Why do healers get so many play of the games now?

It wasn’t always like this. I think they messed with the code for healers to appear more often (they almost never appeared in the past) but now it’s too much in their favor.

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The POTG system always has issues.

Currently it seems to be Moira that heavily benefits.

For instance I had a game yesterday where I chain killed 5 on the enemy team with 7 shots, 7 headshots as Widow.
Not to big myself up (rare that a play like that happens for me), but it was unmistakably the most impactful and impressive potg. Almost solo wiping a team with one exceptional play.

So what was POTG? Moira used her ult into a Zarya grav with 3 people, tickling them while others finished them off…

It’s difficult to quantify the quality of a play for an algorithm. So you always get these weird POTGs that seem to favour one hero or one aspect insanely higher than others.
Blizz tweaks it so that it stops favouring that aspect heavily… and then you run into another quirky issue.

There will always be a funny flaw in the system.

“I dPs! I sHoOt GuY iN hEaD!! WhY hEaLeR gEt PoTg?! PoTg FoR dPs OnLy! To ThE fOrUmS!!!”


You obviously are being a jerk or just haven’t played the game a in a few weeks if you really think I’m just upset that dps don’t always get play of the game

Who cares? Its been almost all dps plays since the beginning of the game release.
Cool, supports are getting it more.

Yeah but most of the time it’s extremely boring like a Moira throwing out a damage orb and doing literally nothing else or a brigitte just existing

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I mean me sitting there and popping Bob isnt really any more exciting. :woman_shrugging:
If it makes that support feel good getting their play for once then I don’t feel bad missing out when I get a triple kill with my ult.
Sure it sucks when you dont get potg, but how do you think Ana has felf this whole time lol.

Nobody wants to watch someone sit behind a wall and hold down a button to heal the person in front of them, for play of the game. lol.


The POTG system in general has been garbage since beta and should’ve been scrapped long ago IMO.

There’s no way for an algorithm to come up with the best play of any match of Overwatch.

From my experience it usually makes them feel embarrassed… Missing shots, wasting cooldowns etc. I remember Ana potg on junkertown where she missed half of her shots and missed both nade and dart. Do I have to mention I had solo 5k that game as sym? Yea that’s how potg works right now. 80% of the time it’s just Moira existing. Extremely fascinating. You might not play back then but during season 6 every potg was mercy just rezing. I used to play mercy back then a lot and it was hilarious but also very frustrating to everyone else cuz noone was able to get potg if mercy was played.


Don’t hit me with that

I’ve been playing this game for years.

So because a few people can have embarresing plays supports shouldn’t get it?

You dont think its embarrassing when I play Ashe and miss almost every shot and get play of the game? Does that mean Ashe shouldn’t get play?

And how do you think supports felt the past few years when it was all dps getting it?

POTGs are literally chosen by omnics as a small way to frustrate and retaliate against humans. Show me the lie.

I mean as much as I am sick of genji dragon blade 4K play of the games they’re way more entertaining than watching moira heal everyone else whilst their dps gets the 4K for the 6th time in a row.

I usually play in a 6 stack with my friends and they don’t like getting play of the game as support when it’s extremely boring. So I don’t the tanks or dps like it either


Where did I say supports shouldn’t get it? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Yes they should get it if they deserve it. Current system is broken.

I gave up on POTG a long time ago. It’s never accurate.

I would rather see torbion 4 hammers kills then moira ult into crowd with 0 kills.

it’s a bug they’re fixing it dw

Yeah, they did this about 2 weeks ago. It’s so terrible because I constantly see DPS, myself included, get screwed out of quad kills because a Moira threw a HEALING orb into a crowd. Like WHAT?!

Yeah, that’s how I feel about it. Getting an Ana PotG where all I do is yellow up my team by throwing a grenade, and then standing behind Rein and pumping him full of drugs is pretty cringeworthy.

Also, give us the option to skip PotG entirely and go to the cards, please.

It’s a bug that’s being fixed.

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