricks didn’t work on dumb hanzos.

I don’t get where all this whining comes from and how you guys justify it or why you hate so much on a hero just because you can’t play it so you don’t understand how to fight it or how a player playing it thinks.


I hate any character in any pvp multiplayer game that has a low cooldown stun. In Overwatch this is exacerbated by the fact that half the roster can seemingly boop, pinball, ragdoll, pull or combo stun you (Lucio, McCree, Winston, Orisa, Mei, Reinhardt, Doomfist with all of his frikkin’ abilities, Dva, Roadhog, Junkrat, Pharah and ofcourse Brig with both a stun and a boop).

There’s a reason why Brig and Doom are so damned easy to get value out of, yet require your team to work together to counter. Every other hero has some form of personal counterplay, but Brig and Doom take that chance away from the player. Hence the hate.

Loss of character control is the antithesis of fun gameplay.

  1. There’s a lot of heroes that promote that type of comp - the main driver being Reinhardt.

  2. She’s got just as much guaranteed value as Reinhardt or Mercy do.

  3. Heal creep is debatable because Brigitte is really good in triple support, but pretty so-so when there’s only one other healer. I’d rather run a Zenyatta as an off support 9/10 times.

  4. GOATS was a viable comp before Brigitte was added - it just used a Roadhog instead of Brigitte. If you really want to be upset about that type of comp, D.Va is just as much if not more to blame. If she couldn’t fill the role of a dps while also having 600 hp and defense matrix, that comp wouldn’t work.

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That’s not GOATs (its defining feature is triple support), and quad tank sucks because Roadhog sucks at everything he’s meant to do and the comp is thusly weak to mobility.

Brig patches that weakness.

Legit none of this is true, except point 3

I’m not against there being a strong dive counter. I just don’t like that the counter to some of the most mechanically intensive heroes in the game is one which can be played with a banana rigged to accept mouse movements.

We’ll have to agree to disagree. It’s my opinion that there’s a lot of heroes that are easier to play or have more impact on the game than Brigitte. I suspect Blizzard feels like I do because they don’t seem to have any intention on changing Brigitte anytime soon.

That’s why they keep nerfing her, creating and buffing counters.

The fact you think rein is as guaranteed value as Brigitte is just… lol

Quad tank existed but wasnt meta at all. Goats IS the meta. Because brig as a third support is OP and no one not even the South Koreans can counter it. Thats why they change around the other 2 supp, the 2 tanks, and the 6th hero be it sombra or doom or pharah or hog or zarya or anything. The key is brig as a 3rd support

The fact that you don’t think Rein is just as if not more guaranteed value is even more laughable.

But then again anyone is allowed to give their opinions on these forums.

Main tanking is the hardest and most important role in the game. Look how much better UK was with a better rein