Why do Ana and Mercy have Highlight intros again?

It’s not like we get to see them…

I think a change in the algorithm needs to happen to involve clutch movements were a support save a team member from near. Death or something. Similar. I haven’t seen a Mercy POTG since pre rework.

Like I want to see more supports POtGs in general, getting tired of seeing DPS get it every single time…


Mercy can get it much easier than Ana can. Ana is super hard to get unless it was lifesaver or sharpshooter.

Baptiste is also hard to get to.


I am getting tired of seeing my tank potg :stuck_out_tongue:
btw i see alot more mercy potg than lucio (last time i played)


To be fair, it took me WEEKS to finally get a POTG with Baptise. But that might be me.


I rarely see support PotG in general; it’s what happens when the game thinks two kills are worth more than sleeping an ulting Genji, or a big Transcendence, or damage boosting the whole team while making a clutch rez…

No wonder a lot of people don’t want to play support, not even the game thinks they are worth remembering.


Valk, pull out your pistol and go ham.
If you can actually hit/kill anything you can get POTG.

POTG system is designed around kills.

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Was easy to get early on when no one know how to counter him xD

Your experiences are not universal. Unless Mercy deliberately pulls out her pistol and gets two or three kills, and is somehow not overshadowed by the DPS plays in the match, she’s not going to get POTG. Play of the Game is just as hard, if not harder, for Mercy to get than it is for Ana. If you’re using your pistol to get POTG instead of healing/damage-boosting your team, you’re not doing your job.


I’ve had a couple of Mercy POTGs, although not as many compared to when her rework first released, or during Mass Resurrection Mercy. Ana is extremely are to come by, but it can still happen.

I wonder what ever happened to the updated POTG they said they were working on about 2 years ago and went completely silent on… Something about changing and improving the algorithm to highlight and show off team work instead of who got the best killing spree/ultimate off.


Probably because Mercy’s potg code is still programmed to be looking for multi rezzes


I see mercy pretty often and significantly more than Ana. I’ve only seen a handful in a very very long time for my poor sniper healer.


For Mercy potg it has really been all over the place throughout the game’s lifespan. Back in the first year getting a 3 man rez was already a guarantee for a potg. Not to mention that later on there has been a period where Mercy would get potg for hugging the skybox during valk.

Ana has always been difficult though.

However, bottom line is that Blizzard has been tinkering so much with the potg system, but will never get it to work properly.

The POTG usually works with fire points.
The problem is that eliminations give the most points.

Healing, assists, stuns and damage boosting doesn’t even come close to an eliminations.

  • Killing = 100 fire.
  • Assist = <50 fire.
  • Stun = 25 fire.
  • Healing = <25 fire.

How can Ana, who has a low fire rate, get POTG? She isn’t designed to get multikills, and healing, assisting and stunning doesn’t give enough fire for a POTG.

Fun fact: Mercy’s POTG chances are tied to what the resurrected teammate does. So if a reaper got a triple kill after getting rezzed, will Mercy get the POTG.


Mercy POTGs are usually when someone you rez gets a lot of kills


Yeah, Lucio has to get a quad boop or something to even contend.

I’ve had a clutch corner-peek Beat drop to save our Pharah and Mei both at <10 hp with speed amps on point to boop an enemy Lucio mid-ult into a pit, then proceeding to secure a kill on the enemy Pharah, and the enemy Genji still got play for getting 3 elims with Dragonblade. Still salty about that one.

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As Ana I used Nano on our Winston so he could kill an ulting Genji and ulting Pharah (!), healed him a ton during (obviously), slept a DVA into the well, and damaged a Tracer badly…

It wasn’t even a highlight. And no, the Winston didn’t get PotG either despite shutting down two ults…

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I have to agree as someone who plays both, while I don’t get many Mercy PotG nowadays (and most of them are yawn worthy) I’m still waiting for an Ana PotG outside of Arcade…


POTG for healing.

It happens.

Its almost always junkrat riptire, bastion or hanzo ulti, as a tank I have had it for Orisa with a halt multi kill last night, but thats the first one in ages on any tank

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