Why do people dislike sugar plum?

idk why this made me crack up irl

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You kidding right? Comparing those murderers with an innocent skin. That´s not even funny you know…

Folk have said this before about colour theory but purple and yellow are complimentary colours? :man_shrugging:t2:

They’re using hyperbole for comedic effect. Helps put things into perspective.

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I know. Saddly it´s not that “comedic” for people, who live in countries marked by stigma what Hitler done here.

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No, look at the actual skin. The yellow is contrasted against the green element of her wings.

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i don’t like the colour palette of that skin. it’s just my personal taste tho.

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The hair is ugly. Ears ugly. Wings ugly.


Its my favorite Mercy skin but I stopped wearing it because the colors look washed out (especially the hair) and the wings being yellow just clashes with the rest of the skin imo.

I wish they made her wings purple or pink and make the colors more vibrant

I don’t like the long ribbons on her ankles that are anti-gravity and just floating, they make for a weird silhouette. Also not a fan of the huge elf ears

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I wanted a fairy skin for Mercy long before it came out. I even use fairy as my icon. I want to love this skin. I would use it a lot, but they ruined it with the wings. It’s such a simple / quick fix too, but I’ve been asking for years now and they won’t do it. They took the time and effort to fix Hanzo’s baggy trousers and that required actual geometry changes. Far more work than it would take to change wing colours.

It’s a once in a blue moon when I see anyone actually use this skin. Most people agree that the wings are bad. There’s always going to be some people who disagree. I don’t know why, but all power to them. :woman_shrugging: I wonder if they actually use the skin in game though? Or are they just disagreeing on the forums but never use it in game? Who knows.

Anyway, nothing irritates me more in this game than those wing colours so I’m gonna stop ranting now. :sweat_smile:

Here’s a fun game for everyone. Go onto google and type in “mercy sugar plum fairy” into google images. You will literally see more images of Mercy where people have photoshopped her wing colour than the standard yellow ones.


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It’s the wings.

The color is out of place

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Well, flag it?

Yellow and green are in harmony. They’re close together on the colourwheel.

To me it looks like a tacky halloween costume with mismatching parts. It’s a great concept with terrible execution, but then I’ve never been a fan of extremely direct interpretations - which this is.

edit: The art director in me says ‘Why are you using such a strong purple? Faerie by it’s nature implies light, airy, and you’ve chosen the darkest shade of plum simply because… sugarplum.’ I could go on but I won’t. Their skins are so hit and miss - Sym’s ice skater one is another huge miss that could have been really beautiful. Instead it just looks clunky AF.

Agreed! I was also triggered by XyZ8086 reminding me that there have been evil people who have done evil things.

:unamused: :roll_eyes: Did you take a look at the hideous color combination of the wings??? Meanwhile all of her other wings are either the same color as the skin or accomodate with the wings already.

Ya, you have a muted green against a muted purple which are opposites on the colour wheel. That’s fine. Then you’ve got this saturated / bright yellow third colour which draws attention straight to the wings. That’s bad.

The purple and the green are the majority of the skin and they are opposites on the colour wheel which is fine. That’s complimentary. What doesn’t work is to then have this giant border of bright, saturated yellow drawing attention away. The eye isn’t focusing on the skin itself. It’s drawn away.

It’s not just about the hue. It’s the saturation and brightness.

Again, I underscore all this by repeating that art is subjective. When I say something is “wrong”, I know full well that it’s just an opinion. Anyone can claim that it looks great, but I think the lack of popularity for the skin and the very presence of this thread proves that there might be something wrong here. :sweat_smile:


I think a lot of players would be fine with that, if it wasnt for the fact a lot of mercy skins do change the wing color

Fortune changes the wing color so does cobalt these are both epic skins

As for legendary skins the base Sigrun and Valkyrie legendaries while keeping the same color of yellow change the color to a more whitish yellow

Combat medic ziegler has blue wings and pink mercy has pink wings

Because the yellow wings seem a bit off.